It's Tails birthday. Say something nice about him

It's Tails birthday. Say something nice about him.

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your gay and a retard. you look so stupid. your a noob and your such a retard that has no friends and your ugly. you should fix tht ugly face of yours retard

Tails is cute! CUTE!

I hope to god you get some unique content in Mania 2



big meanie

His music in the SA games is always uplifting.

worst playable character. Drop his shitty classic moveset and instead adapt his boosting from the Advanced games already. Flying is so fucking lame but the double jump/Cave Story-like boost is great


Happy birthday FOXBOII.

you mad. you mad. you look mad. you stupid bitch


He should get an up+jump ability that lets him boost upward in any direction. Also he needs the ability to stop flying at will, it takes way too long to land

I'm getting too old for this shit

has an extremely autistic fanbase even by Sonic standards



Post it

*two scoops later*
you were saying, little bitch??!?

I'm sorry they turned you into such a bitch.


Tails Adventure 2 never

like your mom lmao

It's his DESTINY

ir would work so well nowaday with all those metroidlike games.

Boy, I guess I need to be cute for the big party then.

Neat. He's one of the better Sonic characters. Usually.

You were his first and least shitty friend.

Been the best sidekick for decades, too bad Forces kinda killed his personality

i’m sure you just want to fuck his furry asshole, you fucking faggot virgin

That shit is gay, dude.

Colors and Lost world killed his personality even before forces dude.



I want to tails!

Best sidekick. Tails is cool, glad that he isn't as much a punching bag anymore as he was in the early 2000s


he needs more r34

Tails is at best the 5th worse Sonic character, and at worst the 5th best.

Babyfucker. Shiteater. Nick Bate in furry form.


>Nick Bate

Why did you have to mention him? Is he in jail?

Remember that time Tails was given the chance to JFK Dr. Robotnik by equine John de Lancie?

I think tails was kinda bro in lost world
He stood up for himself and his views
Mocked eggman multiple times
And scolded sonic for being brash
Also saved sonic while trapping himself in the process

Yes. Since 2015 and he's not getting out anytime soon.


He is actually called miles tales prowler? Wtf?

Yeah it's his full name

Play Sonic 2 for once in your underage life, you fuck.

Tail/Rouge is an overrated ship and just a cheap excuse to draw furry /ss/.

Not a furry mr wizard, sorry.

Congratulations on cracking the code.

I've been waiting for a reason to post this.

I'm glad you agree with me.




Happy Birthday, Player 2


>he thinks people here care about ships
Where are we, Sup Forums or deviant art?

What is Rouge doing to Tails in that picture?


Tails is a fighter for the liberty


Tails is pure and not for any lewding of any kind

Is Tails' spirit animal an A10 Thunderbolt? Fuckin radical.

>Where are we, Sup Forums or deviant art?

Not sure, both places make me cringe.


Wonderful singing voice



Be playable again.
Be less of a bitch too.

Is that a Deviantart's Fetish?

Anyone have the one where Sonic realizes that the second tail is a buttplug?

Sega hates tails, I just want him to be the fun sidekick kid again

He’s only 8, dude.
Equine John de Lancie, you say?

i'm still mad

Tails is not for sexual, you pervert

>Sir, why don't we give them all super modes?

Best character in all of Sonic.

Yes it is.

No, tails is a pure boy. He is not for sexual.



>foxboy's power level was so low he needed flickies to be super
mania made the right call

They may matter a whole lot less to modern Sonic, but I have to say... Saiyan Flickies was actually kind of brilliant.

I miss when tails had a long snout.


I have the same birthday as tails? What the fuck.

Tails is so cute!


>has fingers
>but no toes

Tails having 2 dicks is canon. CANON.


Could be slippers.

they're clearly flip-flops though.


Nope. That's their feet.

deepest lore