How much longer does it have?

How much longer does it have?

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People still care about Cuphead?

>Caring about fanbases

>implying FNAF, tumblrtale and Steven Universe weren't beyond hope on arrival

It's our job to safeguard our beloved game. Cuphead is Sup Forums's game of all time, after all. If we don't do it, then these degenerate furries will ruin it

Infinite, the artstyle isn't bright and inviting enough to pull the necessary amount of autism, the most you'll get is a few images of the dragon with a penis or being inflated or whatever because furries can't help themselves.


I'd give it another month or two.

after the christmas sale

>being this autistic

Like two weeks ago.

>calling anyone else autistic after calling cuphead 'Sup Forums's game of all time'

inb4 you pretend to not be the same person

Tumblrinas can't even get past the first boss, they have no source material to work with

why is this allowed?

Because the GOG version is DRM free (keyword: free)

stop trying to fit in, you liked shit in the first place, tublr is not to blame
>inb4 b-but for-chun's liked befor was poplar!!


Reddit and Memey was always garbage, faggot.

I want to support DRM free games so more games release DRM free in the future, though. I also see Dying Light on sale on steam all the time, but never the DRM free version, it's infuriating.

Just be thankful that it isn't going to be all furry stuff.

am starting to think that repealing the net neutrality is a good thing
no more sjw feces all over the internet for the reste of the world to see


fucking sick

Rick and Morty was never that funny. It had a few ha-ha moments but it always tried to be edgy but kept playing it safe. 4/10 show

this is a blue board, user
but don't let that stop you

post moar pls


get this disgusting shit off my board

Thanks asshole, my boss just walked by and promoted me.



>Pretend I posted porn under the spoiler

now I'm curious, what was the joke in the original cartoon?

The reason those shit are disliked is cause they weren't good and only liked cause of furry porn by degenerates

Cuphead is a simple shooting platformer

There's nothing wrong with any of those fandom, stop being racist persecuting scum

its about america invading countries


don't get why people love cuphead, other than the graphics it's pretty bad, the bosses spend too much time telegraphing their attacks

>Implying there was anything left to ruin about Rick and Morty

There's a lot of ugly furry porn in tumblr

gatekeeping is the worst kind of fandom


Tumblr didn't give a single shit about SU until they introduced gay space rocks.

>out of those 4 he liked Rick and Morty the most

Can never talk about the game to anyone because either:
Majority of the fans you'll find are these freaks,
People instantly label you as said freak.

mugwoman is a real qt


is she what they call a feline deity?

this is why i only talk about things i hate

Whadya talkin about they already made cupsonas



>Sup Forums was full of people who want to be vored by the dragon when it came out

Can we just accept we're on the internet and embrace the weirdness like we used to? These days everyone acts like they're above it and it's fucking tiring.

You fucking idiot

Not long.

I liked Undertale. FNAF was overrated but it wasn't really BAD for what it was: a cheap thrill. I'll agree on Steven Universe though, it had no redeeming qualities.



>talking about video games
Manchild detected

>cup of cocoa with marshmallows
>isn't a nigger

oh yeah boi, gimme gimme

Then fuck the people who think that way; if someone wants to throw you in the same bucket as some of the crazy fucks in the fanbase, then I don't want to be their friend.

wait a minute, that looks like my mom

shad go home, you're drunk.

user, I didn't know you were into diapers.

>rayciss art style
>tumblr ever touching it

Feels like Rick and Morty was more ruined by reddit, they're more of a space for pseudo-intellectuals

I don't get the love for that show. The pilot was good, yeah, but the following episodes just keep using the same jokes. Perhaps being formulaic is part of the humor, I dunno.

This. Since when was tumblr responsible for fnaf and r&m going to shit?

>hard and "racist"

It's funny but the fanbase likes to think that watching it makes them smart. Sorta like game of thrones fans. Some of the most pretentious fucks I've met irl.

I think tumblr started shipping Rick with Morty since there was no other m/m relationship in sight.

about a day after release?

not long

>first one

>cup and mug dont have a cup or a mug on their heads, they're just persons, and I like that
>Dice has a fake dice on the head instead of being just a guy with a moustache and maybe a purple dot nose


Reddit's way more responsible for R&M than tumblr but the rest were all tumblr.
Sorry they can't be your goto boogieman for everything.
and Cuphead isn't anywhere near as exploitable as the others due to the art style and character designs.
It's pretty safe.

Maybe get some friends who aren't shit

It's dead, Jim.
We already reached Sonic levels

>letting the internet or fanbases ruin your enjoyment of something

get a fucking life you retarded faggot. how beta do you have to be to give a shit about spastic internet users?

Something that was shit can't be ruined in the first place user

Go back to Gaia, furfag

If I told you your favorite song of all time was loved by retards all around the globe, you would feel diferently about it.
I guaran-fucking-tee it.

Only literal teenagers care about fanbases, and shit on the thing they are a fan of because they want to distance themselves from them in order to not seem "uncool" in the eyes of others.

Not really no

I'm surprised Night in the Woods didn't become this year's supreme tumblr-bait of all things. Looks like instead there has to be genuine amounts of initial quality present for them to fully latch into it.


tumbler gaymurz xD will never like cuphead, it's too "hard". they've never played a nes game outside of mario or zelda.

EU, Canada and Australia still exists

>Tumblr didn't give a single shit about SU until they introduced gay space rocks.
you mean the first episode?

I don't really care since fanbases are easy to ignore.



I haven't seen Dedede drools in such a long time I almost forgot it existed, but nooooo

>the fandom's bad because it has R34!
>every fandom has R34
>it's bad because it has OCs!
>every fandom has OCs
call me again when Cuphead has something special about it that makes it bad like the other fandoms in the picture


Imagine doing that then farting on your own head.

user NO