Who sees these character designs and finds them appealing? I'm genuinely asking? Who looks at this and thinks "whoa...

Who sees these character designs and finds them appealing? I'm genuinely asking? Who looks at this and thinks "whoa, this looks cool", or "this is intriguing", or anything along those lines?

I like the tits but that's it. The animations of the girl look horrible and so does the rest of the cast.

I liked Xenoblade 1, 2 I didn't play(still emulates poorly), and 3 looks horrible to me but who knows maybe it will be good.

The MC though, truly terrible and I still play PS1 JRPGs.

Because tits.

waifufag weebs think these characters are sexy

I find her tits misplaced. Because she doesn't have the face for them. She has the face of the cute thin girl type. So it doesn't make sense to me that he body is so curvy.

They're objectively terribly designed.
I mean look at this shit. Every square inch of their bodies is cluttered with extraneous cluttered stupid looking shit. Who thinks this looks "cool"?

The BOTW outfit looks so fucking horrible that I decided to never play XC2.

Is this your first Xenoblade game or something?

other xenoblade games actually have cool and good design though

pyra thread

I really don't see a tremendous difference between this shit and

are you blind? Most of these designs looks good and believable. It's impossible to not to see the difference

The only difference between OP and this is the eyes.


>looking at her face

??? Are you fucking blind? None of the female characters on have unreal proportions like does, none of them are dressed like complete sluts, none of them look like a kid taken out of the kindergarden. The characters on look like actual, believable people and not like some pseudo fantasy weeb slut shit and a male character straight out of KH

I usually like shota protags, especially ones in /ss/ relationships but something about Rex's face is off. Its too pudgy. The lack of a nose is really unappealing.

Pic is an example of a good shota protag.

I can see that they both share the same amount of detail. But the first game's details are simply better. A lot of it comes off as decoration. But it looks like decoration a real outfit designer would conceive. Not just a bunch of random shapes and light everywhere.

user you're alright. May the Sun be with you.

They really fucked up with these shitty faces. I would have happily played it if they'd kept it the same

Me. Normalfags fuck off to your Western trash character designs.

Stop falseflagging, faggot.

These are fucking horrible by Jap standards.

Pyra is the ONLY character with proportions like hers, she's obviously waifubait but she's kind of the only example.

And again, the only reason Rex looks young is the leotard (part of his work outfit) and the eyes. Shulk would look younger with larger eyes cause that's the style associated with that age-range of manga.
Look at Nia, Zeke, the members of Torna, Morag.
They all have normal proportions and more typical outfits because Rex is the EXCEPTION to the rule, because he is wearing a fucking diver's suit

It's entirely intentional to make Rex stand out. It's also worth pointing out that Pyra is a Blade, which is something between a Stand and a Replicant

I think they look cool and the girls look super cute 'n' lewd.

Pyra is cool, her design looks great in action. As for Rex I didn't like him at all at first but then he turned out to be wearing practical work clothes all along so I'm fine with it.

That being said I think Saitom should have redrawn that 2D art they use everywhere because the way they actuallly look in-game is rather different now.

look like i found the pyra thread

I wanna fug her boob pussy

Is there a more perfect Shota? Shorts, bandage, goggles, egao.

to quote some forum, pedophiles

I think its more like "this looks better than Xenoblade X." As almost anything would. I'm not in love with the style, but I prefer bright and cute over down syndrome and grey.

YES, was this ever colored?

Im working on it now

Stop wanting every fucking thing to be realistic, practical, and to make sense. Don't like it? Tough fucking shit.

:) awesome! happy almost thanksgiving, drawanon

>B-But muh immersion

stop that

so Sup Forums, are we already starting damage control?

Shut up Tripfag.

Funny, I wonder that about most AAA western character designs.

The character designs are not back because they're impractical. They're bad because they're impractical AND ugly. What's the point of pushing the style that far, if the result sare just random shapes and lights cluttering the figures?

Pyra's design is a 10/10 by default because she has skin indentation on her child-bearing hips. Everyone else looks like a clown

Impracticality will NEVER be a valid argument in fantasy RPG designs unless the game is trying to be realistic. Which this game isn't. Ergo, any and all arguments against it are moot.

also its actually part of a bigger piece

Nobody cares that the designs are impractical, and if they do they're fucking retarded. However something can be impractical and still look stylish and cohesive, which can not be said about XBC2's designs.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

That's a very ignorant and closed minded position to take. Because a lot of fantasy is grounded in realistic ideas. A lot of fantasy is real coming into contact with fake, and imagining what might result.

