If you unironically play a Gnome Male, at least tell me why.
If you unironically play a Gnome Male, at least tell me why
To annoy people
The maniacal laugh.
Because I have low self esteem and like to make myself the butt of my jokes.
I had a pink haired gnome warlock in MoP that I enjoyed greatly.
Because they're funny.
i mained a female gnome mage from vanilla to wotlk
Because it's the best racial for mages.
I like the idea of a midget still being competitive and unabated by their size. Which I was. Rogues were always good chart toppers.
because gnomes with glowing eyes are untoppable
>caring about racials
>not being a orc warrior chad
gnome engineer class fucking when
its about time they made shredders useful
Why would you be an Orc when you can be a glorious, wise and strong Draenei Male
Male gnomes are gross but female gnomes are happy little sexpots.
Dwarf engineer in Warhammer Online was the bomb
yeah, your dick will fit her nicely
>all these wannabees who want to be someone else but not who they truly are
Chad human warrior just passing by
yeah, everyone will pass your plain ass by
Its always been irony, even in 2006 where not everyone was an ironic shitbag.
>Thinking you'll get shredders
Robots are fun.
I like being small races, it makes the world seem bigger and more wondrous, also this That said I made the switch to male Goblin. Gnomes are uncanny valley ugly while Goblins are more fugly and endearing
Post more gobbos
This is the only one I have
The irony of a character that is a manlet being more or less as capable as a man at least three feet higher is kinda funny. Plus if you wanted to be a twink or something you could use the engineering bonus.
I used to PvP and they had the best racials for it on Ally, and thought male gnomes looked funny and would piss people off to die to.
I regret it every day but not enough to buy a race change.
The tiniest rogue possible
If you were a human warrior in vanilla you could basically make rogues irrelevant with arms.
>Improved overpower
>Bleed so they can't recloak
>Hamstring so they can't run
>If they dodge you just overpower the fuck out of them
>Zero chance of winning initial encounter if you're remotely ready because Perception is a "your stealth doesn't count" button.
Yes but I didn't have the patience or friends to level a warrior
I have no interest in shortstack, I just like gobbos
I did, it was pretty dank.
Making your own bandages helped a lot at higher levels though.
postin glastons
Orcs are literally the best racials for warriors though??????????????
It's amusing commanding huge powerful demons as a tiny little dude with a beard. Plus i like engineering
Yeah like the imp, or the slutcubus.
because it makes dumbass like you salty as fuck when I kill and camp you because you think it's a """joke race""" but with the same breath only play as Females because your fucking autistic that you need to be an attention whore.
When classic servers come out I'm going to do just like i did in vanilla make a Male Gnome Rogue.
For the same, but opposite reason people drive lifted trucks but don't actually use them for anything.
That is indeed what the post is saying.
>playing in vanilla and not wanting to destroy the morale of undead rogues when you slap the shit out of them as a gnome mage
Don't know how you're playing, but you're playing it wrong
This, pink twin-tailed female gnome warriors are the visual indicator of alphas
Grats Peppi
Seriously though, fuck that guy. Imploded the guilds he was in 5 times over because he wasn't being fellated hard enough as Main Tank.
Can non wow player get some context as to what this meme is
harder to click on or see
It's odd. Everyone sees the twintails pink haired gnome to be the normie of the femgnomes but they're almost never carebears. It's the short hair pixie goof gnomes that tend to be.
I am a manlet irl
I'm 6'4 irl and my main toon is a rogue lel
Shit tier name. Character or Avatar are top tier and Char is acceptable.
but perception was activated so you still got jumped. orc was killer with 25% stun resist. thats instant death for the rogue.
IRL I'm this 6"4 225 pounds muscle guy, so ingame I want to be something different. I like the philosophy behind gnomes and think they look cool. Plus I know horde players absolutely hate getting ganked by a ?? gnome rogue while questing in STV.
At that point you're not Alliance though, which was kinda the crux of the whole thing.
Yeah, you could argue that Orc was contextually better or broadly better, but then you'd be playing Horde. Which sure, whatever, I'm not a dickwaggler to the point of saying Horde is indefensible, but I personally chose race after faction.
I race-changed my dwarf hunter into a gnome as soon as legion came out, just so i could have mech pets before everyone else. Besides, gnomes look really good on engineering headpieces, unlike most of the other races. The BM artifact weapon was also very fitting for a gnome
Because i like to annoy people
> And because I'm a complexed manlet irl
I hate all gnomes desu.
Gnomes are probably the most hated race by Blizzard.
They have never ever done shit lore wise, and fucking Gnomeregan is still irradiated and run by level 30 mobs.
there a meme and amusing plan on making a miner gnome who wants to make explore shit and get minerals/metals. plus I'm a sucker for shortstacks
>play one of these from vanilla to legion
>race and server change to horde just for something different because the game was getting boring as hell
>heavy regret, the horde blows and is 99% elves anyway
I'm going back tonight.
I played a gnome rogue for PvP because I reckoned the small size would give me a massive advantage against zoomed in clickers.
I like to think it did.
Dwarf Priest was my main, for the racials.
After that I could only play Dwarves as I got accustomed to playing manlet races. I got a Dwarf of every possible class now, except Monk because I quit before Panda.
Does the Horde like femgnones? I feel like I often see them make exceptions with them and also hating males with a passion.
I do a lot of *that* with Horde races.
Or are we doing this now?
nah ur trash bruh
>getting that green fever senpai
Seems like we are.
Send the Gnomes there instead, this is Gobbo-country.
>shittiest hairstyles in the game
there is no reason to play as a gnome other than as a joke
My main rogue is a male gnome, because in terms of lore and flavour profile they fit that perfectly.
Lore-wise they were engineers and in WoW engineering and rogues go hand in hand.
I only ever use the flying machine mount for air (they're the only race that fits that mount aside from dwarves, but canonically the dwarves relied on the gnomes to build it for them) and a chopper on the ground.
Night elf and dwarves have good flavour profiles too, for druid, hunter, and warriors split between them.
Humans are paladins predominantly but can be anything else.
Draenei are crap and don't fit any flavour profile aside as discount paladins, and now that there's lightforged draenei there's even less of a reason for them to exist. Still, my DK is a male draenei because they're the tallest and most imposing, but it doesn't fit the lore too well.
Even Pandas have more of a lore flavour profile as brewmasters, now if only the class and spec wasn't utterly crap.
Need some wholesome femgnomes to balance the obscene gobb posting.
Only so many sfw pictures left.
I dispute that. See, this one's taking a bath right there.
>not maining a glorious defender of humanity
>no goblins or gnomes in the BfA cinematic
It just ain't fair bros.
post more fem ganomes
gnomes are a pretty unique race. you don't see them in any other games really. they're just cool. human ResidentSleeper dwarf models fucking suck in wow. night elfs are cool. draenei no thanks
Manlets aren't a race.
They're a cancer upon society.
Stamp them out, eradicate them.
I think this marks the end of my sfw Gobs. Thanks Gob-bro.
>its a /vg/ trannies use a weak excuse for a thread to leak their eceleb shit here
fuck off back to your containment board