JRPG Hate Thread

>This is supposed to be a sword

would you want to get hit by it? that's what I thought

Not him, but I wouldn't wanna hit anybody with it either.

Looks like it would fucking hurt to get hit by it.

That's clearly a crossbow, OP

>autistic chuuni virgin uses autistic chuuni sword
makes sense

Stop bullshitting me.
That's obviously a fucking guitar don't be daft.

>this is a dragon

no it's not it's just a kaiju, like it's always been.

Just stop playing shitty games.

>This is a bow in American RPGs.

What the fuck kind of kaiju stands at under 20 feet tall?

Doesn't make it a sword. It's more like a spiked stick

The one that's appearing in a videogame where Kaiju are not the main focus.

Looks badass tbqhwyf

Don't prejudge, wait until they finish building it and take the scaffolding down.

cmon posting wow is unfair
everyone knows that nu-wow armors and weapons look like messy garbage

>american rpg


>eww! style!
WRPG fags everybody, sorry there aren't enough elves and generic middle earth knockoff race #9999999 for you.

In the context of the game, its basically dreamt up by a power tripping nerd.

but it looks terrible, as if it's trying to look so cool for 13 year olds

WoW though.

You are like a little jrpg baby. Watch this.

I mean, if you think twinks and furrie characters constitute good style, have at it. JRPGS are right up your alley.

>This is supposed to be a character design

looks pretty bad a$$ to me

He needs that pizza cutter for his pizza, though.

>implying all of those pointy bits wouldn't hurt like hell

I'd rather people try something original, even if it means coming off as a bit silly.
Sure as hell beats wizards and dragons no.999,999


ridiculous as it looks, that looks like something that grew out the tumor of some monster straight out of hell, when one day, one adventurer had the dumb idea to pull it out of said monster, and make it a sword, just because.

this looks like it came off the deviantart of an 8 year old, constituting to what a cool sword looks like to them, nevermind that it looks painful to swing around

>this is suppose to be a sword

thread should have started with this honestly

I hate this design, but everytime anyone ever brings up why it's poor, teens come flooding in pretending like if you put massive tits on anything, it's great and epic.

being original alone doesn't mean it's good, it's called having aesthetic sense

Those handles seem a bit too big

at least post a proper blade

Why is it poor, smart guy

Do gooks ever learn the gradeschool basics of historical arms and armor? Just look at this abomination of what's considered "normal" to these dog eaters.

You act as if swords are worth shit anyway.

And every time a soyboy comes in denying how great she looks.

>posts an axe
>from WoD

that's when you show that your argument is retarded

play more weeb shit, fagot

Because Swords have been the planets main fighting weapon before the age of the gun you mouth breathing autist.


Their sense of music is as bad as their designs, all of it painfully over-produced with no sense of minimalism or subtlety.

This. Weirdness is much more preferable for me than boring, safe designs just in case some loser with a hard-on for realism gets angry.

>implying you could hit anything with that

THIS is style. It doesn't have a whole bunch of shit tacked onto it that could get stuck on stuff or come off in an actual battle. It's practical, yet it's very finely detailed.
Have fun trying to even hold your shitty deviantArt swords, I'll be slaying monsters with this ceremonial beauty.

This post is wrong.

Traditional doesn't imply bad though. Most of the time it's the execution that matters

Yeah, it looks like a sword. The other one isn't meant to look like a sword.
I don't see what the problem is. It's not like they are claiming that whatever OP posted was meant to resemble a historically accurate, practical weapon.

>he doesn't know what spear is
If you're going to talk confidently at least check google to make sure you're not a complete fucking retard.

Practicality matters because if it's got useless shit tacked on or brittle as fuck from being folded a gorillion times with edgy points it wont cut or slash anything.

You forget where you are.

Spears are subhuman tools that the white civilizations have discarded for swords and shields.

