Why aren't you playing the best WoW expansion since Mists of Pandaria?
Why aren't you playing the best WoW expansion since Mists of Pandaria?
Because all the classes play the same and all the content short of heroic latest raid is a cakewalk
I quit at precisely the moment I realised I was doing the in-game "chores" before I felt I could actually enjoy the game.
Admittedly that was pretty late into this expac which I've been enjoying on-and-off.
But when I log on and think "Right, gotta do the Icecrown dailies, should probably run Tempest Keep on my alts, make sure I scan the World Quests for any upgrade THEN I can go and see if there's any cool transmog and battle pet stuff available"
I was like "Actually, nah - I think I prefer the more tailored experience an RPG can offer."
Went on to play Fallout 4, Doki Doki Literature Club and Trials in Tainted Space...
High tier mythic+ is fairly hard.
but i am
>tfw entire friends list/guild is arena/rbg tryhards
>afraid to sign up for a RP/Raid because I know i'll get made fun of next time in discord
T-thanks blizzard for telling everybody what i'm doing in game all the time...
It's actually pretty good. There's a reason to do all the grinding at least, so you could that legendary. Raiding is still fairly fun, ToS is pretty shitty tho.
>There have been two expansions since MoP
>One was a completely unfinished filler expansion that was a half-hearted attempt to exploit bc nostalgiafags where the central mechanic was turning a classic rpg into uninteractive mobileshit
>Legion STILL managed to be worse that than somehow, unless you're a third world poverty shitter who just wants to play dressup and collection simulators with their blood elf demon hunter instead of a game
i just bought another fucking month
but I am
You stupid piece of shit
I bought the game 2 months ago and already feel like I did everything, I have no idea how people can play for consecutive years at a time
neck yourself waifufag
i play on moon guard too btw
wanna be friends
nerf druids
Give my regards to Hotgrandpa
Because of other players
Rushing through dungeons, never interacting, hopping from one guild to the next, preferring to solo instead of grouping, generally being antisocial cunts
People blame flying mounts for the world seeming lifeless but it's the fucking players I swear to god
you ruined my home server and I hate you
Maybe you should stop being a bitch.
>I don't understand how incentives work
the post
Because I finally got 75 points in my artifact and I'm taking the week off until Antorus opens next week.
no u
>tfw your old server is dead and you don't recognize anyone still playing on it
I miss Mannoroth-US during Wrath
>I don't understand how incentives work
What are you babbling about?
>log in
>do world quests
>send minions on missions
>maybe do daily dungeon
>log out
Show butt.
My computer decided to shit itself is why I'm not playing atm. I'm hoping to have it fixed by Antorus.
There's really nothing of substance discussed in WoW generals so I take that as a sign that the game just sucks, period.
All generals suck after the first 50 threads.
no sub money
Modern WoW is only good for Panda ass, I'm glad classic is coming in the future
>Durr guys whos Anduin gonna marry?
I played enough to enjoy the new combat animations. Once they lost their luster I unsubscribed.
I wanted to get into Kara but I keep getting bored before getting to the "true endgamee".
I'm seriously considering resubscribing before the next Xpac just to try to complete it but GW2 has the spot for my MMO fix at the moment.
It'd be much more hot if she was a Worgen
>World of Diablo
Idc if its a meme, its an accurate one
>best WoW expansion since Mists of Pandaria
I think you answered your own question. It's awful and bad and awfully bad.