I believe that I'm entitled to free things

>I believe that I'm entitled to free things
>I believe that company's and developer's financial investment should not be re-paid
>I swear if I like it, I'll buy it!

Listen up cunts, and you listen good. You deserve nothing for free. These companies are developing for the medium you all love and enjoy, and every time you pirate games and software, you are stealing all of their intellectual labor. How fucking DARE you think that you're entitled to it. Fucking millennials I swear.

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nice bait friendo have a (you)

I'm currently pirating Nioh and Wolfenstein II. What are you gonna do about it, faggot?

This thread suck and we just had it already. Fuck off.

Have a (You)
I'll be here downloading some new games that just came out.

Never said I deserved to get games for free though. I just can.

Nobody deserves anything.

But why pay when I can get it for free

cry harder faggot

you have to feel a bit sorry for day buycucks though
they put up with a buggy release, full price and 3-4 drm layers, meanwhile I enjoy a less bugged game for free a few months down the line, with all dlcs included

i will continue to pirate everything and there's nothing you can do, faggot

>things no one said
except for the last part, which is very accurate in my case
t. person with over 1500 steam games

if there weren't anyone to upload the games i would be content never having played them my whole life

>giving your hardearned money for a bunch of pixels moving on the screen

Buying PC was enough, everything else is free

>I believe I am the moral police
>I believe everyone should listen to me and respect my authoritay

OP, you're like one of those hall monitors in school that no one takes seriously.

how is getting hit by a train so low on pain

I bet you downloaded that imagine for free. You fat fucking faggot. Check out all these free games. I swear I will buy them though.

That entirely depends where and how fast it hits.

Most likely because of the instant death.

>Using a torrent client with ads

Use qbittorent you pleb


It blows my mind that people can survive shotgun suicides

I'll never understand why it matters. Because it doesn't. I ain't going to fix what ain't broken.

Why I shouldn't pirate stuff I have for other platforms or remakes I will play for 10 minutes before uninstalling them?

Who cares. I'm going to continue to get free things and so is everyone else. There is no need to defend it. It's just going to keep happening.

oh yeah, you dont want that, no sir.

>Not using Deluge

Unless the publishers are not being fucking greedy fucks with these high prices and with the nickle and diming dlc and lootboxes. Ya har the pirate's life for me.

>public trackers
How old are you?

listen up cunt, and you listen good. i don't give a shit about what you have to say, I'm gonna continue pirating, I don't need an excuse or justification, and there's nothing, not a single fucking thing you can do to stop me. Now how does that feel, bitch?

You can live without a lot of your face.

I'm at a public library, so it doesn't really matter.

And we won't bother with it either. Continue using it, nothing will go wrong.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

maybe they should try harder to secure their software?

i bought sonic forces because i couldn't pirate it. if every game used denuvo or something similar i'd be forced to buy them. the blame is on the software developers.

I thought about that, but it also lists time to die at 17 minutes somehow.

>thinking private trackers are old good because there is less chance of being caught
oh boy

If it's good, I often WILL buy it though and if it's bad, it doesn't deserve money anyways

I'm gonna pirate shit all I want. What are you gonna do about it faggot?

Might just be a newbie at pirating. Doesn't help that asking for help on Sup Forums just gets you
>current year
>doesn't have 35 private trackers and a handmade client
and assorted shitposting.

You should pirate every game expect Nintendo games, they deserve every purchase.

probably also blew THEIR minds


I could tolerate piratefags if they at least agree that it's illegal. drug users may be degenerate but at least they agree that drugs should be illegal

it was actually installing a bitcoin miner on your pc at one point in the past, look it up

how about i dont care

The technology to stop piracy is right around the corner. You can thank bitcoin for that too.


It can knock you out.

What if you can’t buy new copies of the game anymore? Would you rather I pay some scumbag on ebay?

Is stick of truth worth buying, Sup Forums? Or should I just pirate it? I'm trying to clean out my wishlist. Fractured Butthole's got Denuvo on top of requiring you to sign into UPlay so that one's not worth my time.

okay I guess I'll try it

I'm not entitled to them, I take them because I'm a pirate

>and every time you pirate games and software, you are stealing all of their intellectual labor.
Lost sale argument never works. If I can't pirate a specific game then I likely won't buy it. Unless it's multiplayer. I ended up getting D2 on sale for $30

Just pirate it.

I bought every Sims 3 expansion and stuff pack, on origins, on release. I still pirate it though, because the repack is smaller quicker to download when I get the pang to play it again.

>think air is free
Think again asshole if your lungs collapse youre going to have to pay for that shit fag

The product was shit so I'm not obligated to pay for it. Also if they wanted to reap the benefits of their *intellectual* labor they should have went into an actual intellectual branch.

it blows their mind, too

End net neutrality

>public trackers

also IGG > gazelle

I have no moral justification while pirating, I just do it. It also helps that my country gives absolutely zero shits about it plus no data caps.

