Be honest, have you ever bullied someone in a video game?

Be honest, have you ever bullied someone in a video game?


>Tweet your reply
Cut deeper you fucking roastie


Actually no.

Rocket league bullying?
>Nice Shot
>Nice Shot
>Nice Shot
>Nice Shot

>Attention whoring

No, because I'm not a shit human being.

Back in my day, we just called it having a flamewar and it was a regular occurrence, something everybody took part in with glee.

Young people are a bunch of candyass faggots.

ahahaha walk away etc?

>she can't even cut herself the right direction


Yes. Video games picked up a razor, found your house, entered your room, and sliced your arm. Just like McDonalds forces you to eat 6 Big Macs a day. It’s 100% not the mental instability of your brain.

what a dumb whore



I was already an adult when I started playing lots of online games, so I missed being online during the teenager stage when people thought it was cool to scream just and nigger.

How the fuck is there bullying in rocket league?

Why do women trying to ruin video games
what did we do to them

Does calling eastern europe monkeys "third world niggers" in world of tanks count as bullying?


You have to be one weak motherfucker to let words hurt you like this.
You're only offended if you choose to be.

that's not how you cut yourself you fucking faggot

attention whore

God damn nothing really pisses me off when it comes to vidya but this makes me lose my mind.

I wish there was an anime of this
>mercy: g-gomen

this. the only thing more pathetic than a cyberbully is a person who actually gets offended by them

Welcome to the 21st century
>Muh feelings

Making fun of people in online games is one of the greatest treasures the 21st century has given us.

>devs makes changes and answer to this kind of cancer


>what did we do to them

We learned to live without them.

You know this is just a cry for attention because she took the time to take the picture and tweet it

Why are people like this? Why do people need attention.. it seems like 60% or so of people live in perpetual expectation. It is kind of maddening to see all the time.

Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB

They can't tolerate the idea of guys having fun on their own. Probably trigger some kind of psychological response like "they are having fun without me, it means they don't need me at all and pay no attention to me".

>they actually took "let me lick your gaping donut hole" seriously
how do people live with such thin skin?

What happened when Adam trusted Eve?

>this is the type of person to actually report you for fucking around

Doesn't it say ESRB ratings don't apply to online experiences? She can't argue the ESRB rating when they've already established that it doesn't apply.

It's literally mental illness. The delusion is truly next level.

>get bullied in online game and cut yourself over it
>continue playing it

Of course. People need to know when they suck or are ruining a team based game. It's the only way they will learn.

Fucking millennial bitches take the time to photograph and tweet ANYTHING and EVERYTHING attention or no attention.

absolutely. It's fucking words on a video game, man up

What a save!

>Implying its not just women

Every god damn day.

Can't say I feel bad about it. It's online shit. If I was able to survive 15+ years of bullying from people I called friends, in real life, face to face, and didn't off myself someone who goes online and can't handle words on a screen won't be producing anything to help society anyway.

Two words:

Feminine Fragility

who /respect/ here?

>What a save!
>What a save!


You're a millennial too. It's possible you could be gen z given Sup Forums's underage population but it's still most likely that you're a millennial too and just don't know what the word means.

Yes, but only sexually.

Because their only source of human interaction is digital via games and Facebook. No surprise that shit doesn't cut it, so they cut it hoping that cuts it, which if course doesnt.

Damn right I have.
And I still do.
And seeing shit like this makes me want to bully them even more. Up until suicide.


Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

what the fuck google

Gen x actually
>my generation made millennials, so fuck us too
>at least I'm never have kids

She changed her twitter handle and just implied that she's about to kill herself.


>I'm too edgy for my shirt
>too edgy for my shirt
>so edgy it hurts

>yfw you probably unknowingly driven someone to suicide by saying stupid shit to them

I'm don't even banter that much with people online.

What's your favorite podcast, Sup Forums?

>Why do women trying to ruin [insert activity here]
Because they are unfun people.

