What does Sup Forums think of my cart?

What does Sup Forums think of my cart?

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absolutely fucking beautiful

What else do you think I should get?

All of them are good games

could be better could be worse

don't get the casino dlc for generations though it's a scam, almost no content added

>Buying old games

you should get jedi outcast as well if you dont already

>not Mania
>buying 3d Sonic shit

only buy HK and FNV

>not buying Jedi Academy
What are you, fucking subhuman?

Someone post the "BUY VIDEOGAMES?!" comic with the giftcard. I don't have it saved.

>d-do I fit in?

No, i've beaten it 5 times already and figured most people have already too. If you havent played it definitely buy it.

Wait until Winter sale if you want to get literally all those games 50% or more off.

im very surprised that no star wars games are on sale

Buy the regular edition of Fallout New Vegas, all of the DLC suck and are worthless.

Im trying to buy FEAR right now but it will only let me buy the entire collection than just the original, wtf is happening?

I would wait but I don't know if the next sale will be this cheap

kys retard. All the DLC is great accept the UFO one.

You're alright.

opinions ?

You are going places.


Keep Deus Ex, Grow Home and Hollow Knight, wait for better discounts for the rest.

HK and Neir are solid choices. Deus Ex MD was a pretty bad game.


>first three
>last three

>Cosmic Star Heroine
>Cross Code
>BlazBlue Centralfiction
I'm gonna fucking pull the trigger bros

solid advice
i know about deus , but isnt it worth it at this price ?

wait, it bothers nobody that OP is buying the games on Steam?

Should I get anything else before I checkout, so I won't regret it later in life

>i know about deus , but isnt it worth it at this price ?

If you have the money to burn. Go for it bro. other two are solid choices.

why would it?

Wheres your copy of skyrim user? You did buy skyrim right!?!?

Seems pretty good. Sonic Generations is pretty good, but also quite short. If you're down with replaying levels and checking out the mod scene, it'll be easily worth it.

Relax Todd he bought it back in 2011

Refunds are a thing. Winter/Spring/Summer/whatever sales are a thing. Why are you so insecure about your purchase?
Never trust Sup Forums they said.

Whats wrong with Blood money and Dark Crusde?

>buying sonic shit

only keep tooth and tail, HK and nier

I'd say the opposite. Wolfinstien was mostly popular for it's multiplayer back in the day and Thief did not age well.

What do

I don't approve

>Thief did not age well

Sup Forums, I need help
I've been on Steam for 14 years.
I have hundreds of games.
Yet somehow nothing fazes me anymore.
I used to build my PC based on how well it played STALKER and now adays I'm just playing modded things or not finding joy in anything outright. I know it can be considered jaded, but that doesn't mean something good isn't out.

Tell me what I'm missing.
Help me have fun again.

how did thief not "age" well? it has some of the best aesthetic and gameplay of any stealth game ever

Learn 日本語

is xenoverse 2 worth getting if i already have 1

looks like you need this in your life

Good tastes in vidya

Appreciate it, but I played and beat that as a kid. Even did the online duel gigs for a while. Good community.

>check Dead Rising 2 to see for sale
>see this
>Notice: Capcom requires that this game will not install or update when connecting from an IP address attributed to Germany.
Wut? store.steampowered.com/app/45770/Dead_Rising_2_Off_the_Record/

Thoughts? Should I wait a bit more for some of these?


enjoy waiting to play them till you get home cuck

Ori is a mistake.

>buying singleplayer games
You guys brainwashed alright

Oh, so you're a retard. Obviously OP hadn't played it because he wants to buy it.

>falling for the New Vegas meme
It has aged terribly.

What's wrong with it exactly?

its boring. visually nice but shallow.

Yeah, love that boxy Everquest aesthetic with the whip sound effect every time you swing your sword. The game doesn't even have specular highlights so to it's hard to tell what surfaces are made out of metal (and make loud footsteps) at first.

>rating games solely on graphics

All right, thanks user

Ori is incredible, ignore that guy.

Metal Gear Rising is a mistake.

The gameplay is bad. Even at max sensitivity aiming is slow as fuck

remove sjwdogs 2

There must be something wrong with your mouse.

>i suck at the game so the game is bad

>Another Steam sale
>Again no idea what to buy

You guys know some good obscure FPS and Metroidvania/Platformers?

>playing a Bethesda game vanilla on PC

I'm confused

Damn Valve, fix the “absolute” attribute in your css

Grow Home/Up are rarely hyped here.
Best 3D platforming since mario 64.

ori is a shallow platformer that relies on visuals and atmosphere over gameplay. rising is a good action game that's a bit too short and certainly not as deep as bayo (which i would recommend over it) but still fun. both are a bit more style over substance but rising is better because at least its not boring. its a great action game from start to finish, even if that journey is only a few hours long. ori on the other hand doesn't do anything to seperate itself from other 2d platformers other than its art style.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided isn't even a bad game, don't listen to him, it's only because it feels like the middle of the story, so the ending kinda sucks.

But the rest of the game is actually super good, the ambiance is super, as well as the gameplay, which is better than Human Revolution. The game is actually better in every way than Human Revolution except for the fact that Square Enix decided to cut the game in 2.

Buy it if you're into sci-fi/cyberpunk stuff, you,re gonna love all the details put into the game, the devs really cared when making Prague and it shows, fuck Square Enix though.

its still worse than DX1 and the lack of multiple hubs hurts the game. It being half of a story is also a huge negative because atleast DXHR was a complete and self contained story. There is nothing worse than playing an incomplete game.

Me and a friend wanna get a racing game to play toghter. Thing is I havent played one since my dads copy of F1 on the PS1. Any good semi realistic racing games?

>don't listen to that guy

This is the opposite of reality.
Ori has deep movement abilities that allow you to explore a large detailed world full of secrets.

Metal Gear Rising is a generic Platinum fighting game that focuses on it's "cut the badguy into a million pieces" gimick.

Looks decent, thanks!

get Okami on GMG for 20% off...

Still doesn't mean the game isn't worth a playthrough.

Because saying that Deus Ex 1 is better probably means you don't play anything anymore?

You are like little baby, watch this

>worth a playthrough
not at that price

>7 euros
>Too much

At this point just say to him to pirate it...

Killer Is Dead was given away free literally less than a week ago.

Do I get my key immediately or do I have to wait if I buy on GMG?

what is this

Missed it, but if it's any consolation I had to emulate No More Heroes 1+2 so it's something.

Op here, after looking, I think this is what I'm getting. I have never played these games before so hopefully they're good

thats exactly what i'm saying

GMG is an official retailer so there's no need to worry for key deliveries, but on pre-order they usually send the key shortly before the game is activated on steam.

Anything here worth it?

are you getting fallout 1 also?

Stardew, but idk about devil may cry cause I don't know much about it

I heard the second one is better, but do I need to play the first one?

Devil may cry 4 SE is the best game in the series mechanically though the story is a tad weak.

Revelations is bad. Get Revelations 2. It isn't a direct sequel, has a much better campaign and a better Raid mode with better unlockables.

Okay, thanks user.

Quern is a better Myst-like than Obduction.