Vidya Girls

Post your favorite vidya girls. KEEP IT VIDYA so the janitor doesn't shitcan the thread. Do not respond to shitposts.


Sorceress is basically cheating. Anybody planning on picking up Dragon's Crown HD?




>like Sorceress' design
>cant stand playing as her
>dwarf is fun as fuck
Kill me


Requesting sexified Souls/Bloodborne girls.

Sorceress is great, but I'm more of a fan of the slender legs and pointy ears.

I can dig it.

I have no idea why people like her at all
Theres been much better FF girls than fucking tifa or any of the shitty ff7 girls

Can't speak for everyone, but I was 11 when FF7 came out and was obsessed with tits at that time.



Which one?



Elf is the thinking man's choice

Garnet is my waifu





Requesting 2B, Lara Croft.

>tfw no demon that loves you living inside your head

Good taste friends


i dont even play LOL and i know she's the best





>Love big tits
>Love playing as archers
Who should I choose for the HD remake?





Keep posting, lads. Thread's barely off the ground.

Jessica is God-tier.


There really is only one choice. Wizard.




manjaw the character



More Vanillaware since I'm trying to clear the DLC trophies for Muramasa








Cute/cool girls>>>>Sexy girls


What about cute/sexy girls?

when is the release date?

I'm going to marry baconhands!

Couldn't tell you.

I can accept it if their default outfit is cute and they're only sexy when they go out of their way to be sexy, or if they're cute and sexy, but more cute than sexy.


What game do i have to get to see those tits?

February 8 in Japan, not sure if it releases concurrently in the west or at a later date though.

Soul Calibur, though that particular image was made in SFM.




Is small allowed too?

Thanks for responding. take this as payment

