What are some Soycore games?
What are some Soycore games?
Essential /Soycore/
> Firewatch
> The Witness
> Fez
> Life Is Strange
> Undertale
> Edith Finch
> Dear Ester
> No Man's Sky
> Ggone Home
> Depression Quesr
> Stardew Valley
> Everyone Has Gone to The Rapture
You memepushers are pathetic
This tried so hard to recapture what made friends of mineral town good, but failed to make
1. Solid progression
You can get max everything and buy everything aside from the 5 items over a million in the first year to year and a half. This isn't even by min-maxing or having strict time management.
2. Making you care about the villagers or want to talk to people
All interactions are incredibly bland and boring. Pretty much no choices or any detail, even with romantic candidates. Also you can make out everyone extremely easily.
Am I the only one who thinks this?
Fez is just a puzzle platformer with nothing really to do with soy
All of them.
fuck off right back to Sup Forums
>game where you can actually impregnate a woman
I enjoy this game despite it being soycore and blatantly endorsing race mixing
The ones where OP kills himself for forcing a shit meme.
I know this is a shitposting thread but
>no vita port
I would play the shit out of it, but I guess I'll have to stick to Back to Nature.
And no I dont own a Switch b/c I'm a poorfag atm
What did he mean by this?
>binding of isaac
Have you seen the dev? It's to bad th hat soyboys didn't kill himself like he promised
all of Sup Forums is Soycore, in fact Sup Forums should be Sup Forums - Soyboys
More like KEKcore, amirite
Why is Stardew Valley soycore? It's literally weeb game with option to be gay and a nigger.
>mfw soyposting is becoming a thing cause all the crybabbie soy boys who make it fun
>implying impregnating one of these fine lasses is soycore
i want to marry that moth
What do you even give these bitches to get them to love you?
so Abigail its wizard's n Caroline's daughter?
Prismatic Shards
corn and farm stuffs
FFXV is most soycore game
Holy shit you should be a detective, user, those are some seriously top-tier powers of deduction
>Sup Forums