ITT: we pretend to be professor Layton
ITT: we pretend to be professor Layton
Mother in law, retarded apprentice.
Son in Law
You are the husband of Theresa's Daughter, so obviously she is your mother in law
is there some trick i dont understand? looks super basic to me
It's really quite messed up y'all
Nowhere does it state that you and your daughter's mother are married. We can't infer what your exact relation to your partner's mother is from that question
Soyboi cucklet
my asshole
My wife's son
*sigh* fine
It's a map
can't wait to see all the videogames posted itt
>my wife's son in professor layton
Wife's son
My peanus weanus
shovel to bury the other one if they die?
this dick! *zip*
Theresa's daughter.
Are the Layton games this much of a joke?
Steady supply of sips
By jumping off a bridge
A man's car is stopped next to a hotel. The man has several thousand dollars in cash on his person. Seconds later, the car moves away from the hotel, and the man has no cash at all.
He was not robbed. He did not buy anything, or throw the money away. Nothing untoward or otherwise illegal took place. No magic trickery was involved.
So what happened?
No. The Daughter. It's a primary school tier problem solving exercise, fucking pull your shit together.
by sleeping during the night
Let's go, white boy
Prostitution was legalised.
he put the money on the cars trunk.
>answers an easy riddle not even in a Layton game to complain about them
Really grasping those straws
you can't add three odd numbers and end up with an even number, do you even math?
11, 13, 6
1 (+ 15 + 15 )
Is this possible? When you add three odd numbers together you get an odd number
6 isnt a possible input you dolt
Yes it is, turn the 9 over.
impossible if you have to fill all 3, the sum of 3 odd numbers can't be an even number. if it's some stupid shit like "you're not limited to only one number per block" then I put 1 and 9 in the first to make 19, and 11 in the second
It looks like this
=>Theresa's daughter = my daughter's mother
=>My daughter's mother = my wife
=>Theresa's daughter = my wife
=>Mother of my wife = my mother in law
There is no 12, faggot.
There is no solution to this question using normal methods, as three odd numbers added together will always produce an odd number ( Is it possible for an odd number of odd numbers to be added together to create an even number? ). Since the answer is even, and an odd number can not equal an even number, this is unsolvable.
Using trick solutions;
Use the factorial function in your answer: 11 + 3! (1*2*3, which equals 6) + 13 = 30
Change the mathematical base system of the equation in certain places (this can give an answer with multiple bases or a single base): For single bases: ..For multiple bases... 910+910+910=309910+910+910=309. A number which appears as "30" when written in a different base system doesn't represent "thirty" in base ten. When written in base 9 as 309309, is equivalent to twenty seven in base ten: (27102710). Or using all the same base: 135+115+15=305135+115+15=305 in base five, which is equivalent to (810+610+110=1510)(810+610+110=1510) in base ten. Or 139+159+19=309139+159+19=309 in base nine.
Use the commas given in the question to your advantage: In many countries the comma (,) is used instead of the full stop (.) to represent a decimal point. For example "3.5" (three and a half) can be written as "3,5". This allows for the solution 11,3 + 15,7 + 3 = 30.
Only use numbers in two of the brackets: You could leave one of the brackets blank and have the answer as () + (15) + (15) = 30. The first fifteen represents a fifteen with a "unary plus" (+15) and the second fifteen added to the first one gives us thirty. The first bracket is left empty.
Rotate one of the accepted numbers so that it resembles a different number: If the number 9 is rotated 180 degrees then it can resemble the number 6. 6 (an upside down number "9") + 9 + 15 = 30.
A dick
[ ] + [15] + [15]
It is also possible that you are Theresa's daughter. The question is too vague, it didn't establish that the questioner is uninvolved with the question.
Use the brackets, dipshits.
blank+15+15, it doesn't specify how many boxes should be filled
I'd tell you but It's a secret
The question is "what am I to Theresa" so it would be son in law, and you failed to consider the possibility that my daughter's mother = me
Did you fucking copypasted from Quora? OMG this place is worse than reddit
A gf
He forgot his money in the hotel?
This is a fucking retarded question, it's too vague for what it is doing.
If you only put one of the numbers into each of the fields it's impossible. If you are allowed to throw multiple of the numbers into a single field it needs to be defined whether 1 and another 1 would make an 11 or if they are multiplicative. This kind of question would never fly in an actual exam in the civilized world, leave it to India to come up with dumb shit like this
>posts a trick question
>calls others a dolt
Way too drop your spaghetti, moutbreather
Stop being such a colossal rube
>i maek poo poo pee pee
What has 4 letters, sometimes 8, always has 6.
virgin beta orbiters
Or, instead of cheating, use the brackets it gives you.
A word
But never has 5
>capitalizing Wants
You just went a step further, but I understood that "I" am Theresa's son in law if she's my mother in law.
But as says, it could also be a possibility, I was just exploring this way.
1,3 + 13 + 3
A fart
And then there's this retard
This is bullshit, there's no reason to believe that you are married to your baby-mama.
Sometimes has 9 you mongoloid
A coffin
Yes, what has 4 letters and always has 6. But you fucked up, sometimes has 9.
You are the baby-mama, brainlet.
Not really.
>when you nut so hard you die
It's so fucking obvious.
Consume the pills
Who the fuck wants to share a secret? I couldn't answer correctlyBecuase I'm a dude I don't gossip ffs.
Do you get exact numbers with this scale or do you only get weight in relation to the other side?
Split amount in half and weigh twice, then you're left with two pills, one of which is the poison one, which can be weighed by hand.
maybe if it said where
The difference is too small to weigh it by hand. There must be another solution.