Net Neutrality being repealed

>The proposal, put forward by the F.C.C. chairman, Ajit Pai, is a sweeping repeal of rules put in place by the Obama administration. The rules prohibited high-speed internet service providers from blocking or slowing down the delivery of websites, or charging extra fees for the best quality of streaming and other internet services for their subscribers. Those limits are central to the concept called net neutrality.

>The action immediately reignited a loud and furious fight over free speech and the control of the internet, pitting telecom giants like AT&T against internet giants like Google and Amazon, who warn against powerful telecom gatekeepers. Both sides are expected to lobby hard in Washington to push their agendas, as they did when the existing rules were adopted.

>“Under my proposal, the federal government will stop micromanaging the internet,” Mr. Pai said in a statement. “Instead, the F.C.C. would simply require internet service providers to be transparent about their practices so that consumers can buy the service plan that’s best for them and entrepreneurs and other small businesses can have the technical information they need to innovate.”

How do you think this is going to affect video games?
>charge services to stream faster
>have to pay fees to connect to servers
>websites being behind a paywall

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Fuck every single person that voted for Trump and let this happen.

That's what you get for voting Trump :^)

Hahaha, I don't care, I just want to see the leftist tears

I love sucking jew dick.

nice misinformation, leftist, leddit-jew-shill.

lol take THAT libtards

but if we have net neutral then duh gubmint gon control muh internet


This. Based Daddy Trump giving me the TEARS that will sustain me.

>Introduced under Obama
>Fuck DRUMPF this is his fault

Sweet. The free market wins! good on the government for not poking it's nose in on our business

>allowing companies like Comcast charging you more money to access sites at a normal rate
>destroys small businesses and start ups


Good. This is how the FCC can save the open internet.

Praise kek

who fucking cares? This is genuinely only going to affect specific sites with large traffic volumes and stupid visitors. Video game related shit will not be touched

Welcome to Canada assholes. That's what it's like here.

>introduced under Obama to make sure things like this wouldn't happen
>Trump appoints Paljeet to head of the FCC
>Paljeet repeals Obama's bill to make sure things like this will happen

Make America great again, murimutts

>yfw libtards get BTFO yet again

I would hate to be an americunt right now.

At least France is safe with that.

>specific sites with huge traffic of idiot users
Like Steam, Xbox Live, and PSN?

You're seriously stupid if you think this won't affect video games. This has the potential to turn into the most slippery slope you've ever seen.

I'm glad that we're finally getting rid of the archaic Obama era REGULATIONS that kept us from having a free and open internet and let the government control the internet.

Based Trump just keeps winning!

Finally I won’t have to deal with any poorfags on the internet anymore!

America, land of free

It will probably be just like it was in all the years before net neutrality. As in, exactly the same. ISPs don't actually want to piss of their customers openly, they want to strong-arm corporations like Google into playing ball behind the scenes and Google would prefer for others to have zero leverage over them. This is strictly a matter of corporate interest vs corporate interest. Consumers are going to get fucked by someone regardless.

wow you got triggered be retard wojacks

>By Ajit Pai
Not to generalize, but what's up with Indians wanting to fuck net neutrality up?


>internet giants like Google and Amazon, who warn against powerful telecom gatekeepers

I'm sure they are worried about the little guy who is in danger of losing freedom of internet

>the leftist shilling for regulation itt
nu-Sup Forums has gotten worse

>tfw i can't tell if we're serious or just funposting

I was going to single out one of those for a few quick laughs but I just can't.

Dumbass, Net Neutrality was instated during Obama's term. Trump put Pai on the FCC when he poured his brand of swamp into the government and that's who's trying to repeal it, because he's demonstrably in the pocket of the cable monopolies.

>regulations that prevented companies from slowing website loading and other monopolizing tactics in the interest of consumers
>a bad thing



Finally an article that tells it how it is without the liberal propaganda being perpetuated by the biased far-left media! We need more reputable sources like the Wall Street Journal to really help us shape the internet into what our country and people need.

glad to see america turning into a third world shithole

Canada has pretty shit internet but I'm thankful this isn't happeneing here yet. Good luck Americans, I hope this doesn't happen to you guys.

Friendly reminder from Sup Forums here. Right now Sup Forums is being raided by these shills. Go to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and obviously here, Sup Forums, and you'll see several posts similar to this one.


India already charges you extra to watch youtube videos if you live there.
India is a plague upon this earth and I want nothing more than for it to be eradicated.

Why are you guys complaining? You voted for this.



even, i take a nap

Why wouldn't devs raise the price of online services or games?

paying 65 a month for unlimited interwebs. cant wait to pay per the gig now. no more buying digital.

