Reddit successfully got lootboxes makred as gambling global

>reddit successfully got lootboxes makred as gambling global
>cities, states and a fucking continent already banned them
>Sup Forums did nothing but shitpost and defend EA out of contrarianism

Fuck off redditor. Saged.

Op is right.

>>>reddit successfully anything
>cities, states, and a fucking continent already banned them
Belgium declared lootboxes as a form of gambling, but I can still buy as much lootboxes as I want. (-t.Belgian)
>Sup Forums is one person
2/10 made me reply

>reddit wants more government intervention in their hobby
> Sup Forums wants it to stay free market and up to consumers

really makes you think

so reddit is less infested with happy merchants and good goyims then v is

>shills try their hardest to appeal to contrarian shitposters with reverse psychology
Lootboxes are cancer. Fuck off.

people that use "the free market" as a defense have zero real understanding of it.

ive never played a single game with lootboxes so i didn't really care

>he doesnt understand you arent forced to buy EA games

Capitalism, libertarianism, and democracy will never work because people are too fucking stupid, whether they're voting or shopping.

>free market is bad

Off to reddit

>Sup Forums did nothing but shitpost and defend EA out of contrarianism
Sup Forums is absolutely infested with viral marketing shills you retard. Hiroshimoot sold the site out.

Yeah, specifially YOU aren't, but how about that whale who buys the game and uses money worth of 10 people?

You don't understand these things don't work for the stupid. People that are not stupid function just fine in these systems.

they can do what they want, I dont give a shit.

you mean ribbit got outraged at something like they do every week

Yeah, none of those things work as well as Communism. That's why all those ideologies failed and we're all living in a Communist utopia.

Communism doesn't work either faggot. No political system is perfect, best we can do is try and keep whichever one works best and do our best to prevent it from inevitably spiraling into despotism.

Capitalism, libertarianism and democracy work because people can buy whatever and vote for whoever they want and the only thing you commie faggots can do is cry about it.

Due to this we should ask ourselves: Should we be dragged down because stupid people exist? Or should we just let them be their stupid selves and give them enough to not chimp out and ruin it for us.

>letting your hobby being dictated by rich brainlets

You would be the first to bitch when it's entrenched in a game you do like.

Sup Forums was not defending them, shills were for damage control, if you take the time to read the posts literally nobody talks like that.

>dragged down
oh no I don't get to partake in great modern AAA titles such as...

off to the camps jewboy

ill support the good devs who dont entrench their games with stuff I dont like. which will always exist due to free market.

Sup Forums doesn't even play EA games

Sup Forums is a cancer hated by the rest of Sup Forums, especially pol. it'd be different if people here had a brain and stopped supporting games pumped out by EA/Valve/Bluehole and other dog shit unethical nigger companies. This board doesn't even make sense. Sup Forums = open speech. Yet here you niggers are supporting caustic companies like EA that run their forums like a third world dictator. Go to a real gaming forum where you can be part of your shitty insular cult.

>he thinks Sup Forums consists of all gamers worldwide
This entire board could never buy one fucking EA game and it wouldn't make a difference. You think Sup Forums is popular? Go ask normies if they ever heard of it and 9/10 will say no even after MSM news mention us every few months. Kill yourself.

This but ironically.

>You think Sup Forums is popular?
Yes. I specifically stopped browsing this board for years when some high school freshman at a school I volunteered at mentioned it. This was 4 years ago and is probably only worse now.

Nice try commie

The Chad Reddit, the virgin Sup Forums

>and a fucking continent
Eu would be the last place to ban gambling you homo fag. Chances are way higher for the us to ban it

i dont think lootboxes are gambling, in fact some of the games i like use lootboxes, such as overwatch, paladins and team fortress 2, and theyd be negatively affected by any regulation

but fuck EA, you are going to pay for what you did to Pandemic, i hope mouse lawyers come storming into your building and sue you into oblivion

your ass is grass EA, and im the lawnmower

>Sup Forumsirgin.

Do I have to do everything around here.

>the Sup Forumsirgin
>the Chaddit

Reddit is full of the morons that buy EA games to begin with, nobody on Sup Forums gives a shit because this board shits on every game they make anyway


>American's thinking they know anything about gambling
Isn't your whole country except 1 state cucked out of gambling? And can't you not drink till your 21?

Sup Forums is the only board with any influence on the real world. Every other board is just coming along for the ride.

And net neutrality died. We sure won.

>Sup Forums did nothing but shitpost and defend EA out of contrarianism

Nobody would've heard us, normies fear us; to this day "gamergate" sends libtards in a fit of rage and literally shaking, we memed trump into office, we raided habbo, EA could've successfully managed to use the gays or the immigrants as shields like the last time with ME3.

But reddit revolting? reddit is the sanitized version of Sup Forums, all the famous figures go there for AMA's, developers hand in there too, it's the paradise for the merchants and there's no way they could dismiss them as nazis like they could with us. This time they were our attack dogs, the merchants will start doubting investing their shekels in there now that they've shown their teeth and now that they've served our purpose they'll slowly but surely will fall into irrelevancy. We played the 4d chess and won.

this 3000%

>which will always exist due to free market.
Not when you become an unsustainable market and don't offer remotely NEAR the money whales will, dumbass.

>Fuck off redditor.
Young retarded kids parroting more shit without any meaning behind it.

>Sup Forums was not defending them, shills were for damage control, if you take the time to read the posts literally nobody talks like that.

Lul, go and look up other Star Wars message boards and Facebook groups and you get people saying shit like, "I'M GONNA BUY 100 DOLLARS WORTH OF LOOT BOXES JUST TO SPITE THEM!" and, "WHO CARES????"

>free market

we angered redditards that felt welcomed here

we should still be able to sell cigarettes to 8 year olds

>Reddit is full of the morons that buy EA games to begin with, nobody on Sup Forums gives a shit because this board shits on every game they make anyway


Literally every fucking AAA titled game has people talking about it on a fucking pedestal.

Anything that's not as popular is shitposted with, "SHILL SHILL SHILL."

Everyone, including Sup Forums and Reddit talk and play AAA titles. It's fucking sick.

except there is an age limit to cigs, just like there is an age limit to credit cards/gambling

>reddit spacing

and that's government, not free market
at least get your strawman right

Tired cliche.

announcing sages are against the rules, stormfag

reddit isn't an insult you know

>>reddit spacing
anyone who uses this argument even ironically is a confirmed newfag


Doubt it Sup Forums is why most of us even hear of Sup Forums. The shit they flinged around is legendary.


>Sup Forums
>The ones tied with Sup Forums for being behind every bad thing that's ever been spewed out by this hellhole

>behind every bad thing
Sup Forums sent that card to Nintendo of America?


this but unironically

credit where credit's due, they did good