Wtf I thought this is a dude

wtf I thought this is a dude

wheres the titties
wheres the wider hips
why is """"""""""she"""""""""""" look more like a man than a professional female bodybuilder

I want her to bully me.

look at the arms m8, literally the rock tier

i know, my brother used to lift and his didnt even get that big
what the fuck

that is understandable

Damn, Chloe looks like that???!

>those delts
>those forearms
>that chest

this is a man. a man on steroids.

how they get that big during the apocalypse?
like to get such muscles you need to work out everyday and eat shitloads of proteinshakes

they probably have access to steroids, still doesnt explain how they maintain such a physique when food isnt as easy to come by.

just noticed the neck


>world gone down the shitter
>try all kinds of steroids that you find

Intense masturbation sessions

natty if man, steroids if titties


ty for reminding me to smack it to this trailer again

I was too busy fapping to the best vidya hanging scene of the 2010s to notice anything wrong with the girl.

its clearly a dude

It's not a dude.



Nope. That is what a 2017 white woman looks like you bigot

Ryona is so delicious, you rarely see it in western games.