I'm still upset

I'm still upset.
It's frustrating to play knowing it could've been one of the best games ever.
I still like to return to Camp Omega now and again, though.
Where did it all go wrong...

Its a fucking video game. Move on with your life.



Is online completely empty?

Big Boss can go to hell.

I liked it.

The only thing that sucks is that online items require a ridiculous time to craft and there's a shitload of them too.

It's an MGS game. It was never going to be that good.

he's already a demon


-No codec
-Not enough cutscenes
-Companions make it too easy
-Fake Big Boss
-Grinding for resources to build your base
-Unfinished story missing a whole chapter
-Have to listen to tapes for more substance

It IS one of the best games ever


holy shit nigger back up

are you telling me

that this game

had content cut

during development?

Holy. Fucking. Shit. what a breach of customer trust and a massive case of fraud somebody call the BBB or something

At least youre not so god damned jaded that youve deluded yourself into thinking the demo was somehow better than TPP. Thats when you know theres no hope for you.

There will come a time in your life where yourr just thankful for what youve got. And thankfully MGSV was still a damn good videogame.

Kojima is a true genius. Years after the release of this game, players still feel PHANTOM PAIN over it. It is the ultimate immersion.

also FOBs are great

Quick question about this game. I eventually got the hospital ending which seemed like it was supposed to be the "true" ending (just in terms of length/finality), but others have talked about an ending involving Quiet. Did I miss something?

MGS fans don't like it because of the story. I got into stealth games because of Splinter Cell so I always preferred gameplay over story. Splinter Cell has always had better stealth than MGS but MGS 5 has great stealth gameplay.

The chicken hat, biker jacket, and butterfly are in the game though.

i wanted to ride the motorcycle in game

>biker jacket,
how exciting. but i actually wanted a bike