Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread:
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Other urls found in this thread:

Requesting Emperor Niall from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 proudly wearing a kilt like a RRREAL FOOKIN' SCOTSMAN M8.



Is it possible to get a Skeleton wearing this shirt while dancing like pic related?

Requesting Pyra and Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 cosplaying as Callie and Marie from Splatoon, respectively, or the Squid Sisters cosplaying as them if you'd rather.

Alternatively, requesting Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 flipping someone the bird or something else equally bitchy.

Requesting Mòrag from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 spending her time off duty in more casual clothes doing something relaxing like reading a book.

Requesting the right scenario but with Tenko Chabashira and the hand is unbuttoning her top. Would also like if she was making the same expression as the one in the left pic. Also make the arms Korekiyo's, he's also from Danganronpa V3.

>Lewd OP

Requesting Max Payne in Cuphead style, killing bad guys by shooting at them with his finger while doing the Shootdodge move.

Requesting bimbo Callie and Marie following the design of the bimbo posted in the reference rubbing their sopping wet pussies, looking at eachother, and begging the other to fuck them.

Ref (warning NSFW):

Requesting Anduin from World of Warcraft losing in a game of Hearthstone to Frisk and flipping out on him like Kaiba is while Frisk just shrugs.

Since we're more than half-way through November, requesting any Sup Forums girl dressed as Shania from Shadow Hearts: From the New World

Requesting Syoko groping any Sup Forums-related female's legs unsuspectingly

Lisa, Mitsuru, Yukari, Anne and Maya morphing into Zeo Rangers.

Anyone interested in doing this?


requesting a good thread

Get a load of this guy

drawing is video games?

Rerequesting Patricia Wagon as a stereotypical Mega level Digimon


Requesting Cirno dressed like Cassandra from Rage of the Dragons.

about as close to video games as horse penis is

Requesting Zoe dressed up as Imp Midna

In honor of the Pokegirl thread right now, I'll be taking Pokegirl requests.
Priority on best girl, May, naturally.

Requesting this with Aigis.
Also see 3:45

You never fucking deliver, so fuck off woth this schpiel


But Hilda is still winning fag

requesting hex maniac tied up and ball gagged with lipstick like so

Requesting Shoebill together with a vidya character like this picture.

Requesting Kat taking a shower.

This is the second time I've done this, and no, I actually did deliver last time I did it.

In honor of the Pyra thread right now, I'll be taking Pyra requests.

Requesting a drawing of the Harkonnen Devastator from Emperor: Battle for Dune

Requesting Sachiko in a bear suit crying as the suit through a will of it's own tears through the office bear hugging all she loves to the point of snapping their spines. as she is forced to look them face to face as they are broken, powerless to stop it.

Requesting a milfified version of the Team Valor's leader. They made her too thicc for her own good.

Also, that's kinda hot.

Can you draw leaf oppai?

someone got the reverse of this idea a long while ago.
Hilda in Shantae's outfit.

>Sol Badguy's true name is Frederick and he enjoyed listening to Queen

Requesting Sol Badguy's with Freddie Mercury's moustache and hairstyle. Alternatively you can go with Freddie Mercury dressed as Sol Badguy.

Requesting bimbo shortstack Alice from smt, please

With Azrael confirmed for BBTAG, requesting a parody of the 'HA HA TIME FOR X' meme with Azrael walking out of his cell saying "HA HA TIME TO KILL WAIFUS!"

Requesting the scene in the middle with Aigis and Labrys.

Requesting this with Gene from God Hand.
Gene refs:

Yeah! If there is a ref.
This girl is fantastic, in all the right places. Will do.
This too!

Requesting Super Saiyan 1 Tharja, May, and Airy and Super Saiyan Blue Aigis and Shantae making sentai poses

Requesting a Gunslinger Engy bapping Sachiko.

Tittymonster Hex wearing a Pokemon themed lolita wool coat that's tight around her milktanks.


Requesting Link about to throw Sachiko, Aigis, Shantae, Hex Mariel's OC, or any other girl you want off a cliff.

need a giantess Juri,Shantae, Aigis or Hex maniac with a black guy in her mouth where the lower have of his body is being sucked on and raped by her tongue and the upper half is outside of her mouth with her lips pressed around his waist with a smirk and he's making a Ahegao face and making two peace signs
canon or titty Juri/Aigis/Hex maniac/Shantae it's up to you

Requesting Wakasagi launched from this

Requesting Heavy King belittling Infinite for being weak and stupid, and bragging about how he used the Phantom Ruby to create a Super Form for himself and he was able to HARM SUPER SONIC, a form that Infinite didn't even last long enough to fight.