Imagine being such a sadsack you commit self harm over a game where toy cars with silly physics try to get a big ball into a net.

Funny. The switches resolution makes me want to do that too.

No but seriously how do I get good at this game? And is all the cool shit locked behind loot crates or can I actually get those unlocks normally?

fake as fuck, that's what my arm looks like after playing with my cat

>Physically harming yourself over a bunch of pixels

This is 'smashing your controller because you keep losing' tier. Bonus points for going back online to tell everyone how bad they are at keeping their emotions in check while performing an entirely voluntary recreational activity.

Is bullying ok Sup Forums?

>Gen X
>Posting on Sup Forums when you are over the age of 36
Sort yourself out brah.

The OG Yogpods from way back in the day.

>how do i get good

Play a lot. I'm 600 hours in and can just start doing some really good shit

>is all the cool shit locked behind loot crates

A lot of the cosmetics are, yes.

Trying to get into Joe Rogan because I liked the Alex Jones one but I can't say he's for me yet because I've only seen that one.

Only in the cute way

one of my buds cuts himself
I asked him if he's a fucking emo
He said "nah I just like the pain. Makes me feel alive, kinda".
He bought insuline the other day, to get his blood sugar lower. Says he likes the feeling of almost dying.
Sometimes he burns himself with matchsticks.
He strikes it and grabs it in his fist while the match head is still burning.
I think he's a masochist.
Calls me a sad faggot for playing vidya all day long.

>No work today, chores done, cold as fuck outside, feeling like being lazy today since tomorrow will be hell.

What exactly am I to sort out?

I always find if funny when people criticize this when "disengage" is literally the first step counselors will tell people dealing with this shit.

Carry on then. Unless hiroshimoot shuts us down I'll probably still be here in my late thirties and forties.

>Euthanasia is wro-


Maybe you should put down the controller and go do shit with him, you know, get that adrenaline flowing doing stupid guy shit

Somewhat. I think it is worse to pretend that everyone is the same - that things exist on an accepted checklist regardless of it's physical/mental representation. People should accept things for what they are but I don't think it is okay to go out of one's way to make another feel bad. Be honest but not an asshole, imo.

>my gen can beat up your gen
Is there anything that's more annoying than "muh generation"-faggots?

>playing rocket league
>some guy gets on mic
>"yo dude you're not even good"
>my blood is boiling
>get on mic with the most angry voice ever
>who the fuck do you think you're talking to, faggot? you haven't even gotten a single goal
>doesn't reply
Rocket league fucking sucks anyways, I keep getting matched with people who do nothing but sit there afk every time.

I mean DESU I wouldn't engage with someone that unstable online.

My fun lately revolves around going onto TF2 servers, finding someone to wind up with the mic and then winding them up. Not really bullying, but to banterless chumps I suppose it could be.


You should fuck the masochism out of him.

I'm pretty much only here for the EA star wars lulz anyway. The whole thing is more amusing than most games these days
>these days
>these fucking days

yeah, I did that once.
Woke up in his flat, in my underwear, on a bed, drunk as all fuck, head hurting.
He was sleeping in another room
It was almost midnight.
Last I remember is buying 2L of vodka, then us eating some snacks, drinking that shit, listening to nazi songs (luftwaffe march is what I remember) and saying toasts.
Good times, good times.
found my glasses in a bucket of vomit

Well killing yourself seems to be something you should add to your agenda today

JRE quality is mostly determined by the guest. I skip a lot of them.

this is.. woah. like i feel bad for mocking this shit. her baby would be 100% better if only she wasn't blond wtf is this

Let me guess, your the ripe old age of 18

she looks like a bitch, you can see the deadness in that dude's eyes

turns out her armrest was made of razors

>waaa look i cut myself this is what bullies do to me :(
fuck right off

> #eforeverone

Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB you attention seeking piece of shit who can't even find the mute button.