H-have normies finally seen the light?

h-have normies finally seen the light?

No, and you can thank the 90s for that. As long as the graphics are good and it’s popular, normies will play anything

Normies have seen the light since the beginnig of consoles. If you want graphics you buy a PC

wrong, consoles had an objective advantage over pcs until the sixth gen



>PS4 barely have exclusives
>of the ones they do only 2-3 are actually fun


>Meanwhile Nintendo has a fun ton of 1st party and 3rd party games
>no nu-dev bullshit
>just fun

t. doesn't even own a switch


t. Good enough

I wish Switch had decent hardware, because i fear for Metroid Prime 4. But Nintendo are always 2 decades behind in power and QoL tech so what can you do?

>PS4 barely have exclusives
>Nintendo has a fun ton of 1st party and 3rd party games
When is this meme going to die?

Sony could've had something like this with the Vita, but they just had to fuck it up.

>I fear for Metroid Prime 4
>When the Switch is more powerful than the Wii U, which was more powerful than the Wii / Gamecube which were the last installments

It's one of if not my favorite series so my standards are higher than usual.

But it's true?

Speak for yourself fag.
I have a PS4 and I regret it.
At least the PS3 had no gaems, PS4 has no gaems and you have to pay for online.

Yep, Doom was amazing on the SNES!

You shouldn't have any standards at all Metroidfag.


Fake news

PS4 has more exclusives than Switch + WiiU

They did with the WiiU too.
But then Nintendo never backed it up with games.

They're doing the same shit this time around -outside of Bethesda no one is porting games and Nintendo have released a whole 4 games for it in just over 18 months.


>only 5m units sold compared to PS4's 70m
>Switch is winning

When Nintendo finally gets games so they don't have to deflect criticism anymore


>720p or under, 30FPS with drops for the majority of games

Nice console Nintendo, a true must buy.

They have to make excuses for Nintendo because Nintendo is regulated to making tablets now.

>More than half of them weeb shit
>Some of them are shovelware
I own a PS4, can only count maybe a handful of games actually worth getting this console form and there's like 4-5 of them in this pic.


half of those games aren't exclusive
yakuza and tearaway are the only games that are both out and good

A lot of these aren't even exclusives and the ones that are only two will appeal to people who aren't uber weebs

>that article title
The fuck does that even mean

the trend light?

>>More than half of them weeb shi
So just like X2.

>>Some of them are shovelware
So just like ARMS and Splatoon.

I agree, but there isn't anything outside of Odyssey (which isn't worth $400) worth picking up yet if you were a WiiU owner (I am)

Switch to me is a failure, no games, no hardware upgrade but it's still $400 to keep playing anyway.

17 are multiplats, 32 are exclusives.

multiplats and third parties
>first party AAA's will be shit
>games that havent come out yet
dude stop, you are making feel more regret and want to sell it. Only good game in there is Yazuka and Ace Combat and thats a big maybe

>B-B-But the Switch
I couldn't give a fuck about that console, I'm telling you the PS4 is just as trash when it comes to the library.

Did you buy Samus Returns? If you didn't your opinion is null and void.

Sorry about your shit taste.
PS4 is worth it just for BB and P5 alone, I have 1500 hours between them, mostly BB.

There is nine released Playstation 4 exclusive games in your list: The Last Guardian, Bloodborne, Gundam Versus, Infamous Second Son, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Driveclub, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4, Gravity Rush. How is that more than the combined number of Wii U and Switch exclusives? I’m not even sure it’s more than Switch alone. Even if I add the remakes (Crash Bandicoot, Ratched and Clank, Tearaway) it's still eleven games, in four years, it's really weak.

>Unironically telling someone else they have shit taste
>Actually spending 1500 hours between those two games
Embarrassing to be (You) honestly.

>half of those games aren't exclusive
MK8 and BOTW aren't exclusive. I still see them on literally every Switch shill list image

>Mediocre Switch doing well "just because"
>Awesome beast fire Xbox One X and S flopping with so much power, great new features and the best online service




>Having the bastardized Ratchet and Clank on the list
To what end

Odyssey and ARMS are above 720p. Bomberman is 720p, we don't know the final resolution of XC2. Odyssey, ARMS and Bomberman are 60FPS, XC2 being the only 30FPS game of your list. Why shitposting with downright fake info, put some efforts into it.

and 49 are garbage

>days gone


>Rocket Meme is selling more than Odyssey

this week, on the eShop


This is why no one takes you weebshits seriously. Fucking end yourselves.

>Switch at 5M, maybe 6M
>PS4 approaching 80M fast

>"The Switch is totally winning this"

Agreed, seeing garbo like Xenoblade getting shilled on this board is disgusting.

You know P5 is on the PS3 right? Even after all these years I barely have a reason to get a PS4 other than bloodborne

Fuck off you weeb, you aren't fooling anyone. End yourself already.

>(and that's a good thing)


Except those 80m don't buy anything and just watch netflix.

Even without talking about the quality of games, it's retarded to include unreleased games in this kind of list. I bet The Last Guardian was in the PS3 equivalent to a decade.

True, but it's only the Sup Forums autists, everyone else knows it's horrid looking

> 3DS at 80M
> PS4 can't break 60M
> "Sony is winning guy"
Also, what is time?

>polygon baits drones into reading their shit because they in desperate need for the confirmation bias that they didn't blow 400 bones on this thing like that WiiU mess

You're right but not like that your not.
Ps4 has been out for several years now, the switch came out half a year ago, saying the PS4 has more sales is obvious.