Requesting Ion and Monika looking at you, crying tears of joy.

Requesting a Stage A and Stage B version of Cerebella, based on the reference. Basically, what Cerebella may have looked like before she became a hitwomen (and private entertainer) for the Medicis

Requesting Judge Zelenin giving a foot job to user for being a good boy and joining law

BIG request for BIG bois. I would like to request a drawing of both the fire emblem fates covers, except they're of SMT characters. I would like the titles of the games to be Shin Megami Tensei but the subti

Please do my giantess self insert request

>user's mom walks in during his post

Requesting a human version of Commandgirl video from Bit.Trip Runner 2 doing the pose like in the right pic.

Bonus point if you can do a little zoom in to her breasts and crotch.


Requesting these four dressed in each other's outfits, blond in red's blue in orange's

Do you mean you self inserting as a giantess or you inserting yourself into a giantess?

At the end of BBCF, Platinum was adopted by Litchi and is now living in Orient Town in Kagutsuchi. Requesting a picture of what you think a 20-ish old Platinum would look like after living in Orient Town for that long.

Requesting Nemissa getting fucked in the ass with her clothes torn.

like that picture of the fat dude holding a machete.

What is it, mother?

Requesting angry Hinoka getting fucked doggystyle with her arms tied behind her back.

Requesting Fjorm being spanked and enjoying it

Requesting Arthas, on the right, dressed up like Kamen Rider Brave, on the left. Brave's Level 50 Taddle Fantasy outfit is best, but you can also go with normal Level 2 Kamen Rider Brave

Requesting nude Nemissa with painted fingers and toenails and with bush down there in the same color like her head hair.

Requesting Bayonetta dressed as Ivy Valentine

Taking pokegirl requests

I want lewds of the fish


Requesting Cynthia in a basketball uniform slam dunking a voltorb while space jam plays in the background.

Requesting a cute Popoi being mischievous

Requesting Elizabeth suggestivly sucking on a popsicle

Jessie in this outfit but posed in a sexy way, possibly teasing with off-shoulder action.

Requesting Hinoka with lots of cum on her ass and panties.

i swear they must be bots or something dude

Requesting Rai doing the full nelson to Arina from Waku Waku 7 like in the reference.

Requesting Alice with a big golden ring over her ass like the one on her chest

Requesting Air Defense hime laughing maniacally like pic related. She should also have "アッハハハハ…!" or "キタンダァ…?" placed above he

Sabrina sexually licking a candy cane.

Requesting Alice from SMT being stuck in a wall and getting her mouth and/or ass fucked while she's stuck. Make her either look like this was her plan all along or she's really helplessly stuck no inbetween. Bonus if she says "Cum For Me" and everyone cums at the same time. Even more bonus if she's a bimbo too.

Requesting cool and epic artwork with Knight and Baby from Guardian's Crusade.

Requesting Jill Valentine wearing Sherry Birkin's alternate outfits

Requesting a back view of Ark Royal (middle) from Kancolle with a focus on her nape and showing some of the hair under her bob cut like in the pics on the right.

Requesting Haru but instead of having something conveniently covering her exposed tit the whole tit is exposed. Also make her tits slightly bigger

i wish i knew how to draw. /ic/ is useless and full of stuckup asshats.

Requesting Aqua as a sultry sexy Succubus

should go find them and beat them up irl

Requesting Kaden grooming his own tail.

Requesting Syrup from Puzzle andd Dragons getting caressed under the chin.

Its cold outside, so I'm requesting this villager having attained maximum comfy

r/ing Yakumo Elder being mating pressed

Poison making Chihiro blush.

Resquesting Vanlentine(on the right) wearing whatever the the pic on the left is using.

Requesting someone to add both Tri Edge arms to one of the Links. Blue on one shoulder and red on the other. Either pose is fine. Characters are Link(Nukem) and Ovan.

Requesting Iris in lingerie or a body stocking similar to the images on the right.

Requesting more of this with other vidya brown girls. Urbosa, riju, shantae, menat, Eliza, whatever your fancy.