Niggas there's some great sales on PSN right now
Niggas there's some great sales on PSN right now
Other urls found in this thread:
>renting games
The absolute state of soniponies
AAA garbage and Bloodborne
you can get all of the games for the same price physical as long as you're not retarded
In what way are you renting? Are you saying you don't buy games digitally anywhere including Steam because that's what you're saying.
>no Chaos;Child
fuck i'll have to get it full price then
Okay, fair enough.
>Wolfestein 2 at half price
Didn't it just come out?
Same fate as Deus Ex and Dishonored:
Half assed sequel with sjw bullshit crowbarred in, word of mouth got around and it sold poorly compared to the first one.
The same will probably happen to the new Far Cry
>No MGS1 or MGS4
hmm should I get Persona 5 for 29.99 or Final Fantasy XV for 19.99?
God I hope not
As long as it's fun I can ignore the story and look past the white guilt garbage
I want another good Far Cry
Do you want a fun game with a bad story or a terrible game with an interesting story that requires you to read and watch most of it that's not included in the game
>1 and Blood Dragon
Why do you think more good Farcry is coming at this point?
Because I liked 2 and 3
Didn't you make this thread yesterday?
I've only enough to buy either GTA 5 or Witcher 3. I have played neither in the series. What should i buy?
How much of a weeb are you willing to be?
See I want Horizon and Nier, but I wanna get them physically. I bit the bullet and got Shadow of War last night though. Stardew Valley is fun but I want something else to play before XC2 comes out.
Could have been someone else you paranoid faggot.
Should I get fallout goty edition?
Already beat the main game.
did you love it, or did you force yourself to beat it?
Is the new Mirror's Edge worth 5 bucks?
more like 3.50
they're probably gonna give it away for free in a few months, just like andromeda
>bunch of weeb games on sale
>only ones I actually want (Tales of Berseria, Utawarerumono, and Atelier) are not on sale
Fuck a duck. Hopefully the Christmas sale delivers.
Yeah brah, bought that Assassin's Creed triple pack
>30fpstation 4
the absolute state of console plebs
>Rise of the tomb raider is $19.80 on xbone
>it's $19.79 on PS4
MSniggers btfo
was pretty enjoyable.
are any of the mods worth a damn?
nah, modders didn't really take to this one like they did with 3 and NV
i bought it for $15 on xbox 360, fuck both of ya'll lol
Is it me, or was persona 5 25$ yesterday?
Picking up a PS4 Pro and some shit for it on black friday/this week
R8 my choices
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Tearaway Unfolded
>Kingdom Hears 1.5+2.5
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Then I have to pick which of these two themes I'm gonna grab.
>>Horizon Zero Dawn
>>Tearaway Unfolded
>literally no money
>Games like Horizon, but no Bloodborne
I've played BOTW and all the Horizon vs BOTW shitposting earlier this year made me intensely curious how they actually stack up.
Tearaway on Vita was fucking fantastic. I've been worried that it wouldn't be as fun without the vita functionality in place but I still want to experience not on a handheld and see those new levels.
Persona 5 is the better game overall but it has issues of its own. Are you willing to overlook a lot of stupid bullshit?
FFXV, for its flaws, is a fun fucking game with a rollicking story.
Guys what are some FUN and cheap games to play with my buds (we are 4)?
(we are 4)
knock yourself out bro, but if it were up to me I'd make you buy persona and yakuza
Persona 5 PS3 is $25.
I'll get Persona 5 eventually I just have other JRPGs lined up ahead of it and I only do one of them at a time.
Yakuza is doubtful, too much of a movie game for my tastes.
Not even the same user, but that user is correct and you're the dick here. At least admit to being a shill, OP.
And the sale sucks. At least shill a good sale next time.
The only one I'm remotely interested in is in the Mass Effect trilogy, and the shit doesn't even include the dlc.
t. obsessed ninten.drone
What should i get out of these games
Horizon Zero Dawn
Nier Automata
Bloodborne (wasnt a big fan of DS3)
Shadow of War
AC Origins
Destiny 2
P5 no contest, FFXV is a complete piece of shit
Don't buy Horizon. Seriously dude, it's not good.
That is some next level Greed EA is demonstrating.
I enjoy both the Switch and the PS4, but the sale itself sucks and Sony has done better in the past. I was merely pointing out a blatant lie.
Nier Automata is the only good game on that list
Too late it's already at my house
>The Evil Within and Wolfenstein 2 are still £5 more expensive on PSN sale WITH PS+ discount compared to Steam
The absolute state of Sony.
When are the vita games going on sale
rip user
>what should i get
Honestly? Better tastes.
Yeah but I might play ffxv again. After 120 hours I have no desire to play persona ever again.
Would you rather play a good game once or a shit game twice
You've never played deus ex if you think the "sjw" shit is recent.
Nier, 2B is waifu of the year for a reason
TFW you will never see edgeworth 2 in the west
Even if you only take the gameplay it's still mediocre.
I'm tired of souls game and wanted to get at least a few pro compatible games, I'll pick it up eventually though.
It used to be subtle, tasteful, interesting and well done.
Horizon worth $25? I've thought about picking it up because I hear good things, but I don't know much about it.
Maybe during the flash sale.
