How do we stop net neutrality bros, I don’t wanna pay monthly just to play my games

How do we stop net neutrality bros, I don’t wanna pay monthly just to play my games

close your eyes

John Oliver, that's how.

You get actual competition going.
NN is just a cork on the crack of the dam.

wouldn't all these companies just pay the cable companies off? this kind of shit will cut into their profits

How about don't live in a 3rd world country retard

>How do we stop net neutrality bros,

You cant. Ironic shitposting has won out and has ironically become unironic shitposting. Contrarian counter culture faggots are getting what they wanted to the detriment of those not driven solely buy overly emotional faggotry.

xbox live and PS+ are going to have to charge more now. I don't know what steam is going to do. Maybe start charging a small fee for downloads.Places like Good Old games will just cease to exist. Welcome to dystopia.

>this kind of shit will cut into their profits
Naw like every other fucking industry. They will just pass on the costs onto the consumer like they have done always.
So its the consumers ultimately getting hurt the most since they will have to pony up even more simply so the shit they are paying for wont take the financial hit to their profits if they want to enjoy certain shit.

Why did Sup Forums drink the kool-aid? Is there any hope for them?

That sets a barrier for entry to the industry, and gives the ISP much more power than they have now.
Remember all the times that your cable provider had a channel fuzzed out because the cable provider wanted more money from them for access to you?
Once your ISP is able to extract additional money from the sites you want to visit allowing them to double dip off of both ends just like your rates always go up, the rates to the sites on the other end will go up.

net neutrality is an obvious power grab by leftist and democrats over the internet, they did the same thing to TV and it created the mess we have now

just look at the amount of shilling done on Sup Forums and reddit by soros bots, the deep state are obviously nervous that they are going to lose to control of the internet once net neutrality is abolished

people for net neutrality
>soyboys on reddit
>john oliver

>YFW Your ISP signs an exclusivity agreement with Microsoft throttling everything else to the 56k slow lane

>comcast and verizon
>not ultimate omega supreme kikes

I honestly can't tell if they're being serious anymore. Or maybe they've finally snapped

fuck off comcast shill

You do realize some of the first sites to be blocked are all going to be Alt-right shit. This is going to fuck over Sup Forums users a lot more than it will liberals.

Net Neutrality has been the status quo on the internet since the earliest days.
Title II was brought into effect specifically because ISPs had challenged earlier implementations of the rules and they had been found to have no legal basis without it.
There is no left or right to this, its all about protecting established players with money against upstarts.

Murdoch wants to compete against upstarts like Bannon even less than the Clintons want to compete against new upstarts like Obama.
Anyone who isn't a major player won't be able to pay for the 'new fast lane' which will just be the speeds you get now.

typical fearmongering by leftist

those sites didn't happen to be banned before the rules were enforced in 2015, keep fantasizing about your capitalism nightmare communist

Yep. Stormfags won't get to read Breitbart articles anymore once NN gets repealed.

Net Neutrality rules existed and applied, and Verizon got hit with a lawsuit for breaking the rules.

Verizon won that lawsuit and the court said - more or less - that the FCC needed to clarify on Net Neutrality and Title 2 in regards to Telecoms like Verizon.

That opened the floodgates to abuses by Telecoms throttling and censoring services and websites, which then prompted public outcry to change the Net Neutrality rules - as the court ruling said should be done. The Obama Admin clarified the rules, and all was well until we got a Verizon lawyer in charge of the FCC.

Now he is removing every single net neutrality protection. VPN's and CDN's will no longer be internet utilities, so enjoy paying out the ass for those (if you run a website, you're fucked). If you compete against the internet giants like Google and Netflix, they have incentive to fuck you over with exclusivity contracts/deals with the major telecoms. Soon you won't have a choice of bitchute or twitch instead of youtube. And startups that haven't even come into existence yet will be strangled by market monopolies on the internet before they even get started.

Con-fucking-gratulations, retards.
Celebrate it. You're witnessing the TV-ization of the internet in real time.

So, what are the actual benefits of removing net neutrality? So far all i could find is how terrible it is and against our freedom

>So, what are the actual benefits of removing net neutrality?
None. Sup Forums just wants NN repealed because they think liberals will be upset by it.
And they will, but so will everyone else who uses the internet.


>Sup Forumstard is unironically a Comcast shill
What a surprise.

Some of the money will flow back into the community and buy kids nicer dreidels for hannukah

It's a complicated mess with no heroes.
NN is a kludge to make the american internet kinda work even with the complete fuck up they did that allowed the ISPs to legally monopolize.
Removing it will be even worse, but NN is not a good thing either.

more competion
less monopolies
lower prices
better internet speed
reddit tears

>lower prices
>better internet speed

World is going to flood any day now. 1 whole degree hotter

american internet, canadian and australian internet is all shit and expensive compared to third world countries that have zero net neutrality rules in place

>wouldn't all these companies just pay the cable companies off?
Because of the way these corporate conglomerates are vertically integrated, they wouldn't have to.

How you have more competition on a system that makes competition basically illegal?

Yes, but the third world don't have government sanctioned monopolies as well.

by fucking you in the ass, redditard

they were more expensive before NN too, why would they be less expensive if it's repealed? :^)

>tfw you're not a burger

Change services to a local or government ISP, or any that just leases bandwidth under contract and still believes in net neutralism. Avoid huge corporate ISPs.

T. Local isp IT

The downside:
ISPs can block or throttle any content they want. Allowing them to double dip by requiring sites to pay for access to you / give a cut to sites that sign on similar to how Cable TV works and what lowers all of that content to the lowest common denominator.

The upside:
Maybe they'll build out new capacity as a 'fast lane', but they're more likely to just downgrade all the people who won't pay to a slow lane.
Considering that we've already paid ISPs tens of billions of dollars to expand their networks, and then they took that money and bought congressional republicans to change the rules to let them keep the rest of the money without expanding their networks the slow lane seems a lot more likely than the fast lane.

Well, that actually sounds pretty good if true. Not sure if its worth companies straight out censoring content they dont want you to watch though

>Change services to a local or government ISP
don't have one in my area

companies that don't have to bend to net neutrality laws can work with companies to create better solutions for the internet, net neutrality doesn't allow companies to work with each other cause it allows favoritism, it essentially keeps google and netflix in power and thats why they support

from an ISP level, most of the problem is not due to the federal government but local government cronyism and corporatism, if you have a problem with monopolies like comcast, then change it at a local level, don't let the federal government touch the internet

>only pay for the content you actually want
Why is this such a bad thing?

>Sup Forums is against net neutrality
>Sup Forums is always right

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