
>Mario Odyssoy is GOT-
*blocks your path*

>Zelda SOYW is GOT-
*blocks your path*

Not so fast!

Bloodborne is objectively the game of the generation so technically it's also GOTY2017.

>not even top 3 in 2015

Bloodborne is definitely better than Bitcher 3 and MGSV. BOTW showed how terrible Bitcher really is, Konami quit making video games because of how bad MGSV was.



Good job posting the worst fromsoft game

Literally nothing was added to the game of the year edition, at least you get good dlc with dark souks

Didn't like it.

> painfully linear
> no story
> no music (almost, 99% of the game played in silence)
> can realistically be completed 6 times in a single day
> boring, repetitive combat that was akin to games released 20 years ago
> dull environment - 5000 shades of grey
> pvp laughably bad
> holds your hand every step of the way

It was so easy also. If it had an element of challenge involved I'd have enjoyed it to some degree. As it so happens however I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Pic related.

*drinks soylent and nods*

I do not enjoy it, like all other souls games though.
I appreciate it and have huge respect for design and everything, but even when I finally start doing good I am not starting to enjoy the game personally. I only get the frustration but my emotionally fucky state will not fucking elevate anything and actually doing good just continues on feeling shitty.

Dunno why. I understand 100% reasons why my friends enjoy the games and I think souls games are main reason for new ways for indirect multiplayer to function, which is a meme I fucking love - but fuck, do I have a bad time actually playing them.

InB4 not giving a change or something when I bough Demon's Souls, that somewhat rare limited edition, and tried it, Dark souls on both PS3 and Steam, Dark Souls 2 on steam and scholar of the shit edition, and Bloodborne GOTY on PS4.

I wanted to die when I was lost in bloodborne's beginning hours running loops while friends go "I just want you to fight first boss" and I just wanted to fucking sleep and had no fucking idea where the first boss was at.

>painfully linear

GOTY is just base game+DLC, always and forever you nerd

I bought the GOTY for 20€, a fucking steal

that's right because Bloodborne won GOTY befo-... oh wait...

trying so hard to be a retard


>I do not enjoy it, like all other souls games though.
That's completely fine and if you don't like the Souls games you don't need to. It is beyond me why you went to such great lengths to try to enjoy it. I can only assume peer pressure by the sound of it. If it's not your cup of tea you shouldn't waste time on it.

>wins another award the next year


> no story
are we doing this again?

Lore =/= story

Furthermore if your friends want to watch you suffer so bad and coerce you into playing them then they should buy them for you instead.

It really made me feel shitty that you gave money on something you don't enjoy.

Stale pasta

Not pasta. Actual facts and true account of my experience.

>tfw after 4 years Bloodborne is still literally the only decent game on the PS4

No wonder they want to name it game of the generation.

i want to make love to a doll!

For me the games of this generation are BOTW and Bloodborne

Bloodborne has been out for only 2 years, so the PS4 has had a good game for only 2 years, okay almost 3 but if you count it like that the PS4 is going to be 5 years old next year too.

always the same copypasta + the same pic

>spam dodge to not die sumulator

no thanks. At least Dark Souls 1 had defensive options besides rolling.

I know this is a bad bait, but I actually agree about the fact that it's too linear.

Like hiding behind shields like a child?


It is linear but the areas themselves are very well connected and offer some great level design/connectivity on a world level. Same could be said for Dark Souls 3 but the areas there have some great level design on an individual level, and the world itself isn't as interconnected, but DaS3 has more variety because of it.

>Hold down the "I'm always safe button"
>Use skill and good timing to dodge attacks

>beat amelia and you can go to Forest, Yahargul, Nightmare Frontier, Hemwick or DLC
>this after the optional area of Old Yharnam

Ds1 managed to have a greater level of connectivity between areas and was less linear.

>Bitcher 3
Do you have an autistic insult to every videogame that’s not bloodborne, OP? Stop trying so hard soyboy

So this is the power of soy deficiency...whoa...

I finally got around to playing this so-called "masterpiece" recently and it's fucking shit. I can't play it without thinking about how much better Dark Souls is and getting pissed off.

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat, look at that stink-sink!

Yes DS1 is still unsurpassed but Bloodborne was the closest we have gotten since in terms of world interconnectivity between individual levels.

You have a lot to choose from but a lot of that is optional too and scaled for your level. Damn why did Bloodborne have so many optional areas? It's linear in the sense that you can't level skip like with Dancer in 3 or choose from the start in the same way you could choose: Undead Burg, Catacombs, New Londo, Blighttown, Valley of Drakes, Dark Root Forrest, Great Hollow, Ask Lake, Undead Asylum Revisited. All of this from the get go after the tutorial area. Of course it wasn't scaled for your level but if you know what you are doing or playing a SL1 it wouldn't matter.

Anyone who didn't give bloodborne goty has shit taste, why should I care about the opinion of anyone who as shit taste?

You realize it is 1 (ONE) dlc pack for your shitty game right? Is one dlc pack worth making an entirely new disc + boxart?

If you actually played video games you would know game of the year edition does NOT mean all the dlc , look at borderlands 2