Well look who finally decided to come out of their cave. user, why don't you start us off with a prayer...

Well look who finally decided to come out of their cave. user, why don't you start us off with a prayer? What are you thankful for on Sup Forums?

>bing bing boooooningg

user. You didn't bring that nintendo thingy out with you did you? Please. This is family time. Put that toy away and be an adult for once.

Mom, why is the food nonkosher?

>sit down with family
>asked to start grace

Get the fuck out of here mom you're just butthurt Nintendo made two GOTYs! Ponies on suicide watch fucking rekt.

>*noise that Yoshi makes*
>"user, put that noisy toy away, it's time to say our graces before Thanksgiving dinner."
>"Fuck you mom, God isn't even real!"
>grandpa stands up from his wheelchair
>*slap grandpa across the room*
>thanksgiving dinner crashes into macy's day parade


>*noise that Yoshi makes*
The licking noise or the other noise

Why did all of you suddenly turn white

me on the right

i'm thankful for THICC ANIME BOOBIESSS

too big

Who are all you people and why are you in my house?

how about these ones?

>come say hello to your cousins, user!
>are you going to eat this year?
>have a girlfriend yet?


>Well look who finally decided to come out of their cave.

>little girl drinking

What kind of fucked up family is this.

Japan, probably, she's asian but with a cute shirt instead of a dress

legal in europe

My family is Italian and that's pretty normal



aint that the webm with a dude appearing wearing Yeezys?

??? i'm not a shoe girl, i don't know what yeezys are... here is the only leg part though

mouth wash

>say hi to uncle
>have a drink
>tell mom the food was exceptional
>go back to drinking alone in room
>give Churchill some shredded turkey so he stays with me

Does anyone else unironically hate Thanksgiving?

>It's a "Thanksgiving without extended family" episode

It'll be cool once you make your own family. You get to pick who is in it, it is your call, the stress-free holiday you wanted. No presents, just cooking and dinner. But if it's an obligation, fuck no

>so user what have you been up to?
>finish school yet?
>I hope you are at least working

I don't hate it but I don't like it either. Spend all day milling around or doing work in the kitchen and making small talk with relatives you don't give a shit about but have to pretend to care about! Gorge yourself into a food coma! It's fucking weird.

Always get those questions with my family

all my family's dead now so I'm thankful I can cook my own thanksgiving food at least

>small family
>no extended family get together
>always fighting
>pain in the ass to set up dining table and "special" dining sets instead of just eating where we usually do for food I don't really enjoy
>don't eat very much on the actual day
>eating Thanksgiving leftovers for the next week at least
>get shit on for hanging out in my room, and get called out to spend time with family because "its Thanksgiving so come spend time with your family" despite no one saying anything until someone does and it's passive aggressive at least, or explicitly hostile at worst.

I might just stop by BevMo on my way home and be wasted all day tomorrow.

I hate all holidays after my family broke apart from tragedy and socioeconomic problems/being white trash so yes I hate holidays. Honestly I don't think being a nigger could be worse at this point but at least you, me, and everyone else aren't Anthony Burch.

>as a kid would have parents foist a plateful of bullshit on me that they know I can't stand, just to be polite
>as an adult my in-laws are constantly down my throat with "DID YA GET ENOUGH TO EAT? THERES (lists off every bit of food in the house) AND THERE IS PLENTY SO HAVE MORE"
like, i'm capable of feeding myself thank you very much, and you watched me devour 2 full plates of food, you didn't even cook this year, please just live and let live.
hate is a strong word but gatherings are a source of stress and annoyance for me

>tfw dad and uncle are amazing cooks
>uncle's wife is also an amazing cook
>no shitty family drama-- everyone gets along
>always have great Thanksgiving celebrations

Feels good

sounds great user, enjoy your thanksgiving!

You too, user. Thanks!

>mfw girlfriends friends wife cancels Thanksgiving with MY boss
>have quiet personal dinner with gf and her son

>sit down with family
>asked to say grace this time
A proud tradition in our family

I'm so conflicted whenever my friends talk about spending holidays or birtdays with family. My parents stopped doing this long time ago when they started to hate each other and i just don't know if i should feel sad or happy because i'm uncomfortable around people anyway.

post the full thing

Why are people so obsessed with asking if you have a girlfriend? It's especially the people who have difficulty steering away from topics like their job or their latest big purchase. It's quite exhausting, really.

they look jewish

the importance of Thanksgiving is being with people you like. If your kids or husband happen to be asocial retards, you still like/love them, and it's only one of the only days of the year they're expected to be around. It sounds like an obligation. Holidays are kinda..supposed to be all happy, celebrations, being with people you like. But if all the people you like don't like anybody, poor you :( you're forcing them to be unhappy because you're so selfish to want to have a meal together

get a job, it increases your charisma and social skills so you might actually have an answer to those rude questions. I still don't like my moms family, but I can at least fake it for mommas sake.

they want to make sure you are not a faggot

.. This is a bathtub.

