Who's the biggest THOT in vidya and why is it Miku?
Who's the biggest THOT in vidya and why is it Miku?
>Who's the biggest THOT in vidya and why is it Miku?
Everyone knows it's Yukiko
to this day I still have no fucking clue what "thot" means, is this another word 15-year-olds spam on twitter or something?
That Hoe over there, I think
As far as I know, it means "that hoe over there"
It's not new, but it is something kids and niggers say. Why it's allowed, well this place is fucking dead.
I like watching Project Diva videos on youtube and trying to find panty shots
Like most memes on Sup Forums now it came from normie sites. In this case it was black twitter. At least Sup Forums is still creating oc memes like soyboy.
it's a nigger meme that redditors and underaged Sup Forumsemins use
You should watch the one where she gets BLACKED by pharrell williams
>Sup Forumsemins use
>calling others underage while actually typing that
Political memes are all from social media. It's the same thing, you redditor.
Miku Martes?
Spotted the soyboy Sup Forumsedditor
>Everyone knows it's Yukiko
you mean larry?
Martes means wednesday not monday you id*ot
Miku is cute as fuck but you will never catch me playing any rhythm game in my life
behead those who insult miku
its Tuesday
Just try them user you might have fun with them
>he will never experience the thrill of practicing hard to finally be rewarded with a perfect