How exactly does Metro 2033 ruin the atmosphere of the original?
How exactly does Metro 2033 ruin the atmosphere of the original?
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I dont get what the problem is
Is this bait?
lots of little things add up to ruin the whole experience, it's too bright, the AI is worse, the stealth is simplfied, the levels are changed a bit to add in stuff from LL, the duplet controls remove individual barrel control, Artyom's watch is digital instead of analog
Pretty much this for the visuals. Redux has Last Light's grime instead of 2033's grit.
In terms of gameplay, the player was a very weak character in the original 2033 and that was removed. If you were shot once in Ranger Hardcore, you'd have a real problem - maybe be 60-70% dead. You can do the same in Redux and maybe be 15-20% dead. The cleaner and more streamlined controls means you can pop headshots off like nothing. This sorta worked in Last Light because you were a trained soldier at that point, and the game was designed around those controls. In 2033 you're just some kid, and the atmosphere played on you being weak and defenseless.
ah but friendly AI was also quite strong on RHC
No so explain retard
Don't stop posting webms.
these would only make sense to the person recording it. There are already too many fucking bullet holes. Truly webms only a mad man could be proud of
It's true. You could basically just sit back and watch. The number of times allies shot at enemies though was rather few and far in between. Bourbon is pretty bad, so that leaves only Khan and the Rangers that are actually useful companions.
>escorting miller
FUCK, I'll see if I can stitch together a decent webm of my experience through that hellhole
>slash a guy's armored shoulder
>his head explodes
what did the game mean by this?
That it hit his neck and not the shoulder.
Can I get the original from anywhere or am I just out of luck?
well the stealth having to take control away from the player to execute some shitty context sensitive kill animation is shit.
There is such a very neat thing called piracy, it's 100% free too.
You should try it.
It's also a punch with a trench knife.
It should still exist on Steam. Might need to look around for it though.
it's still on steam just had its own page
and it seems I stopped recording around the end of the library or shadowplay stopped working or some shit
Nevermind, fuck me, they took it off.
well... No
This is going to follow the LL, 2033 redux design isn't it? I'll probably still like it but original 2033 has top tier charm and they don't seem to get it anymore. Also might need to upgrade PC to max it out.
It's actually not there anymore, it got removed.
Just pray it doesn't have the plot from Metro 2035.
>This is going to follow the LL, 2033 redux design isn't
It's going to be made with consoles in mind first and foremost, so yes.
It looks like you can get 2033 steam keys from other sites.
Not sure if it would work out though.
Without consoles there wouldnt be more metro games, and you know that too. Lets hope they add some proper modding support instead
LL screwed with the gameplay but I can't fault the graphix
I don't care, 2033 was the only good one out of the two released. I don't have the 14 year old mentality of thinking that everything needs to be continued into infinity. I know when things should, or need to, end. If Stalker 2 could only be made by pandering to consolefags then I don't want it, I'll just play the originals and mod them.
>cleaner and more streamlined controls
This is somehow a bad thing in Sup Forums's eyes. Jesus Christ.
Casualization is never good in any capacity.
Good thing nobody forcing you to play/buy the sequel(s)
>Complaint is valid with Resident Evil.
>Exact same complaint is not valid with Metro 2033.
watch depends on what type of gameplay you decide faggot
This was only introduced with a patch a year or so later, I don't blame him for not wanting to replay this game.
What's so bad about it?
It's almost like they're completely different games in different genres. Wow...
>different genres
They're both survival horror though.
ah but that's where you're wrong, metro 2033 was a survival horror FPS
Don't even bother replying if you're going to be disingenuous faggots.
>half the lights disappear
lol, what the fuck?
The gunplay was average and nothing special, and the story+voice acting were shit.
>guy claims redux ruins the atmosphere of the original
>guy proceeds to post webms showing how much more atmospheric redux is
the only thing i don't like in redux is the green lights on the revolver sight, it's weird and out of place
>going to be disingenuous
But we're not, both pre 4 Resident Evil and Metro are survival horror games. It's not disingenuous to compare games within the same genre.
Ahh. Spoken like someone who's never played the game.
You're right though. I'm sure all the emphasis on ghosts, super natural phenomena, decaying bodies, mutants, cultists, and body horror was included in the game and original novel was purely incidental. And so was the music!
