In-game voicechat

>In-game voicechat.
>Throwing around friendly banter.
>Soyboy voice: "stop being so rude you guys"

Other urls found in this thread:

>throwing around friendly banter
>everyone joins in
Chad Fortress is fun.

> guys are just fucking around and talking shit in voice chat
> someone who sounds like a whiny 12 year old starts chiding everyone for making offensive jokes
> everyone else tells him to fuck off, but things start to get angry and heated
> admin pops in and just sees two or three grown men screaming at a kid to just "FUCK OFF" and "SHUT THE FUCK UP, CUNT"
> they get banned for screaming into their mic and losing their shit
> things calm down, admin leaves
> person who started all of this starts laughing in his normal adult voice

>Chatbox not filled with a people spamming "MEDIC!"

>sperg tries to be fanny banter mane on in game voicechat
>people tell him stfu retard
>he does like the cuck he is
>he makes a thread about it on Sup Forums
>h-h-he so-soyboys amirite g-guise

Shut up soyboy

>Playing comp shooter
>Enemy team way outmatches mine
>Whole time they are shittalking saying easy and shit
What does a man gain from this? I just muted them 2mins in but my team wouldnt stop chating back.

You can't deny that this is how most of these threads pop up.

Are you talking about me user?

I've seen it happen so many times that I'm impressed when the troll actually gets the other people in trouble.

Just goes to show that the coolest thing to do is just to keep your cool.

Is Soyboy the new low test aka the new C.uck aka the new beta aka the new faggot?
Do you not know how to make a statement without resorting to memes? Thanks for at least not frogposting, that's gotta count for something, I guess.

>playing on a pub server thats always full with regulars on the server
>everyone fucking around, making dumbass strategies
>everyone on voice is having fun, talking shit, all is well
>retard comes on the server
>starts making really racist jokes that arent even funny
some of us made casually racist jokes from time to time that are actually humorous but this kid just starts screaming nigger, jew etc in every sentence trying to be funny
>admin comes on
>hears this kid shouting obscenities
>mutes him, eventually bans him for having a really nasty spray being plastered all over
>all is well
>the fun continues
CS Source pubs in the modern day are fun as fuck

Yes. All of those words apply to "soyboy". Typically associated with nu-males being soyboys. Only recently have I noticed this term popping up like fucking crazy.

You and I both know OP that this thread has absolutely nothing to do with video games and you just want to talk about this EPIC NEW MEME WORD

So what is this new hot "soyboy" dank mimiz about?
It's the new "fuckboy"?

soyboy is the new fuckboy, nu-male, beta C.uck, etc

its a pretty retarded meme but its funny seeing people getting all flustered and angry about it

>friendly banter

so what board is pushing this soyboy meme


all of them

"Soyboy" is the gayest insult I've ever heard. It sounds like something a fruitcake would say in a valley girl accent. "Like, oh mai gawd, you're SUCH a soyboy, heehee." That's what it reads like. At least "cuck" had the hard 'k' sound at the end so it was a dominant sounding insult. This new shit is pathetic, and you're a faggot for pushing it.

t. soyboy

Yep that's another one. You lot sure can run a word to the ground fast.

Yeah I hope soyboy never becomes a replacement. Sounds so awkward.

>being a soyboy

>Do you not know how to make a statement without resorting to memes?
Where do you think you are?

It'll die. No one feels threatened by it. No insult can last if it unerringly results in the recipient laughing.

>yfw @ all the buttblasted soyboys in this thread

People are calling for mods to ban people who post it.

>At least "cuck" had the hard 'k' sound at the end so it was a dominant sounding insult.
>DOminant sounding insult

It did nothing but make you look like a flustered autist, particulary those retards that'd throw it in every sentences possible.
Personally I think it's pretty retarded too, but I guess this is just how it goes, new blood come in and make their own slang, like how "u mad" or "u butthurt" became "u salty?" and so on.

Cause they're fagging up the place, not because they're big meanies.

Women who are postmenopausal are told to eat as much soy as they can in order to increase their estrogen.

Guess what food pic related are known to enjoy eating a lot of?

The average 80 year old man has more testosterone. This is a serious fucking health problem beyond some simple meme faggotry, these guys are legitimately sick and need help

It's the new hottest buzzword, teenagers love it.

Thanks for letting me know my filter wasn't case-insensitive. Fixed, buzzword-lad.

