Fuck Spider-man. Where's my new Punisher game?
Fuck Spider-man. Where's my new Punisher game?
Why does he have brown ass kids in that show? Frank castle is a white male
Just play Max Payne
His kids are both white though.
Did we watch the same show?
>white male
>played by a kike
make up your minds
The character is a white guy
I'm not sure user, were we?
Fuck off you inverse SJW cunt
Honestly I'd take any new cape game that wasn't Batman or Spider-Man at this point. Like them, fucking tired of them getting all the games
I honestly don't care to read or play anything that's not written by Ennis.
>tfw Up is Down and Black is White
Jesus that was some good ass shit.
Hotline Miami
by far the best part of daredevil season 2 and the only reason I suffered through that shitfest
haven't given seen his own show yet though
2005 game still perfectly captures the essence of Da Poonsher.
hatred > max payne > *
If you liked him in DareDevil you'll love him in his own. It was nuts.
I just spent the past few hours marathoning the first half of the season. Good shit as far as TV goes, some might get iffy at the fact that Frank is pretty talky in it and the lack of shooting criminals in it (for the first half of the season, anyway). Only thing I haven't liked so far is how they tried hard to make Karen prominent in one episode and shit felt put on way too strongly. And the lack of shooting bad guys.
I still play this from time to time.
>D-don't kill me! I have a family, family, family, family....
>So did I.
>I'm gonna be a daddy!
>No, you're not.
>Kingpin: I see Bullseye has failed me again.
>Frank Castle: I threw him out the window.
>Kingpin: You're planning to do the same with me?
>Frank Castle: No. You, I'd have to roll.
>I just wanna go home!
>In a box.
Real talk I like Netflix's show
>Volition went from games like this to Agents Of Mayhem
>Brown kids
Christ you retards take shit up the ass too much.
I absolutely hate the guy they cast as frank. Terrible.
Me too. Fucking Prince Caspian as a bad guy was a hilariously good choice.
Man, this game was such a mess. Introductory mission filled with so much action yet zero excitement or anything engaging at all, performance was utter dogshit yet looked like dogshit still, gameplay mechanics were all over the place and lacked any sort of focus. I pirated it and still regret it.
>Frank Castle is now a Jewish manlet
Truly the worst timeline.
Fucking this.
Punisher 2005 is unironically the best adaptation of the Punisher outside of the MAX comics. The executions at the zoo were glorious.
>Good Rhino. Nice team-up.
He's a dago.
>Played a better Punisher in Daredevil than in his own show
They could have cut the side stories and just focused on the Punisher punishing others.
Yeah, I'm starting to feel that too. He did way more Punisher shit in Daredevil than he is in his own show so far. I'm liking this show so far but it feels more like a season 2 than season 1.
>He's a dago.
No he's not.
He's a slav jew.
Just play literally any shooting game.
You could play the first Kane and Lynch game. Or Max Payne.
A punisher game would just be a shootan game, really. There are more interesting comic book heroes as far as gameplay goes.