December Games with Gold


fucking sad m8, real fucking sad

I'm hoping that we also get some regional games.

The only interesting one is Left For Warhammer. Really disappointing month.

back to the future was so trippy. I still wanted to fuck most of the characters though.

Warhammer mitebcool

Shame Vermintide probably won't come with the DLC

Shit hot, vermintide is fucking awesome

Buy it now during Black Friday sale

Oh fugg you're right, I'll look into that. The dwarf levels in particular look comfy

Marlow Briggs is kino

Doesn't look like it is on sale.

Please tell me this is fake. I refuse to believe its this bad.

Wow look at that garbage. I'll make sure to remember this when someone tries to defend paying for online because "muh free games".

Tales from the Borderlands is the best game in all of Borderlands
not that that was a high bar to get over

>implying you wouldn't.

Sonyshills are so easy to spot
Vermintide and Eden are great

I'm interested in Eden.

Only m$shills would stoop so low to defend this trash. Thats why games with gold will never be great again.

Game Pass ruined Games with Gold.
That said, I'm interested in Vermintide

Just wanted to say that Child of Eden is a fantastic game


>Game Pass ruined Games with Gold.
I think it the opposite. If you are a long time Games with Gold sub then you have most of the Game Pass games already.