>lens flare and fog everywhere = atmosphere
It would be set AFTER 2035 if anything.
2035 was a good book and all, it just lacked anything "metro". Basically, all of the supernatural shit was gone, and it was all about how people never change.
>It looks like you can get 2033 steam keys from other sites.
Could a non poorfag actually test this to see if it works?
>lens flare
don't care for it, but i can understand it showing up when you're wearing the mask
i fucking love fog m8 i'll 1v1 u
These games are linear snoozefests
I got both and compared them, original looks janky and feels clunky, similar to SoC without out any mods. Redux just feels nicer but is brighter, so i use reshade to darken it and it seems good.
>playing ranger mode
>find full box of ammo in bunker no one has ever been to before
>5 bullets
that and not knowing which buttons you were supposed to push for qtes was bullshit. also it's funny that millitary rounds were presented as "clean" when in real life they're nasty as shit with corrosive primers.
I haven't read 2035, so I can't say for certain, but I have to say it sounds totally extraneous.
"People never change" is the exact theme of 2033, its why the book is a tragedy, and why Last Light is about redemption; it's the counter-argument. It didn't need to be talked about again, and it didn't need to dramatically change the tone in a dower way to do it.
Still clean opposed to jury rigged rounds
The big twist in 2035 is that the unseen watchers are real and are in fact the old russian government. Each faction is actually a puppet state meant to give the people an enemy to fight. That, and there's actually a whole world beyond moscow, just that the russian government has set up a perimeter around moscow to block radio waves and kill anyone that enters or leaves.
>linear is bad
>I want to be ordered and told how to play
I bet you voted for Trump
I'm not American, faggot.
2035 cannot happen in the game verse, and I reckon it's better off for being so. The whole angle with the dark ones actually surviving completely breaks the premise of 2035.
So you're just a regular cuckold then
Yep. Especially since there's radio transmissions from st. petersburg mentioned in 2035.
I feel like the game universe is Glukohovsky's attempt to set right what once went wrong in his writing.
Yeah. He really got off track in 2034. I don't know why he let that happen again in 2035 though.
I'm German so I got to read all that shit years before you got the English versions and I was fucking baffled how he could write 2034 in the first place. He literally made another character that was also called Artyom but wasn't the original Artyom. What the fuck was the idea? And that's just the tip of the shit iceberg that made up that book.
Metro is not survival horror and no amount of shitposting will change that.
Wow, so Metal Gear Solid was a survival horror game all along, just like Resident Evil! Damn.
Exodus feels like they adapted Dyakov's third book and beyond, replacing the Topol-M vehicle with a train
Yeah. There was another tread recently talking about this. That plot reveal really kicks out all the significance of the actions in Metro 2033. Getting into plot spoilers, the original it was really about how people once destroyed the world and how they just do it all over again. Its criticism of human nature,a call for critical thinking and rationality. If you take the agency of everyone way and make Central Metro Command the villain, you really devalue that message. For example: the Holocaust wasn't a tragedy because Hitler killed a bunch of people. It was a tragedy because so many people were entirely complicit and willing participants in genocide. Making just one over-arching villain, while cool, ruins the point of the original. Perhaps that was the intent, but It seems more like a Universe of 2033 plotline.
And thank god for that split canon.
Linear is bad when a game leads you around listening to NPCs.
So if Artyom is in Exodus does that mean the good ending from last light was canon?
I thought the bad ending
I know right!?! It felt like a giant middle finger. I ultimately muscled my way through 2034, and it wasn't a bad book by any means, but it just felt so damn disjointed compared to 2033.
Ultimately it fit within the metro itself, but i don't think Glukohovsky realized how attached people would get to Artyom as a character.
In retrospect, they probably shouldn't have had him be the only POV character in 2033.
Agreed, agreed agreed. All of it being orchestrated by "teh illemonadey" was such a disservice to the first book. I know that in 2035 they say that "everyone becomes a head of the hydra" or something to reference how society affects people that live in it.. but there's a point where a human being sees something wrong and tries to fix it, for good or ill.
"everyone becomes a head of the hydra", eh?
I almost wonder if Glukhovsky is kinda growing bored or nihilistic. I know he's working on something new, or something, but it seems like a rotten note to 'end' the series on. Does 2035 at least have a good, or even just satisfying ending?