How did Capcom fuck up so bad that a Dragon Ball game is going to become the best fighting game this gen?

How did Capcom fuck up so bad that a Dragon Ball game is going to become the best fighting game this gen?

by not making their games for their main audience and trying to make it more accessible.

This game is gonna be dead on arrival like other anime fighters even if it's based on a well known franchise. Fightan is dead.

>that a Dragon Ball game is going to become the best fighting game this gen?

But that's wrong, the actual answer is even more embarrassing: A pokemon fighting game is the best fighting game this gen. People seriously underestimate how good Pokken is for competitive play (It's shit casually, ironically)

Honestly at this point I want a Sailor Moon competive fightan so all 3 major 90's anime properties have actual FGC titles.

Tekken 7 is the best fighting game this gen.

Either we, we can all agree that Bamco won really hard.

Wrong, Pokken is the superior Harada title, see >Either we, we can all agree that Bamco won really hard.


DBFZ is going to be one of the most accessible fighting games ever

but it's boring as fuck to watch and that's all that matters. No one gives a fuck how in depth or truly competitive a game is, if it doesn't look good while doing it then it's trash.

>it's boring as fuck to watch and that's all that matters
youre talkin about dbfz

Less so than MvC:I and SFV at least.

>I want a Sailor Moon competive fightan
i never knew i wanted this until now, just imagine the threads

"fucking mars gets another buff but jupiter doesnt get touched?! THATS HORSESHIT"

>no JoJo fighter

Pretty much this. Making the Marvel side be basically just the cinematic universe killed pretty much all excitement. Also the dlc is day 1 iirc.

You're delusional.

Nintendo may have a monopoly on platformers, but you really should keep out of discussions about fighting games, and also RPGs on a related note.

That new Venom trailer is so awful.

They're trying too hard to ride brand recognition, half assing everything because the game has Capcom and Marvel in the title.

>become the best fighting game this gen?
yeah right

I'm maining Mercury and going to body all you burgerniggers so hard.


Look up the budget for MvC and you'll have your answer

>tfw dbfz is the most hyped fighting game this gen.
SFV. Dropped
T7. Dropped
KI. Dropped
GG. Dropped
BB. Dropped


There is though.

what about KoF?

They lost their talent. SFV and MVCI don't have that arcadey sheen over them that lets you watch the same animations thousands of times and have them still catch your eye.

By giving the game basicly no budget
I don't know what the fuck Capcom expected

Venom is the only MVCI character so far who still has that feel of unapologetic arcadiness that used to be commonplace even in MVC3 like with Magneto having the old hand afterimages.

My sides.
They've been ultra'd.


Forgot it even exists desu

Venom looked amazing

Hopefully modders can fix his voice

It looks kinda lazy the way he just glides over when he starts the super combo.

>that ending

That "disconnected from server" at the end never fails to make me kek

There are people on this board right now that like Dragonball Super. Buncha fags

>Less so than MvC:I and SFV at least.
you can't seriously believe this

I like it, but its nowhere near on the same level as DB and DBZ, its pretty much a saturday morning cartoon, so i treat it as much.

Capcom should just sell Darkstalkers to Arcsys

Except Nintendo didn't make Pokken, the tekken team at bamco did. Nintendo only published it. I think you are the one needing to keep out of disscusions about shit you don't know about, user.

Sorry, user, I actually play games and go to my locals instead of just chimping out in stream chats, so how fun the gameplay is and how conductive it is to competitive play is what matters

>tag team fighter
fuck that
>weaksauce roster for a supposed fanservice game
would not buy

>naruto garbage
>best fighting game
yeah alright


>weaksauce roster
>all of the most popular non movie DBZ characters + SSB forms
What do you fucking want in the game, fucking wolverine?

not him but this game looks really lackluster and the hype will die out real fast

>sell Darkstalkers
Why would they need to sell?
Arcsys is a development studio, Capcom could still publish a Darkstalkers game developed by them.

it'll last longer than SFV and MvCI, thats for sure.