Out of curiosity, how do the rest of you guys justify pirating things to yourselves?

I'm not asking in any kind of "j'accuse" sense. I enjoy pirating shit and would like to continue doing so. But I can't shake this nagging feeling that I have no real excuse to do what I'm doing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude. I think there are certain cases where piracy is justifiable (e.g. dead authors) and even cases where buying something legally is actually an IMMORAL choice (e.g. textbooks). But I don't really have a rationale for anything else. Do you guys?

Again, I'm not being a moralfag here. It's just that a good rational argument from one of you guys would probably make me feel a lot better about myself.

That's what these capitalist cucks want.

Alas we cant all live in mudshit filled Somalia tier shitholes where laws are non existent

Imagine this happening to you but you also get ran under the rails and eviscerated.

I love the feeling of grabbing just released cracked copy of a gams, mounting the .iso and installing it, way comfier than buying physical copy tqbh

have you tried just not caring about other human beings


Forgot video

I don't justify anything. I do it because I can.

Country is fairly civilized, thank you very much. We got fiber and top tier public transport, along with a nice populace that has a fervent hatred for immigrants.

I don't. I just do it when I don't feel like spending money. I suppose the closest to justification I have is I mostly pirate older games I had on other systems but it's still fucking stealing.

I justify it by me being just one fucking person that can't do much of an impact on anything. This is also why I don't vote though.

Cool, I'll go buy some used copies of games.

>top tier public transport

Only people who care about this are poor fags who can't afford cars.

If devs want the freedom to have shitty practices because of muh free market, then I'll exercise my free market right of not paying them.

What does mounting an ISO mean anyway? I do it all the fucking time but I have no idea what the hell that implicates. Am I rooting the ISO into my HDD or something?

kys fgt


Denuvo is dead and so are you user

I don't care

For me it's
: Can't buy it anymore
: Game has a bad compatibility track record
: Company is a dick
: Game never goes on sale

I like free stuff. If I can get the same product for free vs. paying for it why wouldn't I pirate? I could go on about how AAA games with DLC are a rip off to the consumer, but really it's because it's free.

Browsing through insane amount of AAA games on tpb gives me massive hardon
>hmmm what do I want to play today?

Its like porn

My justification is that vidya prices don't match the local wages thus making prohibitively expensive. Now you might use the durrrr if you're too poor to afford it you shouldn't be playing it argument, but I disregard it since movies, music, shit like NETFLIX and whatnot all scale to match the local purchasing power. Vidya doesn't for whatever reason. I guess publishers prefer getting no sales rather than fiddling with regional prices and whatnot

t. non-city pleb

You're running it through a fake drive to make it seem like you've inserted a cd into your computer.

>still having these debates.

putting aside the fact a generation of newfags must pop up every couple of months to still feed this bait, i pirate because i don't care and developers are still going to be making good/shitty games and make profit regardless.

Why does it matter? Besides, developers write games because they enjoy doing it anyways and don't care about profit.

Anything else isn't worth money.

My reasoning was that I was poorfig growing up and that I'll pay for things when I can afford them.

I can afford things now and do pay for games, books and music that I want to physically own but I'd be poor as fuck if i bought everything I showed any interest in. So pirating just makes hard times a little easier.

Burgers love their 60 dollar + tax price point so that'll never happen.

You are putting virtual cd into virtual cdrom

Does Sup Forums care where you get your music?
Does Sup Forums care where you watch shit?
Does Sup Forums care where you watch anime?
I don't understand why Sup Forums is the only board that has these kind of pointless debates about piracy

Thats pretty weird shit and blows my mind tbqh.

Just because they think it's worth something doesn't mean everyone else will think the same, if you were to buy every form of media that you consume you would lose a lot of money, you have to filter what you personally think is worth it not what other people say.

>Waiting for a bus instead of driving


To celebrate your concession, here's a cute catboy.

It did amazed me back in the day too tqbh

>you can copy cds on to computrr and play them as if you had then? Wow

Yeah virtual hardware is the coolest shit in the world to me for some reason too

Its mostly upset console fags because they can't pirate games unless they go and outright shoplift them. Which I used to do by the way. Popping those cases open at wal-mart only takes a flathead screwdriver.

I have a friend who's a millionaire and he still pirates everything, yet he eats $100 steaks that are about as equal in quality as supermarket meat. His justification for pirating is "Why should I give them money? I need that for myself and they have plenty". He literally doesn't have a Netflix subscription nor a Spotify one and doesn't buy games either. He even pirates books.

I think people who grow up in middle-class families and above just tend to be more greedier because they don't know the value of being a responsible consumer. Where as someone who grew up in poverty, who has worked a job, might be more empathic towards the people who have put work into a product by buying it and pirating if it didn't went into a good direction.