Before steam sales

>before steam sales
>"lul >buying games xddd"

>during steam sales
>"r8 my cart Sup Forumsros"

Why is this shit allowed?

People who play video games should be hanged.













# 041417793

nice 1 jackass





Multiplayer games exist. Also games you can't find on TPB, rarely.

post more chihuahuas



Just maybe
Sup Forums isn't one person






I am lost, what board did I end up now?



my well is now dry

Sup Forums and reddit support lootboxes and valve

oh wait, I have one more


Sup Forums circa 2009

>Sup Forums is one person


Guess I went too far then, gotta turn back


This is a thread I can get behind


I don't get it.







>tfw no more doog

everyone has a price

video games




>Holly, what does the scouter say about his power level?


This is currently the best thread on Sup Forums.


