Help stick it to EA

Help stick it to EA
"Best Battlefront 2"

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Voted for 2017 Battlefront ;)

I was going to nominate it for best mp game or something but these awards are cringey faggotry

You didn't because it's not on steam. Idiot.

I agree, but fuck EA

Done. Now you "Soul Of Vitruvius" pic related.

I wanted to do this but you can only vote a game into one category. I voted for Haydee instead.


I know you people hate Reddit, but we gotta stand together and say enough to EA

I hate to agree with anything reddit but this needs to happen.

Nomination cast.

Thank you

Net neutrality is a lot more important than your shitty star wars game you peanut brained idiot. Just don't buy EA titles, simple as that.

Why can't both issues be in the spot light?

Because you're a cocksucking faggot.

Because pic related

when will you lonely virgins accept that the world is fucked regardless of what you do?
take your moralfaggotry to Sup Forums

Fuck EA. I'm doin' this.

Net neutrality is a reddit meme. You need to go back.

NuBattlefront 2 isnt even on steam so why vote when there is no option to even vote


Help spread the word.

I seriously doubt Steam would let this go through.

I'll still do it tho.

I hope you're all choosing the correct answer for this category

You never know

Yeah, it was pretty obvious.

Fuck Ea, but not your personal army.

i did this

>mutually exclusive

>help reddit be salty
no ty

check global rule 4 fag

Sorry but I voted Hat Girl :^)

>direct linking to r edd i t
This board is dead

>reddit boogeymaning
>while pushing kangs meme
This is some bieber-tier shit right here.


>linking to plebbit



why do people keep reposting the same old pics

Another edit of my image. You know Several magazines have used the original version.
That's is the original, i only listed the companies i cared about. The font used on the dates and title is Caslon antique, the 40k font.

That is an edit of an edit, i never gave a shit about NFS or deadspace, ea could'nt make those games any shitty than their creators.
Also the guy that edit it to include more companies didn't understand the dates used, they aren't dates that end when ea decided not use the name anymore, the end dates are when ea bought them and thus the company ceased to exist, even if EA still wanted to use the name for a while.
I made the image for use in this video. it was a demo thing for that shit site 'gather your party' Sup Forums started then redit came in and shat all over it.

Hello newfriend


this made me realise how few games i've played this year

gib suggestions for custom category

Buggy Mess for PUBG

"Lootbox extravaganza" any game with lootboxes

id rather have this board full of redditards rather than shills and Sup Forumsfags like it currently is


Then fuck off to reddit, they have loads of them.

>not flavor of the month of the decade of the year

heh, that's kind of clever

why did reddit think of this before Sup Forums did?

I did the same semi-ironically in my case.

>All those IPs are dead save for Battlefield and maybe The Sims
They don't even know what to do with their shit

id you dont like reddit opinions then fuck off out of Sup Forums :^)

I can't even think of any other games

What even came out this year


I can't decide between EYE or Hotline Miami 2 for the Whooooaaaaa Dude award.
I'm leaning toward Hotline Miami 2.


EA conciously is trying to fuck over steam with Origin, why would they give a fuck

ITT: retards actualy voting for games instead of getting free xp

>the entire steam store is a dumpster fire with thousands of trash asset flip "games" being released every day

>oh man I've gotta level up my steam profile then people will think I'm a cool guy

>Sup Forums gets ignored by everyone
>devs and even fucking governments take reddit's word as gospel

what happened Sup Forums when did we stop being relevant?

>caring about steam XP and card scam shit

What does that mean?


>renting steam games when drm free versions exist

say the guys who openly protest EA
back to r*ddit, scum

This is a reddit video.


Sup Forums needs to stop cross contaminating everything

I nominated Bethesda for "Jew Publisher," whatcha gonna do huh? 1v1 me bro.


>the best thing reddit could come up with was "best battlefront 2"
why not something creative that alsou could get through?


How is that game? I know it's made by ex Total War devs but has a lot more focus on the turn based part. Been meaning to try it out but I have so much on my plate. Is it any good?


Ha ha sure hope someone doesn't bring attention to Star Wars Battlefront games ha ha oh gosh it would be so embarrassing if people thought the old one was better and gave it an award right around Christmas ha ha I hope it doesn't happen!


Fuck off reddit


2B: The Steam Award Category

>The Vitruvian Man was Leonardo’s celebration of the ideal form. And in that spirit the SASC looks to celebrate the game with the most lovingly rendered character… be it human, alien, anthropomorphic cat people, or even a piece of produce.

I went online, figuring that would've boosted the numbers.... Only like 13 players were in a server.

that wont do anything

if by some fucking miracle the "best battlefront 2" category makes it, itll be even more negative publicity EA wont be able to easily shake off

they are on thin ice with the house of mouse, disney can grab em by the balls and demand almost anything, from guidelines preventing another pay2win fiasco to rescinding the decision of giving EA exclusive rights to the star wars license

between governments and disney we finally have some people who can do something about EA's bullshit

Though it feels like cheating picking TF2, because they honestly dont get enough love to deserve the award

So is Battlefront 2 actually active again?
I wouldn't mind playing again now that I don't have to deal with gameranger or other shit



That can't be right, how are you getting online? Sup Forums has a server that fills up almost everyday.


Announcing sage is against the rules.


>Sup Forums suddenly hates rigging polls now
What the fuck happened to this board?

You thicc bastard

did they literally design that award just for 2b

>What the fuck happened to this board?
Sup Forums. Their name sounds a lot like poll, so they are obviously against rigging them.

bumping because this is a great idea. I did my part, thanks for suggesting, user.

You kidding? Sup Forums loves to raid online polls.

Reddit did some stupid bullshit like this last time there was a vote by nominating no mans sky. Valve will ignore it, they don't pick the one with the most votes.

Just ignore EA, you stupid faggot. Why are you even mentioning that shitty company's name on this board? They are irredeemable. There is no point in doing any of this. You are just giving them attention.

The joke was last sighted orbiting user's head for a couple of seconds and quickly departing into a different direction. This outcome had been predicted by the scientific community, since a Sup Forums user's cerebral mass is too weak to have a significant pull on humor and subtleness.

Holy Fuck, would you rather support EA screwing everybody? Neck yourself, shill

I never said the word EA in my post though. I was just asking a question.

>casually linking reddit on Sup Forums
Holy fucking shit I thought moot banned all mention of reddit.

What's wrong with you people?

Don't want EA to screw you? Don't fucking buy their games. It's that simple retard.
What do you think this shit going to accomplish?


THANK YOU! Why can't people see that Net Neutrality is just going to become the government policing the internet even more than they already do.