What you should have said was something along the lines of
>ps4 at 18m by the end of the first year
>switch only at 6m half way through

>"The Switch is totally winning this"

based bellyposter

>Nintendo gets a small amount of third party titles from years ago
>It's somehow better than other platforms even though the performance is worse, it's twice the price and missing features

Getting to the point where I might as well just go to Nintendo fansites for a fairer discussion.

sure :)

PS4 broke 65M almost 2 months ago

>switch isn't selling at a loss
>save maybe Spiderman and HZD PS4 interest is dwindling, just a 3rd party box

Business wise the switch and Nintendo are doing a lot better. Because of their case reserves and conservative approach, even when something flops they don't take that hard of a hit. Sony is gonna shit the bed at some point in the future, just watch

>just a 3rd party box

AKA a box that has all the video games they get released in a gen, minus the Nintendo shit

No wonder they're winning.

I always hear this "ps4 is selling at a loss" but i never see proof of it also i thought Sup Forums said people didnt buy PS4 for the 1st party, why the sudden change of heart?

>Normies have seen the light since the beginnig of consoles. If you want graphics you buy a PC
You're kidding. Real life normies, the kind that buy FIFA and COD, have been trained to get sick from viewing 60 fps.
They think PCs are for work, they think consoles invented video games, they didn't play any video games during the golden era of gaming; they think on disc DLC, day 1 DLC, map packs, season passes, and buy2play with in-game cash shops are all perfectly normal and acceptable and it's never been any other way.

That people are fine with compromises for portability if it doesn't affect the gameplay too much.

You can just get a PC if you want that

PC does not have weeb games, Second son, Horizon, Uncharted and BB.

Here. I removed all the ports, HD remakes, and multiplatform games.

>le Sup Forums is one person
Selling at a loss is common for consoles, it's been long enough that the parts are so old and they've that it isn't anymore.

Also yeah of course people buy the PS4 for first party, if they didn't then (aside from the bad hit the Xbox took in it's reveal) why would the Xbox be lagging behind so badly?

The only advantage consoles had back then was exclusive games which were actually GOOD.

DOAX3 is PS4 exclusive

I don't get the bottom left one.
Rest are pedo priest, pedo tourist, either pedo soldier or soldier killing children, Sandy hook, and encouraging childhood obesity

>aside from the bad hit the Xbox took in it's reveal
That is literally why.
The WiiU and Xbone stumbling out the door half drunk was the reason everyone went for the PS4, in spite of exciting people with its reveal.

It was the least objectionable option.

Also Star Ocean 5

Not sure if it is winning but it surely is doing way better simply because it is a practical console to have. being able to play it either on tv or as a handheld is pretty fucking cool.

I just wish the controller was a tad better, especially when you use it as 2 controllers.

Hold the fuck up
What kind of argument is this
"Switch's graphics are not amazing so people don't care about graphics"

It has the fucking best graphics for a portable console to date

No user, consoles were better equipped for games (especially in the 2D era) than PCs were. Why do you think commander keen was so amazing? Why do you think that it took someone as brilliant as Carmack to get the IBM PC (a glorified terminal) to do ANYTHING like consoles were doing?

It was also on the Vita.
It was also on the PS3
I don't count those.

Same reason I don't count BotW as a Switch exclusive.

This year, I've bought Nier, Crash, WWII and KH 1.5+2.5 for my PS4. Considering getting Horizon really cheap for Black Friday, but beyond that there's really not a lot to be had. Hyped for Ghosts and interested to see what Dad of War offers next year, but considering my PC can now run the multiplats I want to play, there's really not an awful lot to use it for.

On the other hand, My Switch has had so many games that I've got like 3 I intend on buying and several in progress, and that's not even the stuff coming out next year.
I'm yet to buy
>Pokken DX (Never owned the original but enjoyed it when I played with friends)
>LA Noire
>Skyrim (Unironically the second copy of the game since I put like 20 minutes into the first one)
>Xenoblade 2

And have played (and enjoyed) this year
>Splatoon 2
>Mario and Rabbids
>Sonic Mania

So the meme isn't dead more as it's irrelevant.

when ps4 gets good exclusives?

fuck we stoped fucking shitalking the ps3 when it started getting games

>It was also on the PS3
> inb4 someone replies BUT IT'S A SOONY XCLUSIV!

Agreed. Literally nothing I want to play on PS4 other than Bloodborne. Everything else I can play on PC.

The biggest reason why 3rd parties are jumping on the train is that switch owners are similar to vita owners - they're buying way more fucking games for the system, and the games themselves have a longer tail (the sales stay fine the further it is from release).

>fuck we stoped fucking shitalking the ps3 when it started getting games
Oh we did not.
We where shouting NO GAMES up till the PS4's launch.

Wouldn't a computer have always had the edge in graphics?

Abortion is the same as killing a child user.


after the wii, ps3 was my favorite console than gen

>third party

That's fine, but it dosen't change the fact that the PS3's "lack of library" was a major meme up till the end regardless of validity.

>fuck we stoped fucking shitalking the ps3 when it started getting games

Death Stranding is coming to PC

Sure, how do you like 1-bit monochrome graphics on hardware designed to handle text? Or 16 color games when natively natively in an operating system? To get anything along the lines of console graphics you would have to spend well into the $1000s, ESPECIALLY when 3D acceleration became viable. And guess what? The dreamcast was faster than any 3D accelerator on the market for a full year

Well then we'll just cut it out next time.

well he's not wrong.

But that's more because the PS4 came out a month later