>stands up from wheelchair

Jokes on you, i eat with my family.

Id probably the guy near the red head.


the full thing is a 6 min video...

>birthday games
bugs bunnys birthday blowout
mickey's 123 the big surprise party
>thanksgiving games
>christmas games
Snowboard Kids 2
South Park N64
>halloween games
40 winks

Why do white people look so weird?

>*noise that Yoshi makes*
How do you type this noise out?

so is it girl or boy(female)?

>live in a different country than my family
>thanksgiving is a turkey sandwich while I play crusader kings

Livin the dream

it's a girl :(

its normie shit
you're supposed to get a gf and job because it's what normal people do. And then talk about the terrible life you have and the only thing you get excited about is the sports match and the new car you've bought.

Ah, thank you. I presume we're all okay with having it in Latin?

sauce me.

EVERYONE gets boyfriends and girlfriends.. it's the only thing really worth it in life. the first year of relationships are great. it's just a ton of fun, just don't date lame people.

also, you don't need to be fucking boring and lame just because you date someone. i have a gf and she loves her personal space, so i have a lot of time to just hang out and be myself

I have a gf, just not a job/education so I get the difficult questions everytime about if I already got a job or not


Legal in some states.

hmmmm not much i can tell ya, just say you're looking or something. i couldn't imagine people judging you for not having a job.. personally, i would just be like "i'm sure you'll find something soon" and change the subject...

You call it girlfriend, but a girl who is content to just see each other when you can, she's fucking other dudes. you can like that, but she's getting her constant seething need for attention elsewhere.

Oh, for sure. Nothing quite like being jealous of your friends because they're on decent terms with their extended families. In the meantime, I'm no longer on speaking terms with my aunts and uncles after they tried to screw my Alzheimer's-stricken grandpa out of property. I hate being reminded of this entire situation, but nothing quite like a "family time" holiday to bring these memories back.

I'm thankful for my 2 gfs, one Japanese and the other Australian, who are both 10/10 and virgins
>mfw i'm not even lying

Who the fuck are all these white people?


underage fag detected

I am thankful that my family doesn’t do some gay ass prayer before dinner

it's threads like these and everything in them that really remind you that Sup Forums is filled with teenagers

user its not 2005 anymore.

>try being normal
>don't want to talk when I get home from work or just don't want to bitch all the fucking time
>oh wow you're making me feel bad because you sit in silence not talking about your misery
>I'm kicking you out because I can't take it
>finally blow up because that's what they fucking wanted right
>cut off complete contact

Never try to be normal for someone else. I probably have autism or some personality disorder because I'd lock myself in my room not talking to them at all but man it's just suffering when you're trying to do your way and they want things their way.

>grandpa stands up from his wheelchair
>stands up

I hate thanksgiving with my family, it always devolves into a roast session towards me while my Aunt tries to be hip and cool while being 6 years late on the trending shit

I don't believe in god.


>virgin gfs
someone's lying.

What is this Grace meme what I've seen a few times in this thread? Is it you shout before you start with the thanksgiving dinner?

The one good thing about my third world country is that we don't celebrate thanksgiving, one less awkward family holiday, now if only i could do something about Christmas and New years that would be great.

growing up we always had the dining table filled with food and it was more of a buffet thing. is that normal or what?


I clap after eating dinner, watching a movie, and getting off a plane.

>tfw Ajit Pai is your father

I'm so sorry bros.

>thankful for persona 5, which i got for half price
>thankful that my gf got her period yesterday and isnt preggo
>thankful that i dont have to fuck her tonight, just gonna get the succ and focus on my new game
>thankful i have Sup Forums to share my good and bad times together with you guys

hope your holidays dont totally suck, even if you dont celebrate turkey day where you live


>>grandpa stands up from his wheelchair

Why aren't you fucking them? Also:
>implying this actually happened

I'm thankful for those rare moments where the thread is on-topic and everyone is discussing video games, unlike this one.

>tfw your autistic Roblox playing brother decides to slap the shit out of gram grams again right at the table while we have to watch

when i think of the yoshi noise, its always the one he makes when he's trying to sustain his jump with his stubby legs

kinda like "HNNNGNNNNGH"

t-thanks for the chicken

>Does anyone else unironically hate Thanksgiving?
I do. It's just a holiday with artificial "good will" for the sake of stuffing your face. Even my parents stopped going to thanksgiving dinners because they hate the idea of eating with family members they either don't know or just hate.

>Implying i have some fucking nerd ass family not watching football

ITT: edgy children

I'm thankful for all the laughs and exciting moments I've said browsing this place, watching live streams with you guys, etc. This place may have been a piece of shit for a good 5 years now but I have many good memories.

This place is a waste of time but a good one in my opinion.

>tfw gram grams dies of dysentery at the table again