Been wanting to play Fallout 4 but have been hesitant due to the mostly shit reviews...

Been wanting to play Fallout 4 but have been hesitant due to the mostly shit reviews. At 50% off steam sale is it worth it, is the game totally broken?

Its not that fun.
The weapons are pretty boring, the story doesn't really make sense and is also boring, the characters are forgettable, and in comparison to a slew of other modern rpg's, it's just not that great.
If you like base building and defending you might like the settlement mode though, but again there are better games for that.

Its fucking boring
Just pirate it if you care so much

Reviews for the most part are worthless.

All you need to do is look up gameplay on youtube and see if it's something you'll like.

>OP waits over 2 years since release of game to even try it
>"If you care so much"
my nigga, clearly he cares close to nothing about it.

It's not horrible, and you'll probably have fun with it.

The biggest negative for me was the voiced protagonist. I cant tell you about the story because I just like lootin' around the wastes

It's not as good as the last 2, but I'd say it's worth it on sale

This is the internet. Any feeling but depression or rage is "caring too much".


If you pretend it's not an RPG, it's kind of entertaining to upgrade the guns and shoot stuff for a few hours. Also I got REALLY into the shitty building mechanics because it was kind of fun to build a fort. Obviously, you're going to want to mod the shit out of it if you do play it.

Its no RPG, but you can have some fun with it.

I think it's a very good game if you overlook the crashes and bugs. With mods nowadays you can tweak the game to match your desired experience. If you're in a tight budget wait for a less jewy discount, but if you have monies to spare just buy that shit and pirate the DLCs.

will vr make this and skyrim better especially playing with mods?

The game was review bombed after they added creation club dropping the rating.

I do have a bias being I love the game and have over 1k hours. I got most of my time playing modded and mostly settlement building. The story can be completed fairly quickly but if you spread out and explore you can get some decent time out of it. Recently I've started a play through of the mod Frost, which is tons of fun.

I suggest getting it

It's the best looking bethesda game

not saying much

>Not caring
>Waiting two years and pay money for it

Choose one.

It's not going to change your life, but it's a pretty okay game. If you want a game purely for the sake of killing time then I'd say go for it.

The very negative reviews are not a reflection of the game, but are a lingering effect of Bethesda trying to push paid mods into the game. Prior to that reviews were very good. It can easily be ignored.

>GOTY version doesn't include the season pass
They're going to make more DLC after the GOTY edition reaches $20. Do not fall for Todd's tricks.

not seeing a point there...

Survival mode turns it into a decently fun survival shooter game with extremely light rpg mechanics.

If you like digging through buildings and looting food and water to stay alive it's really fun and pretty immerisive. You'll have to plan your fights and bring adequate supplies for long distance trips. But honestly late game you end up having enough food and water and youll be so op it's nothing like the start. But the first 5-10 hours is a very nice "roughing it in a hostile wasteland" game.

>goy of the year edition

I'm lvl40 on Survival and some places are still a little treacherous to walk around, even with my guns all maxed out. Ironically, big enemies are the most easy ones to kill, like Behemots and Deathclaws, because they are big as fuck and can't bullet sponge ridiculously like in vanilla.

If he really didn't care he would have either never considered buying it or pirated it such a long time after release.

Not that hard to understand.

It was alright until yanno, forced paid mods