However, even agreeing with you, there's still the fact that the designs are ugly. So like I said, what's the point of pushing the style so far, if the results are just random shapes and lights cluttering the figures?

If you look at the cast of other fantasy games. You can see all the impracticalities in the design, and yet it's so much more please to look at.

are you streaming while making it?

i love tales of symphonia but some of the characters are very anime

Tales games are designed by my favorite manga artist. That being said, many of the characters still look very stupid. It's more like Kosuke tries his best to design characters based on the limits the designers give him. "We want a totally generic MC with swords. And he can't look stylized in any way. Also, give him stupid hair."

No im not streaming but i might later

Most people just say: "It's at least better than the first two"

it's not like i think i find it appealing, i just happy all the fag who want a common sense design gets btfo

>i love tales of symphonia but some of the characters are very anime
I don't get your use of the term "anime". Are you implying that anime designs are supposed to look ridiculous like XC2?

>And he can't look stylized in any way.
Lloyd is very stylized. If you actually look at what he's wearing, it makes no sense. Buttons all down his jacket. Overalls over his jacket, holding up oversized pants. No armor whatsoever. It's pure style. Except I imagine they gave him more of a simple working class look to reflect his down to earth nature humble nature.

He's also incredibly recognizable.

they're very anime because they're outlandishly costumed and it doesn't fit into the world at all.

>He's also incredibly recognizable.
His clothing is. Not him. He's just Keiichi with windswept hair.

But they do fit in the world. They just have a little more style than generic NPCs 1-10. But compared to most named characters, they fit right in.

I seriously hope you're not going to make the argument that anime faces, with hair or other superficial details, are unique.

Meant *without hair

sheena is running around with her tits out, presea is literally a 10 year old with a 500 pound axe...

>I seriously hope you're not going to make the argument that anime faces, with hair or other superficial details, are unique.
Depending on who is doing the style, yes. They can be very different. Fujishima Kosuke just draws the same few faces for every character, putting most of the detail in the hair. He's a master of hair, but pretty generic in everything else. Someone like Nobuteru Yuki completely changes his style every game, to the point that most people can't even recognize what games he's worked on.

They should have gotten a more avant garde manga artist to do the design.

>people wants to bash the characters of xenoblade chronicles 2
>people call out on the first ones designs
>some people lose their shit
I think both games has designs that fit their games. Based on playing the first game and watching the trailers for the new one.

How about Kunihiko Tanaka?

I thought this was the pyra thread but i guess this is just the argue about the art style thread

Honestly I know how you feel, during the reveal I was skeptical but after looking at how charming the style and characters can be in action I kinda changed my mind. It took some time but they grew on me


whoops, wrong image

Yes, so...? Is there a problem here?

>Depending on who is doing the style, yes
Granted, there are quality artists out there who actually do caricatured faces, rather than generic alien blobs. But you can't dismiss the recognizability of a character, due to a single element being kind of generic. That's like saying Homer Simpson isn't recognizable, because his face is too similar to other characters in the show.

Also, Nobutero Yuki draws some samey faces too. Don't make me grab examples. Same faces are incredibly common in anime. Every other JRPG suffers from this. But it's not inherently a bad thing, if every bit else about the character design is strong.

OP here, it really is the argue about the art style thread. No hidden agenda here. But I don't mind if you keep the thread bumped with images.

>Granted, there are quality artists out there who actually do caricatured faces
What does this even mean? An artist can have a unique style without caricaturing a real person.

>But you can't dismiss the recognizability of a character, due to a single element being kind of generic.
I'm not dismissing that Kosuke's style is recognizable. Like I said, he's my favorite manga artist. But in the case of Lloyd, he looks just like Cleft. Who looks just like Keiichi. There comes a point where people start to ignore the characters face if it looks like multiple characters that came before. What is unique about Lloyd however is his clothing.

>Also, Nobutero Yuki draws some samey faces too. Don't make me grab examples.
I'm gonna have to ask you to provide examples. I'm sure he's drawn some things that look like his usual look. But Chrono Cross looks nothing like Escaflowne. And Solatorobo looks nothing like either of those. Etc. He has far more variety than your typical artist.

>Every other JRPG suffers from this.
More generalizations which I've already proven wrong...

