What are you gonna do when Pajeet kills game piracy?

What are you gonna do when Pajeet kills game piracy?

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Remove pajeet.

I don't pirate games but they want to murder legal torrents as well.

i hate his smug fucking smile

Delete pajeet.



>We’re Fine without It, Thanks
Internet privacy has been protected quite well for almost 20 years by rules from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

>Net Neutrality Is about Government Control of the Internet

>Plebbit is shill central next to twitter, we all know it. Anyone who says otherwise is a retarded faggot or a shill. Pic related...also muh Russia...but wait RUSSIA?

>Net neutrality debate gets unlikely supporters -- Russians
WTF Reddit I love Russia now

>Soros, Ford Foundation shovel $196 million to 'net neutrality' groups
He has always had (((our))) best interests at heart! Right?

>Twitter banning accounts that go to sites like 4 chan by tracking you through cookies on December 18th. Claim they are banning Neo Nazi's.... aren't we all Nazis according to liberals?

Thank god.

pirates are the lowest scum of the earth, immortal degenerates

can somebody put a bullet in the guy's head? How hard it is to find some guy crazy enough to do it?

He is just supporting businesses like a good conservative republican would. Stop being a Jamal and pay for your games.

Not just piracy they're going to try to monetize all online gaming like on consoles.

Think Gaben is bad now? Wait until Vac secured games require a monthly fee to access.

why don't you do it pussy

go ahead and block that piece of shit program, deluge is king

Sounds like something more poorfags have to cry about.


Ironically, the people crazy enough to assassinate people are right wingers who fall in line to authoritarian power structures. Look at this thread and the zombies in it.

The only people they kill are lefties who are promoting the rights of people and actually trying to ensure freedom for the populace.

The right is in love with being enslaved. Hence their preoccupation and embrasure of the cuckold genre.

Thanks Trump for being easily manipulated by jews.

But ISPs get their internet for free?

This is what you get for electing a literal meme as president ameriniggers

It means a bit torrent clients.

Block Pajeet.

>mmm I love sucking corporate cock and paying more for a worse product!

Man you guys are retards. You deserve your shit internet but don't come crying lmao.

>Americans clap at the movie theater
>Americans clap after eating
>Americans clap when killing the internet


Whatever you say, commie.

>Making him a martyr

The FBI is going to skin you alive and not even your "friends" will like you.

What good would that do? He's just a person who's been bought and paid for, one of probably hundreds they could stick in.

I will just keep pirating.

>those tabs

Made me chuckle.

Not gonna work piracy always finds a way

Our political system is all about money. You can basically buy elections and laws.

Oh okay you're just trolling me then.

ISPs aren't going to pay that amount twice.

This is your future, Americans

Go away reddit

>Make him a martyr
Yep, this always works.

For the love of God Belgium and EU please protect us frog from burgerica demonic retardation