Why does such a successful game need a free trial and a 50% off sale?

Why does such a successful game need a free trial and a 50% off sale?

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to spread the vulcan api so we can all have perfectly optimized games

Because the devs are commie sympathizers and free shit submits to their agenda.

gee I wonder how many dorks are going to pretend to be Tumblr SJWs defending this mediocre game in order to own the libs by their own logic in this startlingly original thread

>wolfenstein 2

this, the first game was not about politics and shit, just shooting nazi, now you're a nazi if you don't buy the game.

Post yfw Sup Forums won yet again

Because noble values like the fight against republican nazi scum is worth more than money.

Why do niggers smell so bad?

heh i tanked hard. fuck you bethesda

Farming Simulator 17 is genuinely a better game than Cutscenestein 2

>killing nazis is a bad thing now



I've loved literally every Wolfenstein up to this point - up to this piece of shit

Liberals have ruined and politicized nazi skeet shooting.

>why is a game on sale during black friday

I don't know Sup Forums I guess the jews did this.

>implying a demo is a bad thing


so they can trick people into buying a game that doesn't work on 50% of computers.

still haven't fixed that fucking error.



saw the demo, downloaded it, gameplay is good, game looks really good and the action is fast and fun, seems like a good game overall fucked by bad marketing and shitty wannabee deep storyboard hacks

I remember getting the TNO for something like 2.99 at one point, might wait till this one is closer to that price nonetheless

why is OW so popular then?

When will Sweden learn?

brain-dead game for brain-dead people, and we got lots of them walking around

just take a look at Sup Forums right now

A game for soyboys

>demos are bad

unplug yourself


Pic related, snowflakes hours after Steam stats confirms Wolfenstein 2 flopped hard.

So does this have Denuvo?


>american reading comprehension

>no one defending the game anymore
Woah....It's like they were all paid.....

>this, the first game was not about politics and shit


First game was "SJW" too, you're just new.

Ask Overwatch or any other game on sale this week

What is the free trial?


I can't even fucking launch the game.

No wonder nobody bought this shit.

head back to your containment board


That's not what he said, but you're right. Killing Nazis is fucking lame. I would much rather consume games, movies, tv-shows, whatever, where the Allied are the bad guys.

So they can sell the season pass

Anti-Nazi does not imply pro commie. It does imply pro-america. FUCK far-right nationalists who claim to be patriots




That what doom is for.


What's with the link to mpc?

I can't help but wonder why they felt the need to release a demo after the full game is released, and why they needed to make such a big deal out of it

why does hitler have red eyes

Depends on your definition of nazi.
If anyone with the wrong haircut or that voted on the wrong candidate is a nazi as a certain group defines, then yes it is wrong to kill nazis.
Now actual people in uniforms actually killing jews and shit, well, those are people you send the authorities to handle, be the police or the army, and if this requires death to handle, death will be delivered.

swedes cucked up the trailer instead of keeping it a few hours into the game this time, audiences balked especially non-western

Who said it was successful?

Because every misunderstood anime girl has red eyes.

>posting a caricature of a jew descent man going into an oven
Holy shit nigger what are you doing

why is Hitler floating on air

best song

>Barely any time has passed since the game's release
>Already on 50% off sale


this image would be hot if she wasn't a grandma


Gee, I guess we'll never ever know why the game sales bombed.
It'll be a mystery for the ages.


Kek wtf is this?

French cartoon called "Lastman", it's a prequel for a comic with the same title.
Surprisingly the mega is still up so here it is: mega.nz/#F!5OATzZ5a!9U7nzCnCDeMwiPlRprfoqg
Also the Nazis are getting rekt in this episode




I'm jelly, I want to lick him

I bet it was the shitty short and plain 2 hours cinematic FPS experience while not being a console exclusive.

But the bad PR didn't helped either.


it was so bad i deleted my pirated copy

how the fuck do u fuck up such a perfect reboot?


because its only single player


because it runs like shit

I don't care about the SJW bullshit in the game, but what's the point when the game would crash every 5 minutes?


>50% off

50% off the Digital Deluxe Edition that is, still costs 39,99€

I'm actually from Sup Forums. You know how false flags get old after a while? Just posting some oc bruh.

Its because unlike the first game it was short and boring.

All I wanted was weird Jew magic science, weird cool alt tech like those kick ass bombers, an killing lots of nazis.

Literally just more of the same. But they decided to take a stick and shove it up their own asses. All it needed to be was more of the same. That's it. Hell it could of been a literal reskin of the first game and it would of sold great.

Not bad user.

The alt-right.

They still want to make money from the game they made into leftist anti white propaganda.
They will just try again, but they just can't be subtle about the purpose of the product anymore, their political message comes first, the game comes second, and that leads to a shit game with a shit message too.

Shareholders will tell them to stop fucking around and just make videogames people want to buy.

Except that they are blatantly communist and even use communist lingo in the fucking game. Fuck off retard communist sympathizers get the gas too

By making it run badly and turning it into a hard stealth game.

those DARN sjws trying to politicize everything why can't they just make the terrible games i like where soulless women with huge asses wander around for 35 hours, never approaching what anyone could consider good gameplay or an actual story

This game was so rife with propaganda that I could hardly take it.

>where soulless women with huge asses wander around for 35 hours
Name one game that does this. Direct links. Discount codes if you have them.


You know Overwatch also got a 50% off sale. There is a rule in business if you hit 50% and lower it's because no one is buying.

t. soyboy

Doesn't advertise itself as a wish fulfillment by equating modern right wing people to nazis and encouraging you to fantasize about killing them. Now, that's not what The New Colossus is at all about if you play the game, but that's how its virtue signaling presence on social media wanted you to see it.

You don't need Sup Forums to see this game would be shit. Dumb frogposter.

>You guys are Nazis and Nazi sympathizers and I'm glad this game is about killing you
>I object
>OMG I can't believe killing Nazis is somehow controversial in today's world
Compelled thought.

>Pander to antifa and SJWs, the demographics who are most likely to bitch about games but least likely to actually buy them due to unemployment and being bad at vidya

>Wonder why your games aren't selling

And here I was thinking basic economics were easy to grasp.

Then again
>basic economics


What's the difference between a free trial and a demo?

>Anti-Nazi does not imply pro commie. It does imply pro-america. FUCK far-right nationalists who claim to be patriots
yes but that's not what they are doing, that whole punch a Nazi shit ad they put out

wait it turned into a stealth game?

fuck sake i quit after the 1st level