Budget, MvCI must have like 10% of DBZF's budget

every character from DBZ budokai tenkaichi 3 as a start
This isn't PS2 era anymore where console limitations, memory limitations and tiny team sizes are commonplace yet games are smaller and have less content than fucking decade old games

these characters take 5x as long to make than a character from BT3, this is a fighting game, not a DBZ Sim.

Production cost have gone up, burgertard.

A new one like DB Fighterz nigga.

>all these retards hyping a game they actually won't play

Why do you do this?

i like fighting games so im going to play it

>DBFZ is going to be one of the most accessible fighting games ever

I see Crapcbros are so used to eating shit that the idea of a game drawing in players from outside the FGC is completely foreign and unfathomable to them.

>FGC is completely foreign and unfathomable to them.

I'm a Tekkenfag. All you fags will buy the game and realise it's too complex for your brains and drop it in one week.

You know Sup Forums sucks at fighters when Low Tier God is better than 90% if faggots here.

>literally admitting he doesn't play shit

Fucking kek

MvC has been shit for years.
and DBFZ is casual GG.

I play GG, Tekken and UNIEL, nerds.

I really don't understand how you can do a shitty game like this when all the stars are on your side.
It's not like MvC3, it was THE RIGHT time to release this game, even more after the failure of SFV.
And no, it's not just because muh MCU and Xmen, they could've done a good roster with the MCU:
Vision, Scarlet Witch, Loki, Black Panther, Star-Lord, Ant-Man, Hela, Vulture, Captain Marvel, DareDevil, Punisher, Iron Fist, King Pin,...
But no, the roster is just a fucking rehash, same with the boring Capcom side.
It's literally the worst roster I ever seen.

This mentality that ArcSysfags are trying to push that the games are in complete direct competition with one another is completely retarded and does little more than to taint the Dragon Ball name as a whole. It’s not enough that we have an influx of nostalgiacucks besmirching Cell’s name by posting his pic alongside “lol get fucked Superfags” and “OPTIONAL COMEDY PREQUEL”, but the fact that there are people still out there who want to still ruin all Marvelfags good time by decrying their game, especially after it has been test-proven to be a hype, fun fighter, just paints the Dragon Ball fanbase as a whole as a bunch of petty, autistic Mexican’ts & spics who are only here to take pleasure in ruining other people’s good times and will abandon the game for the next piece of hot garbage Scamco anime ass instead of sticking through it like a dedicated fighting game community.
Frankly, the roster looks like the same boring shit it has since all games after Z’s end, with nothing to set it apart from the based Budokai games except Clone Char Blue #1 & #2, and all you shitlords really have at the moment is to bully the Marvelkiddies, who at least have access to based Jedah & Sigma. Come back swinging when you get some reveals & gamplay of like Master Roshi, King Piccolo, Beerus Whis, Hit, or Zamasu, or if you get that hot piece of sex hair #21 playable, and maybe you folks won’t look like a bunch of sad children celebrating Cuckhan of all characters.

Arcsys so yeah. Even with the simplified controls DBFZ and other easier Arc fighters are still more technical then SFV and MVCI



>no super shit
Thank shenron, that would have been a deal breaker; blue hair is lame but it's not the worst.

and thus leads to the game's downfall with lack of interest from its audience


I feel bad for MvCI's devs.

>play Capcom fighters as a kid
>decide you want to make games which are even more fun
>get CS degree
>work hard and learn hard towards your dream
>get hired by Capcom
>your first project is MvCI
>think about all these awesome moments at EVO your game will have
>work your ass off
>several months later it turns out your game is dead because of executive meddling

>Hopefully modders can fix his voice
Seriously, how could they mix Carnage's and Venom's voices? Just WHAT THE FUCK

Play Xenoverse 2 if you want all of the characters

>anything like the naruto games

You've clearly never played it or even know anything about the game at all.

The actual gameplay is totally different, since pokken in terms of the gameplay mechanics and systems is in line with other competitive fighters (multiple attack buttons, characters have different inputs and moves, attack heights, cancels, etc) and the way the camera and movement work are totally different as well, with Pokken essentially being a traditional 2d fighter in duel phase and acting pretty incomparable to any other 3d fighting game in field phase, though if I had to make a comparsion i'd say field phase is most similar to Gundam Vs.