Drop Horizon Zero Dawn unless it's like, twenty dollars or some shit. It's only good for one playthrough if you're not retarded. Destiny 2 has NO CONTENT. Bloodborne is good but if you're not into Souls then I don't know why you're even considering it. The community is also far past its prime and the only people still online are the dedicated autists.
I've heard good things about Nier, but I still need to play it.
Get the Yakuza games.
I can watch a shitty movie any number of times and make fun of it with my friends along the way. If I have to sit through a 3 hour masterpiece that offers nothing but greatness, it skews my view of everything else and makes everything shit by comparison. But this isn't about quality over replay. It's about you wanting to be right.
I think putting 120 hours into a game is a feat of it's own. The last Final Fantasy game I played I couldn't even put 40 hours into it.
yeah im really impressed by how much you hate such a good popular game bro, you're really ahead of your time
You'd be right normally but you underestimate the degree of repetition that persona is. Not just persona 5 itself but the entire series. If you've played any persona game in the last 3 years, this isn't going to feel comfy. You will say aloud "oh shit. Again?!"
Both PS4 and Switch's sales suck. Switch more so as it's a mere handful and Setsuna is still more expensive on it.
If I enjoyed the first dishonored is the second worth?
also are the fallout 4 dlcs worth it
>It's popular therefor it's good
Nice argument my friendo. The gameplay can't carry the game for too long and the story is the same old persona story repeated for far too long.
The game could lose a quarter of its mength and it would improve. Also, the speaking quircky mascot was a mistake fuck p5 for keeping it in
you havent given one reason its bad except repeating a bunch of cool epic Sup Forums buzzwords
stop trying to fit in so hard
Been thinking of getting a PS4, is this a good time? Been wanting to play Disgaea 5 and I'm positive I can find more on the PS4 to justify buying one than a Switch.
Thank you anons that suggested Yakuza Kawami.
Probably going to get Zero before the sale ends.
Unfortunately, most mods are weapon/armor ones.
Once the SE and other mods rework the game there will be much more comprehensive work done, but right now that is a little ways off
>be Argenigger
>check local PSN website sales to see what's all the fuss about
>see this
>compare with US store
>quickly realize that just by changing your region all games on sale are suddenly about 20 dollars less expensive
Nuke this shit continent.
any good sales for the PSP?
My little brother just bought a PS4 Slim for 199 burger marks from Walmart. I don't think it'll get cheaper during Christmas, so if you're going to make the purchase now would be the time.
Kawami made me upset that I had been dodging the Yakuza series for so long. The main story is serious crime drama, but goddamn literally everything else is so goofy I was smiling like an idiot. Majima's arcade side story was great, and so was kart racer senpai.
Just install CFW. I just did a few days ago and regret never trying before that.
Your choices are shit, but you can redeem yourself by picking up Yakuza 0
How good is Mass Effect Andromeda?
Why is Yakuza still so expensive. Why is KH full price.
Because thoses are complaints that have been brought against P5 numerous times by fans and newcomers alike. Just make a thread asking about the flaws of the game or saying it was disapointing and you'll see. I'm not the only one who feel this way.
What's more, fans just put their heads in the sands when confronted about the flaws of their favourite all-time jrpg. I genuily believe the majority of the people who liked this game are 16-20 years old who have/had a shit school life. Just look at the popularity of Makoto, which is one of the worst characters in the game.
Not good
I hear Evil Within 2 is pretty good but should I play 1, even for the story?
>Never played
>Waste of time, play through it once then forget it existed
>Cute but if I hadn't only paid 3 bucks for it years ago I would have never played it. It also has motion control gimmicks for playing, so be aware.
>Enabling Kingdom Hearts's infinite sequel nonsense
>Watch a youtube play through of Journey and save the money.
Never pmayed it but I was on a big national forum about MEA, everyone was hyped for the game and soon after the game was out they were ripping each other to shred about the quality of the game.
All you're doing when you make a digital game purchase is renting the right to download and use the software.
I haven't played 2 yet, but I finished the first game yesterday and I fucking loved it, despite some flaws. It's probably the scariest horror game I've played since the PS2 era. It just feels a bit disjointed, is all.
The story is meh but the game is pretty good so you should still play it.
I honestly think that xiv is a better value but I've only played other personas and found them insanely trite. Plus
>that ending
>end game progression feels rewarding
>characters eventually (read toward the end) develop slightly (and perhaps in the dlc I wouldn't know)
good 100 hrs of content if you want to get the best stuff, probably less with all the guides available now, probably more with dlc.
>want to buy persona 5 and Yakuza 0
>also want to buy a Nikon D7200 within the next couple days which will run me around $900
Should I say fuck the camera and just buy a bunch of vidya?
>saying it was disapointing and you'll see
Starting a thread like this always leads to anons defaulting to confirmation bias. Think of the best game you can think of and start a thread saying you were disappointed and people will agree just to fit in. The same is true for positive threads. Have you not noticed people constantly make the same threads on here in that manner to try and sway public opinion on Sup Forums?
This is probably the worst thread to ask but should I play it on my PC or PS4? Nips aren't exactly known for their good port quality
Nah, I bet you haven't even finished half of your game library. Buy the camera.
I can't believe people still don't know that half or more of the content on Sup Forums is literally advertising.
Good quality post. I just wanted you to know that.