ITT: Post a video game that you love and a video game that you hate, other anons have to guess which one is which.
If you get it wrong then the other user can make fun of you.
ITT: Post a video game that you love and a video game that you hate, other anons have to guess which one is which
Donkey Kong Country
Doom 2
Heroes of the Storm
dumb avatarfag
You like Dankey Kang
You better like HotS more than OW.
there is no way in heck you're contrarian enough to like doom 2 over dong country
Metal Gear Solid
Zelda 2
a man of integrity can truly appreciate the finer qualities of zelda 2
>implying these threads aren't better than most shit on Sup Forums
Correct. I fucking despise Doom 2. Some of the worst level design in an fps.
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Wind Waker
You like Wind Waker because despite the toon graphics it's still better than the pixelated shit that is the old Rollercoaster Tycoon.
whichever way 'round it is you've got shit taste for hating both of these objectively great games
No, you are wrong.
WHy do I see this picture so much in OPs?
He's said before that he likes to start threads with cats because he gets more attention to it.
That cat brings in the most attention.
I use cat pics to start all my threads. I keep an excel file of which cat pics give the most replies, and the pic in the OP is one of my most successful cat pics.
Tough one, probably TPP
>darkest dungeon
>assasin's creed
You love DD
NFS Carbon
NFS Underground 2
I'm gonna assume you're trying to trick me, so you like Ass Creed and dislike Darkest Dungeon.
Underground 2> Carbon
I have over 250 hours on DD
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
I have a gf with DD's
Fuck, I was so certain.
You dislike CoP and like DOOM.
Dark souls
Dark souls 2
Mass Effect 1
Metroid Prime 1
You actually like Dark Souls 2.
depends, are you that guy who constantly posts darks souls 2 threads>
Normally you'd like DS1, but i think you're being contrarian so i pick DS2.
Kingdom Hearts
You hate Metroid Prime 1 and i hate you
Nah, was just seeing if anyone would take the bait lol. They're both good.
Wrong. I hate DOOM with a passion
Ecco the Dolphin: The Tides of Time
Fantasy Life
You like Kingdom Hearts.
Super Castlevania IV
Cuphead, Dark Souls 3
Mad Max
Dynasty Warriors 3
Pikmin 2
Its a shitty system because I clicked and I don't know what the thread is about
You prefer DS3
You prefer Mad Max
You prefer Pikmin 2 or else
Dynasty Warriors 3 bitch
DS3 went straight into the trash can lol
I fucking hate Mad Max. Car combat & customization isn't really that good, the world looks nice but all the side activities are boring as hell but the game literally roadblocks the story and car customization if you ignore too much of it, the on-foot combat is just like every other WB open-world action/adventure with less variety & a charge attack. DMC2 had some interesting ideas but I'm not crazy about it, I just don't have a strong opinion on it
Final Fantasy IX
Kingdom Hearts 2
How can you fuck up this badly?
Then why pick the worst DMC as "game that you love"? It would've been an easy choice if you picked DMC1 or DMC3
Because I didn't want it to be easy you fucking shitcunt
You broke the fucking rules you cancerous fuckface
I loved the alternate DT movesets in 2, but alright here's one to sate your tism you whiny thot
Saint's Row
Wrong I love Fable
You love Cuphead
You love Mad Max
You love Final Fantasy
Doom (1993)
Doom (1993)
*Saint's Row 2
most likely ecco
You love SA
Saint's Row 2>any GTA
You said Saintrs Row 1 you fucking jew
Yeah I fucking love Ecco, one of my favorite series of all time. Good job user.
nigger every single person on Sup Forums has saved that particular cat pic
Metal Gear Solid V
Horizon Zero Dawn
I said "Saint's Row" then corrected myself later. No number was originally mentioned, I could've meant the whole franchise for all you know
Saint's Row franchise
GTA franchise
You like Saints Row more
OH Nyeah, I kinda like GTA4 but honestly it's my least favorite R* franchise
i swear if you said fantasy life i was going to flip shit
If you like either then you deserve death
Fortnite obviously the better of the two
yeah nah fantasy life was nothing compared to Ecco
Final Fantasy IV
Sonic CD
Doom 2
Final Fantasy VII
Dragon Quest VIII
You hate Doom from the year 2016
Wrong. I loved nudoom. Doom 2 is absolutely dreadful.
Metroid fusion
Beyond good & evil
Persona 3 FES
Fair enough, I don't really view it as a seperate game from Doom 1 though, it's basically just a map pack with new enemies and the super shotgun
Sonic Heroes.
Sonic 2006
Sonic Forces
Sonic 2006 rules, people having issues with it never played Dreamcast Adventure 1
You like Persona 3
Dragon Age Origins
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
Fallout New Vegas
You love Metroid Fusion
You like Sonic Heroes
Not him but I haven't.
Luigi's Mansion
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Guild Wars 2
League of Legends and gta san andreas
>Wonky steering physics coupled with shitty drifting physics: The game
I have. Added it to my grafix and blini folder.
That's really weird
Sound Voltex
You better like Luigi's Mansion more than Amnesia
You hate them both.