Her tits are too big. It ruins aesthetic of her design.

serious question, are you ACTUALLY gay?

I do. But I'm not a faggot like you, OP

Come on. We were all young once, user.

No, but there's nothing worse than fanart of a character that doesn't look like original character anymore. Big tits and big ass doesn't make everything instantly better.

I like huge tits. But most of the stuff you've posted in this thread are generic balloon tits. They look awful. Even the official characters model has a more accurate weight to them, and they're being held up by skin tight spandex.

Breasts need to have a tear drop or sand bag shape. Not a Mellon floating in mid air.


And then you have this perfection.

Can you physically abuse Pyra?

I think you posted the wrong image


No, I think he's right.

This nigga knows what's up.

Im sorry youre gay bro

I like the designs and I don't like tits cause I'm a gay man.

>What does this even mean? An artist can have a unique style without caricaturing a real person.
Not if they want to have recognizable faces, they can't. Because it's the minor imperfections of the face that make individuals stand out.
Being a style chameleon doesn't mean you have the ability draw unique faces within the style you're emulating. For example, Serge has the same face as Glenn, who has the same face as Norris, who has the same face as Korcha.
Kid has the same face as Harle, who has the same face as Janice, who has the same face as Leena, who has the same face as Orlha.
There's about 6 stock faces that get recycled for the whole cast.

And not only that, but you can look at his work, and point to other things that look just like it.

>>Every other JRPG suffers from this.
>More generalizations which I've already proven wrong...
Naming one guy doesn't prove shit.

the cat thing looks kinda cute

It do.

The only good designs are from Nomura, should have done the whole game

It wouldn't sell that much.

I do.

>Not if they want to have recognizable faces, they can't. Because it's the minor imperfections of the face that make individuals stand out.
You are legitamitely retarded. You don't even know what the term "cartoon" even means. And there's countless examples within one persons style that can be recognized from other characters, without having to add moles, wrinkles or whatever else you think makes a character unique.

Plus, this whole topic came up because you were trying to say Lloyd stands out. But using your own measurement, he no longer would stand out among any of Kosuke's other characters in facial features. Only in hair and clothes, like I said.

>Being a style chameleon doesn't mean you have the ability draw unique faces within the style you're emulating. For example, Serge has the same face as Glenn, who has the same face as Norris, who has the same face as Korcha.
Are you blind? They don't look anything alike. Unless you think "lol watercolors all look the same". And Glenn even fits your concept of having unique facial attributes the other characters don't have. Holy shit.

>Kid has the same face as Harle, who has the same face as Janice, who has the same face as Leena, who has the same face as Orlha.
None of these are the same at all. And that's even with Kid and Harle who are suppose to have the same face in the story. I don't see how you think a girl with a painted clown face and ara/smug expression looks like a generic Tsun girl with no make up and no smug face. You pretty much killed your argument on every possible level.

Best designs coming through.

I swear i seen that outfit on the left from somewhere

I think Pyra looks perfectly fine. Rex I'm kind of iffy about. Don't like the fact he looks like a literal shota.

Nothing worse than a manlet MC


This mixed with the Imperial uniform from Valkyria Chronicles.

When cartoons are completely unreal, they become shit like the minion or rabbids, where they all look identical. Even the Simpsons caricaturizes real faces. As simplified as they may be, they still have nuances between each character. Unlike, say the powerpuff girls Where each girl is just an assortment of circles, their faces are indistinguishable. Cartoons are inseparable from caricature, unless you draw bad cartoons.

>Plus, this whole topic came up because you were trying to say Lloyd stands out.
He does.
>But using your own measurement, he no longer would stand out among any of Kosuke's other characters in facial features.
I never argued his face was unique. You're the one who brought up his face for no good reason. Like you couldn't think of a good reason to dismiss the quality of his design, so you claimed his face isn't unique enough.

>Are you blind? They don't look anything alike.
Nah, but you're blind. They look almost exactly the same.

>I don't see how you think a girl with a painted clown face and ara/smug expression looks like a generic Tsun girl with no make up and no smug face.
No, actually you just killed your argument. Because you're claiming a face is unique based on superficial aspects such as the expression and makeup it wears.
That's like saying identical twins look nothing alike, because one wears long hair and a happy express, and the other wears short hair and a sad expression. It's still the same face.

Reminds about your's too much?

Jesus Christ, this thread is full of neofags and resetshits.