Is this pasta?


all star battle was fine, they just dropped it like a sack of rocks instead of actually improving on it


>naruto garbage
i have half a mind to rape your feet.

>playing projectile spam character

Umm.... why haven't you played Tekken 7 sweetie?

Will DBFZ sell more than Injustice?

i would like pokken more if it had actual big stages and a way to punish wall slammers

looks like one of those situational combos which may happen once every 10 matches
post more popplio combos
doesn't scizor have popplio combos?

>work your ass off
I'm pretty sure no one worked their ass off during that game's development. If they did, it sure as fuck doesn't look like it.

I main weavile, I don't think it's that situational. Weavile's entire playstyle sort of revolves around winning the intial field phase with a hard knockdown and getting the other character into the corner, then using 6[x] on their wakeup. If they block it, then you can go into a blockstring that leaves you hilariously plus and free to keep applying pressure or go for a mixup, or if the 6[x] catches them, you can combo into fury swipes for pretty good damage which puts them into hard knockdown again.

The combo in the webm is easily something you could catch players with if they block the 6[x] after the blockstring ends if they try to jump to get out of the corner, which is a pretty common escape option. Shorter wallsplat combos with icicle crash like that already get a decent amount of usage at high level play, though having icicle crash as the opener is a bit unusual.

>doesn't scizor have popplio combos?
I don't plays scizor so I don't know, but I want to learn him.

The fact the phase shift system is a thing sort of alleviates the potential issue of corner pressure being too powerful, though, no? Counter/Focus attacks being in also does to an extent.

Worst fighting game this gen

That ending fucking got me

I blame women.

I've only seen first season of Dragonball. Gonna marathon the rest soon before the game is out.

Would rather it go to French Bread to be honest.

>Sup Forums claims SF5 isnt complex enough
>hypes Tekken, a game where you're either a casual masher or a korean that remembers hundreds of moves
>Tekken PC loses nearly 90% of its online players in less than 3 month (16k to 2~k)
>Sup Forums now hypes DBZF, a game clearly designed for casual mashers and only casual mashers

I'm beginning to see a pattern here

it's funny how people shit on fighting games that are too anime when the fighting games and the characters are heavily inspired by anime.
Hell, Street Fighter is nothing but redesigned Jojo characters with Capcom's signature and story on it.

Lack of talent.

You can get more specific and talk about how the character models are amateurish at best, the mechanics are overly-simple and beginner-friendly, and how the game was released in a bare-bones state, but it all comes back to the main point that the talent left Capcom a long time ago. I don't think they're "evil" or trying to fuck people over on purpose, I just think that they're doing their best and they are no longer the triple-A brand that they used to be. It also doesn't help that they've been notoriously outsourcing a lot of their work, which clearly is not working out for them.

For the past few years they have been able to coast and get by on the good reputation that they built up in the 80's, 90's, and early 00's, but I think they've cashed in on all of that good will and they are going to have some real tough times ahead. Today's casual, mainstream gamer is too young to remember the golden years of Capcom games; they only know Capcom as the guys behind games like DmC, Resident Evil 6, Street Fighter V, and Marvel VS Capcom Infinite.

read the manga instead

Yeah, people like the idea of playing fighting games until they actually play them and realize how they have to put in effort to be good.

>a game clearly designed for casual mashers and only casual mashers
Well I wouldn't go that far.


I doubt FighterZ will be better than Xrd.

Why is spencer in mvci again? Ws leaves him entirely obsolete and he doesn't even have a good gimmick anymore.

So they could re-use his animations, I'd guess.

He's the personal favorite of Combofiend and porting old data/rigging/animations is easier than starting from scratch.

Same reason that most of the other characters were selected: they were in MvC3 and could reuse the assets to cut down on development costs

The only character rendered entirely obsolete by "Good Chris" is Chris

If we are going by reviews, best fighting game this gen has been Injustice 2.