
Controller users.. I don’t get it. Why the fuck would you use a fucking controller? Are you an ape? Are you a monkey?

You use your thumbs to move and aim? You want a banana? You getting mad and gonna thrown your own shit at your TV?

This is a console hate thread. My PC died so I restored to my old Xbox for gaming till my new parts come in. All I can say is... WTF?

>using your thumbs to play vydia

kys and end it. Nothing worse than controller users.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Are you an ape?
Yes, I was unfortunate enough to be born into the human race and not the bird master race.

>takes pride in being a PC user
>refuses to use anything but mouse and keyboard
Congratulations, you've thrown out one of the reasons to get a gaming PC because you're too busy looking elitist for anonymous people on the internet who don't really give a shit.

Don't talk about the bird race you fucking ape.

>not being half bird half man


i don't play many fps or rts games in the first place so not a big deal

I could have had dinosaurs as my ancestors, but instead I have to share my lineage with these stupid assholes.

Mouse and Keyboard
>Superior aiming
>More potential buttons and hotkeys

>Better movement capability with thumbsticks
>Doesn't require a desk

Because mouse and keyboard or superior, monkeyman.

Keep using your thumbs to play. Consoles are cancer.

And your opposable thumb
Opposable thumb
Opposable thumb
Well, I got one!
Opposable thumb
Opposable thumb
Opposable thumb
I got one!

I'm confused, are you a quake bunnyhop pro who uses scroll wheel to jump or something?

>too poor to buy a desk.

Get a job faggot.

Cringed hard

Mouse cannot be used without a thumb.

Controllers can. Checkmate.

Controllers are mandatory for 3D platformers and prefered for 2D platformers
I game on PC btw, you can use a controller on PC

>Play MGSV with keyboard and mouse
>Movement speed options are "As fast and loud as possible" and "Literally a snail"
>Play with controller
>Can move twice the keyboard's slow speed without making any noise
Some games are better with controller, some with KBM.

Pogo pro

And here come the console users...

>b-but my mommy bought this for Christmas!

Until you play on PC you’ll not understand. No go away and thumb yourself to last play in your next R6 match.

Did you type that backwards or something? How do you use a controller without thumbs? How can you struggle to use a mouse without thumbs?

You mad I exclusively use a sixaxis to play games on my PC?

try playing a fighting game with keyboard and mouse

I use controllers more often than MKB because I don’t really play many shooters and I like using different controllers to fit the original experience of retro vidya. I have a nice mouse and keyboard though, pic related.

Don’t be mean to my monitor please.

how do you even play without a controller? You can't even look at the buttons you're pressing. How do you even know what you're doing?

I'm gonna call your post a get, I'm not sure which kind of get, but it's definitely cool looking.

Nice b8 fellow PC master race.

>racing games
>fighting games
>flight sims
The only three genres worth using a controller for. Everything else is straight up retardation.

I cant play nioh on pc without a ps3 controller

>3D action game

It's the Master Chief get.

Those are a little more debatable and depend on the quality of the port/control scheme.

Then try this


Oh man.
I played mgsv on ps4 and pc and it didnt translate very well. Im a mouse and keyboard elitist but i still used my ps4 controller when i played online.

No thx i'll stick to dark souls