Memes are ever changing, only flustered autists get upset over new memes. Shit like brapposting are the exceptions, god I fucking hated that shit.

Right? If groups of people meet up and use soyboy, it'd probably sound more a term of endearment.

>stop getting upset over new memes
>except the ones I don't like

I miss sprays

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums


>ITT : angry soyboys
Have a gulp of your liquid oestrogen, it will make you feel less angry.

lol soyboy

>Women who are postmenopausal are told to eat as much soy as they can in order to increase their estrogen.
I googled that shit and it doesn't appear to be the case. The efficacy of soy is poorly studied and the research there is doesn't clearly show that it's more effective than placebo.

yeah let's go back to calling people faggots

what even made the word soyboy popular though

Umm sweetie, there's soy almost everywhere from processed foods and hygiene products :)

Why are you telling lies on the internet, user? Why would anyone do that ?

It's passive aggressive.
That shit always catch on, no matter what it's about, because it drive people up the wall and that's what ebin troll want.

Fuck off back to your soyboy board >>Sup Forums

Reminder, these are the guys calling you soyboys.


Soyboy sounds like a strayan thing. If you dont like it, then feel free to bitch about it all you want, cunt.


Man what the shit is this, this look like a Sup Forums meet up.

>He doesn't appreciate a decent frogpost spiced with buzzwords and memes
zozzled a bit, lad



Yeah sure love a good reddit posting, user.

>He doesn't appreciate dumb frogposting


looks more like like /k/

Aussie shitposting is more abstract than that.


Aussies are capable of much more better shitposts than "soyboy"


All that cringe is off the charts. Is this what Sup Forums is full of? No wonder they are cancerous af !

>everyone leaves shit server due to admin being an idiot
>server dies
>everyone else has found a new server where it's fun again and the whiney 12 year old isn't there

It's a cycle but the only ones who lose are the whiney and the admin.

I'll give credit where it's due: those are by the second least awkward Sup Forums meetups I've seen, behind only every single /k/ meetup ever


You know, autists DO have trouble recognizing friendly interactions. You're that one weird kid that always barges in on the group and shuts down everyone else's fun because he legitimately can't comprehend it. You're that kid who always gets offended and then there's a moment of silence and then the other guys say,"Dude we're just messing around. We're friends; we talk like this all the time"


>person who says "gg" at the end of every game
>even when he joined the session like 30 seconds ago and got no kills

I fucking know, right? Sup Forums purge when? Fucking sick of these underage Nazis.


I'm being polite, asshole.

I miss the times when it was just sad frog.

They are called soyboys because soy mimics estrogen and makes you more womanly. Many cuckolds and other liberal fags drink copious amounts of soy products.

the problem isnt the word "soyboy", its that Sup Forums jumps on every new word being used by 10 year olds on facebook, and then spams that word to death in every thread for the next half a year straight

why cant you just type normally, Sup Forums?


Damn neogaf is mad as fuck in this thread

lots of soyboy salt itt


It's /r/on/pol/'s cancerous meme

Because I can't speak in any other way than
>Arrow meme with a fraction of an already posted sentence

No one cares, "gg" implies you were involved in it, if you weren't and either performed shit, joined late, or barely did anything, then you don't deserve to say it. Only people who top the leaderboards can say "gg"

>not using discord to shittalk with your friends independently of whatever shit chat the game uses

need some soy?

Why are there a bunch of stupid fags complaining about op using some fucking word.

Good thing I don't give a fuck about your special autistic needs, then. GG by the way.

Did you get all those likes yet, soyboy?

Wow we have a real badass over here

>confederate flag fursuit

How are you grades user? It's finals soon, have you been studying?

I'm in the mood for some casual source banter, I think I'll play some after work.

>Chatbox not filled with LMAOBOX

I've been doing good. Studying economics. You?

I like how the word "soyboy" just by itself completely dictates what the thread is about.
It sounds so weak, yet it has so much power.

Anyone from any board who is autistic enough to go to a fucking "meet up" is going to look just as bad as, if not worse than that

The average poster on ANY board, whether it be Sup Forums or Sup Forums or Sup Forums or fucking /mlp/ would NEVER go to a meetup

is posting ugly people the only argument left for liberals?

>haha you look like that guy in the pic! i won!

Thanks to the salt, soyboy is going to live a long life here.

>those black guys
Looks like Sup Forums isn't racist after all
libtards btfo

Pretty good. Just about to finish my PhD in math, 300k starting, any job I want.