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be honest, you got slaughtered by the radscoprions your first time playing

I could deal them easily with a riot shotgun. Can you efficiently deal with cazadors when doing a melee/unarmed run?

Coyotes to be honest

In fallout 1, yes.

IF you get the super slam perk and knock them down/cripple their wings in 1/2 hits.

If not you're fucked.

Carry some Antivenom. Carry some Snakebike Tourniquets. Carry some Blood Shield. Complete OWB.

Everything was deadly in Fallout 1.

If you're a pussy

Nope, blind deathclaws.

Do Old World Blues early and they won't be a problem. There's a perk you can get there that disables the poison effect.

>A blind deathclaw? I'll just sneak by that no problem



>backpedal and shoot
>they cant even hit you
every gamebryo game has this problem

Playing Dead Money atm. At first it was cool, much more survival based like old Bioshock, now its sort of annoying. At the part where everyone needs to get into position to start the Gala. Does it get better or worse?

You're coming up on the worst part

No, my first time playing I stuck to the trail to Nipton.

Fuck. Owb felt like the enemies were a little OP but was more fun. How are the other 2?

Are there sex mod with that bug yet?

Gameplay wise it's not that good of a dlc. I love the story for it though. Really like one of the possible endings. Won't spoil it for you

an actual stealth build in NV? I don't habeeb it

Honest hearts isn't that good. Lonesome road is great. And the enemies are even worse that old world blues.

>getting rapped by an ACTUAL monster girl and not just Moe blobs with costumes on

>Thinking they're still scary after the first patch to nerf the fuck out of them

Love this game but its so damn buggy.

Was that a pun sir?

Getting to the strip my very first time felt so cool. Why the fuck does everything feel like it falls apart after I talk to house and the branching paths begin?

Because the game becomes more open ended and feels like it has less direction. Personally I like when a game opens it's legs and let's you dive in and let's you experience it


Id argue the games main quests were established linierally from the get go but still let you go out and didnt really stop you from open exploration.


Source fuck,


Kind of hard to make a linear game with that many backstabs. You can simultaneously work for everyone at once or work for no one but yourself. Also they send you off to deal with the other smaller factions like the Khan's and the brotherhood which opens you up to their quests. It's pretty non linear

I'm actually replaying NV right now and honestly Cazadors aren't all that bad if you keep your distance. They drop like, well, flies, if you shoot them from afar.

Problem is obviously getting hit. They do retarded damage if you don't have activenom at the ready, but since I don't use it for anything anyway, it's pretty 'whatever'.

what the actual fuck

>someone thought this was a good idea

You have some good taste


link it

Right, but what I mean is even if the start is much more linear, it still can be an open exploration.

>not wanting a blowjob from a wasp

*unsheathes 10 agility*
psshh....nothin personnel......kid....
*shoots you into a billion pieces*

Yah they just highly discourage you from going anywhere other than the road South to prim through nipton to novac. By the time you get to Vegas you are going around the wider wasteland and are a level high enough to deal with most problems sort of OP and death claws

That kinky bitch



Deathclaw killed me first time because I wasn't paying attention.