>2 belts
>2 elbow shields
>whatever the fuck that clover thing is
>that hat
>half a cape
>1 gauntlet
>pizza recipe book in a bag barely hanging onto his barely fastened belt
>those shoe rims
>those pant legs
>an extra sword with its own 2 belts
>that sword chain thing
Christ its like they took an inventory joke too far

>Practicality matters
No. It really doesn't. It's not a real weapon that real people use and it's not meant to come across as one.

funny that this is even more iconic than generic WRPG swords

Don't forget that flat 2 dimensional sword handle. How the fuck do you grip that thing?

>using the Pete Hines argument when called out for your retarded bullshit

Did you miss the part where a literal god uses it? It's not supposed to be practical, he's not going to hurt himself with it no matter what.

Every fucking time I see that fucking design I get a little madder.

>Using no argument at all
Even sadder.

Hilariously, the thing that annoys me the most in this character is the fact that he has a regular sword right there hanging

But he's not gonna hurt anything else either.

To be fair the guy who made the sword turned out to be a massive autist goin full devianart oc in the finale

>a belt to keep your belt on

It's not as much a sword as it is a magical macguffin with a lot of power.

Actually he does in fact hurt a lot of people with it.

What bothers me most is that he has suspenders AND belts.

>High heels
>Steel tip
>Funnel ankles
This gets more and more hilarious every time it's posted.

Atleast there's a clear part for it to be held unlike pic related.

>I don't see what the problem is.
There comes a point when trying to be unique has more importance than making something that's actually cool.
Take OP's pic. It is unquestionably supposed to be a sword. The character that would use it, would use it the way one would use a sword. The argument is that they can't suspend their disbelief to imagine the sword being used as a sword because it looks fucking ridiculous, even compared to fucking ridiculous JRPG sword standards.

>I'll be slaying monsters with this ceremonial beauty
lmao no you won't nerd

>Here's the concept art, now make a 16x32 pixel sprite out of it

excluding the weird shoulder-net-glove, that's actually a very fitting futuristic city waterball sportplayer attire

And it's fine because it doesn't have a bazillion zippers and belts unlike all the modern japanese designs


It's also less of a sword and more like the master code for the world he made.

It's not concept art, that's official character art.

Also it would be easy to make a sprite for the weapon, there are more detailed weapon sprites in game.

Is Grigori the best dragon of all time?

He's basically just the welsh dragon, but rendered somewhat realistically instead of stylized

Designwise or generally?
If you meant design, then no, he has an ugly nose

Generally he's a cool dragon (personality, size, presence)

No, it's supposed to be the physical manifestation of a mad god's twisted soul and an instrument of destruction and rebirth that can manipulate the flow of life itself.

that's because Lulu stole them all to make her skirt

That's a computer you dumbass

the monados are beam swords if I remember right doesnt change the fact that it looks stupid but at least you never get to see it that up close, shit I didnt even know about it till people started spamming that pic

A sword isn't supposed to hurt. It's supposed to kill or maim.

Her character design would have been 10/10 without those damn belts

>a window in skirt / cloak that shows off her thighs and kneesocks

If it was up to me she'd have a nice witch hat too but she's fine without it

His design isn't, but his writing is.

do japs not wear belts? not only are they rearely cool looking but realistically putting them on is a pain in the ass

Not really. The Telethias do most of the killing, Zanza's mostly off jerking in his solar system school project model monologuing about fate and shit until Shulk and co. walk in and whoop his ass

That user didn't say anything about hurt.

That version of Bahamut is so based

Only cowboys, pirates and wrestlers can rock belts and look good, otherwise it's just a utility item that's only cool if you have an awesome beltbuckle.

Yeah and by that point if you have Dunban in your party, the chances of him doing much damage to anyone at all is nil.

>I listen to the dub

>being maimed doesn't hurt

It does more than just hurt, dumb animeposter.

Yet, you said that swords aren't suppose to hurt, you fucking idiot.


JRPGS? Or as I like to call 'em, GAYRPGS!

>This is suppose to be a man and woman