All i just want is to EA lose its license over Star Wars

All i just want is to EA lose its license over Star Wars.

Please Disney do it.

yeah, and pawn it off to some other shit company? Good idea.

Literally anyone else is preferable.

Pretty much anyone else is better, even ubi.

it literally would end up in the same shlock we have now dumbass, Disney isn't going to take away EAs license anyway so the argument is moot

Now imagine the fun if the FTC took an antitrust hammer to EA and broke it back up into the studios it ate.
>party hard

Eat shit EA!

literally the shittiest company has it except konami, anybody else would be better you idiot

>Wanting star wars games

Naw fuck that idea, setup new games in new sci fi worlds

All I want is to disney lose their license over star wars.

>buy rights to one of the most revered IP's in the world
>run it into the fucking ground and whore it out like a 2 bit hooker, garnering international attention and not the good kind either
>get surprised when IP holder gets pissed and takes away your rights to it


i want ea to lose the madden license

all i want is for the devs to lose their jobs and be broke for christmas

EA is too willing to rape star wars for profit, which disney loves. Its never going to happen.

Even in an ideal world for star wars disney is going to keep a deathgrip on star wars and the best thing you could hope for is that disney sells licenses to any developer with a will to make a good video game.

star wars is (was) the pinnacle of sci fi, people want WWII in space anything else is garbage fairies and elves in space shit.

hi everyone im gay

all I want is a puppy

have you not been paying attention at all? the only reason EA even pulled those cancerous lootboxes out is because disney made them do it. and now that the game is LITERALLY going to get banned in many countries you can bet your ass disney will be revoking EA's license.

>breaking a contract with ea
good fucking luck

>breaking a contract 7 years early
Yet more proof this board is overrun with toddlers who have no idea what the fuck theyre talking about

What's EA gonna do, shut down Disney?

have you not been paying attention at all? Disney made them do it because of all the outcry because they were worried about their bottom line. You're a moron if you think disney cares about anything but its profits.

Are you talking about EA, or Disney? Because both of them have done this.


real talk

new star wars isn't any better or worse than old star wars, it just doesn't have the novelty of being something new. the old stuff is just as cheesy, stupid, and merchandise-driven, you're just older and can smell the bullshit when something new is like that while having nostalgia for the original because you grew up with it.

Regardless, Star Wars vidya was definitely of higher quality back in the 90s and 00s.

All I want is for normalfags to just let Star Wars rest, it hasn't been great since the second movie.

I agree.
Prequels are dumb, though.

I want SEGA to have the Star Wars license so we can get Galactic Yukaza, or a Sonic crossover.

There's six more years left in the contract, we've still got a decade before any good SW games come out.