Just bought this on steam, what am I in for?
Just bought this on steam, what am I in for?
a FUN game
a SHIT game
A good time!
the true fallout 3
a bad time!
> Starting out
Man this place is fuckin desolate. Holy crap its janky as fuck. Jesus this combat could not feel worse. Why is there so much weird flickering happening?
> Finishing
Battle toads you cuckold
I fuckin love these.
had this on 360 a while ago Im prob gonna pick it up now just to get the dlc and everything
Any mods to make it look a little less shitty, and tighten up the gameplay a bit?
A post-apocalyptic role playing game set in the mojave desert.
Gracias amigo
this image pretty much explains it all.
this is a damn fine list user. Damn fine.
Oliver Swanick is the only NPC in the game programmed to feel pain.
Protip 2;
You should murder him.
Protip 3; you should save before you murder him so you can do it hundreds of times with different weapons.
The best game in the franchise next to 2.
A game far superior to 3 and 4. Obsidian actually know how to make a good game.
It's a good game but it is not nearly the pristine, flawless masterpiece and deific icon of storytelling that people make it out to be.
Gameplay is HORRIBLE so mod that ASAP
an objectively better game than fallout 3, although fallout 3 still was fun
A Civ V Match went a little bit overboard
haha epic!
really good game.
and probably the best DLC content in history
why buy this game on steam..? its literally 2 bucks on every keysite on the web
The inferior version
is dead money any good? its the only dlc i havent played or completed
i hear a lot of people talk shit about it
Is good.
On a semi-related note: I spent about 6 hours installing mods and making a merged patch a few days ago.
I don't know why I keep installing Texture mods when I really don't care how it looks.
It's polarizing because of how seperate it feels from the rest of the game. Removes all your items, has this vastly different vibe to the rest of the game, has mechanics that don't even factor in anywhere else in the game (those stupid hologram enemies in particular) etc etc. It feels like a completely seperate game made inside the same engine, which a lot of people don't appreciate.
Personally I like it. It's probably the only thing remotely approaching a challenge you'll encounter once you hit max level.
Dead Money is great.
Honest Hearts is meh.
OWB is quirk tier.
Lonesome Road is bad.
Hardly best in history you fucking child.
It's a survival based expansion with an awesome story, awesome atmosphere, awesome characters.
It's linear and difficult which makes casuals hate it.
If it weren't for VATS your ass would be 8 different species of grass.
I've noticed that browsing mods and installing them can be a pretty fun game in its own right.
I would to this day probably pay solid money for official DLC where I could bring Christine Royce back to the Mojave as a companion and have content for her there.
The utmost of kino.
Fallout New Vegas, albeit i know it has flaws, is my GOTYAY. I'm 23 and I don't think no other vidya'll surpass it.
>putting JSawyer in a separate part
Damn kids, my first NV playthrough was on hard with Hardcore enabled, JSawyer installed, and the start-of-game DLC free shit disabled, and by god I had fun.
Quick give me a list of mods to install
take a look at this hallway.
also, how am i supposed to sympathize with legion? i want to complete the game on their side, but they're obviously the faction that is evil and wrong.
>I'll never have a computer to run the game like this
Clarity and Darker Nights on lowest is good enough I guess
This. Game picks up a ton and become addicting as fuck about 15-20 hours in.
The only mod you should ever install is JSawyer.
I hate Johnny Guitar, I always replace it with this one
vido gaem
Just blindly follow what Caes... Cease.... The roman twat says
> People like this actually exist.
Just fucking die already.
I really like it.
I've never played with JSawyer.
I usually install Project Nevada: Rebalance and tweak things to be harder that way.
More hunger and thirst increase, rarer resources like ammo and chems.
Slower XP, tougher bartering, etc, etc.
Wrong, this modlist provides an objectively superior experience that's still absolutely true to vanilla
JSawyer Ultimate blows PN Rebalance out of the water and does far more than change some numbers
fight me.
Thanks for the mod lists Sup Forums. You're an ok guy.
also, pepper your angus for the Dead Money dlc if you got it. And get mods once you finish a play-through. Game is gooood.
blah blah blah belong on a cross etc.
Just learn your classical Latin pronunciation and never look back, OP.
>Play the guitar, play it again, my Johnny.
I'll look into making a modlist and playthrough with it.
My current playthough has AWN so there isn't a lot of room for big mods.
fuck you I like it.
I like it, but I always leave it for the final.
I used to see them as the bad guys, but after a run with my "evil melee nig nog from the legion", their philosophy and vision got me.
Also, degenerates like you belong to a cross
>tfw the chances of this being complete are next to none
Is fallout 4 worth 15 bucks
Depends. Are you being payed to play it? Because the answer to that question is the same answer to the one you asked.
At least the mod authors are releasing pieces of it as it goes along
>take the road east of Novac
>wandering down the hills next Colorado river in the morning on a fire gecko hunt with a half-broken hunting shotgun and scarce shells at level 8 with E-DE in tow
>have to use full-on guerilla warfare with all my crafted explosives and abusing the environment to survive
>stop off at a prospectors camp for the night as it starts getting dark
>continue on the next morning all the way down to Cottonwood slaughtering fire geckos as I go
>happen upon the fire gecko mother cave
>stumble in numb on med-x to try and avoid getting one-shot and drunk as a sailor because vodka is the only healing item I have left (thanks old-world gourmet)
>ED-E sniping from the ridge while I clumsily fire down on the cave of fire geckos almost out of shells
>clear the ground floor and hop down to loot
>ED-E charges off as the legendary fire gecko I was oblivious to leaps of the cave opening further up in the pit
>run in with Love & Hate punching the shit out of the thing while ED-E tanks what little she can for the few seconds I have to kill it
>blow its head off with a power swing, ED-E on 6 hit points
>skin its hide and walk back out into the wastes for another day
My fourth time trying to play through and it finally clicked with just a nice simple mod list, I've never felt this kind of connection with a game.
Incredible role playing experience.
Sure it looks prettier but environments with Fallout 4 assets look painfully sterile and the lighting is weird.
Plus it's going to ultimately be inferior as a game to the original.
Everything wrong with things like Skywind applies here too.
not op, but can you post some must have mods for this game ? mostly graphics
a theoretical degree in physics
In what way do you believe that f4nv is destined to be a lesser product to nv?
what a fantastic post.
So, a mod recommendation that actually plays really nice in caves / other sorts of dungeons is Existence 2_0 - Robot Radio. It's much, much better than I thought it'd be from the description.
>steal everything
>get very evil karma
>cass refuses to follow you
fuck her
Mr house mod
hey when in rome
Raging at plants
Sawyer himself has explicitly stated that unlike the other three main factions, the Legion is less about being morally ambiguous and more of a commentary on how such brutal dictatorships happen.
They are meant to be evil, but they're believably evil.
What mod for the graphics, some ENB?
Because it's being made within the confines of Fallout 4 by an even smaller team than the original.
He also admitted they were basically half-baked due to time constraints on producing the game and DLC, and that that is his biggest regret with NV.
A game that feels like it's held together by tooth picks, duct tape, and glue yet still manages to be more dense, enjoyable, and fun than 99% of games out there.
You wrote words but you didn't say anything with them.
>not listening to mojave music radio instead
i can't bring myself to go for anything but NCR
>not wanting to go to space
They're edgy, but have a point with all of "remove degeneracy" thing. If you save Caesar, ending is actually pretty good. I don't know shit about politics so if you want to prove me wrong don't bother
to be honest i just always like evil guys, also vulpes' hat is cute