Bobs and Vegana

Transparency does nothing when ISPs have muscled competition out of their areas, essentially giving consumers little to no choice in Internet options.

i dont care desu senpai

*btfos the Republishits*

I've never been so happy to be a leaf

>Net Neutrality being repealed

Thanks Obama.

It's a republican thing

uh, user...

>nu-Sup Forums actively wanting net neutrality to be repealed
What the fuck happened to this place?

because in that third world country they dont have net neutrality and have to pay out the ass for streaming services, so they think its the norm


When liberals are so mad they go to Sup Forums to bring up politics. When liberals are so mad they call Republicans Nazi for more than a year, then demand the Nazi to work with them to stop the FCC.

Gotta love the mindset of a liberal drunk on John Oliver.

we are so fucked

lmao a bunch of americucks damage controlling

No, that was letting Homos have rights.

gotta justify that vote somehow

Feels good not to be an Americuck

See what happened with Netflix in 2014 and go fuck yourself

what if you want to go on any site that isn't on here?

>live in america
>pay 100 dollars for a 10mb connection
>hidden fees every month slowly raising my monthly bill
>net neutrality repealed
>have to pay even more service fees to load websites faster and play games

I lived in the Philippines for 7 months. The Philippines does not have Net Neutrality.

Most people don't know this, but in the 3rd world Facebook is massive. Few people have PCs or Laptops, everyone has cellphones, and Facebook is the king of mobile. Every store, every service, every person has a Facebook page.

Facebook's largest competitor is Google, and the Filipino government is easily bribed. There is one ISP/Mobile Carrier in Manila, and that ISP has contracts with Facebook. For a mere 5 pesos a month (1 cent), you can get an online data plan with 100% free access to Facebook and only Facebook. Getting a full data plan costs a first-world amount of money few people can afford. Because of this, no one in the Philippines has any incentive to build their own website. No one can access it. No one would know how. They just use Facebook.

It goes beyond that. I paid $70 USD (3500PHP) for 50Mbps Internet (6MBps). If I accessed Gmail, Google, YouTube, Google Docs, etc, my Internet would slow to a crawl. It would take 45 seconds to open Google. Videos would stutter. Facebook? Instantly. Switch to my VPN and hide my connections's source/destination, Google loads instantly again. Faster to connect to Sweden and then to Swedish Google than it is to connect to Filipino Google from the Philippines.

This is specifically what Net Neutrality is designed to protect against. It is not fiction. It is not slippery slope. It already exists.

When will people realize it's only good to be a Republican if you are filthy fucking rich? I doubt any of you are business or corporate owners.

I wish Americans didn't let themselves get jewed so much


How did you American idiots let this happen?

>tfw you don't live in a police state controlled by megacorporations

>leafs not following whatever their big bro America does.

>Being American

lmao, the libcucks from reddit are mad as fuark. Time for you all to get a job!!!

Obama appointed the guy, trump just kept him

Yep, this shit right here. It's coming.

How can anyone be this fucking retarded. Net Neutrality was a good thing and was introduced under Obama's administration.


*drops mike*

Its pretty obvious to see how fucking retarded Sup Forumsacks are these days.
Tese things will definitly negativly impact their lives but yet they say

Thats the only ! argument you hear on Sup Forums from people defending the act of killing Net Neutrality.

Based Pajeet

wtf but Sup Forums told me trump is based

The only true path for a straight white male is voting Republican and accepting the corporate dick.

It is the lesser of two evils.

The pajeet is an Obama apointee, trump just didn't fire him (yet)



This shit has failed to pass multiple times before, it will fail to pass again.

Indians hate not being exploited, hence why they constantly look to fuck each other over and come to America as second-class citizens

Unironically kill yourself. It was Obama who destroyed the open internet as we know it, Trump and Ajit Pai will shape the internet into the free market our country is known for. The internet has always needed structure, the way things run now is dangerous and unsustainable.

Okay so I'm stocking up on games. Got 6TB HDD filled with downloads. Hopefully it will be enough to keep me occupied until I can move out of this police state controlled mega corporation country.

>"I didn't know they would actually eat my face" says the member of the Face-Eating Lions Committee

You guys fucking voted for this. Reap what you sow.

>ISPs won't divide up plans, don't be silly! The consumer backlash would be insane!

pooing in the biggest street the world has ever known

all the redpilled chads from Sup Forums kicked out the soyboys that used to dominate this place

Here I am drinking the tears of people who supports Net neutrality.

You niggers literally have laws made so you have to be original a certain part of the day. If this EVER happened you'd follow.

That's a cell data plan iirc but same shit

A-at least we're no longer ruled by a nigger