>hold L3 to run
Hold L3 to run
Other urls found in this thread:
>hold the x key to sprint
>Hold L3 to run
>Chan't rebind controls
>press Sprint
>character's animation changes and FoV expands but they move at the same speed
That's what you get for being a consolecuck.
>46 hours into game
>still displays context button icon on screen as if i dont know what the fuck to press
>click L3 to sprint
That's the good shit
>hold LB and press Y to turn on flashlight
Metro LL had the absolute worst gamepad controls I've ever seen. I had problems with the game crashing on my PC on release so I played a few hours on the 360 when it came out.
Red Orchestra has a glitch that does something similar
It fucks your aim too
I've played 50 hours in the japanese version of Kingdom Hearts 2 without knowing how to manual lock-on (the game has an automatic lock-on when you're near enemies).
PC devs do the same shit.
My keyboard doesn't have a stick to click.
>no toggle sprint option on PC
>no toggle crouch option
>no hold to aim, it's always toggle
>hold R3 to aim
>Press O to fire
>press c to crouch
>press z to go prone
>press c while already crouching to go prone
>press z while prone to crouch
>press x while prone to crouch
>press x while crouching to stand up
rebinding controls only changes buttons, cant undo this garbage idea
>wasd to move
>hold ] to run
>hold [ to crouch
>rapidly press * to jump
Literally what the fuck. Fucking old eastern European games did this shit all the time.
>crouch with circle
fuck you DEHR
Mass Effect general?
>rapidly press x to sprint
Mass Effect REEEE
Some games simply are better on controller. Sorry. A good example of this shit was for honor which was honestly much easier to play on control and had that horrid hold L3/R3 to run shit
>Push F12 to use flashlight
Oh boy. 8 directions to move in at the same speed using multiple fingers.
So much better than the infinite directional movement at many dynamic speeds with one finger right?
Max Payne 3
>Press V to melee
>So much better than the infinite directional movement at many dynamic speeds with one finger right?
You realize mice are a thing, right?
Any of the dark souls are practically unplayable without a controller
Does it matter? You realize he’s calling you a consolefag because you can’t even rebind controls, right? PC can use a controller when it’s appropriate and rebind it’s configuration. Even if the game lacks it there are third party tools to do it anyway.
what game does this? tell me so I can not play it
Most FPS. Or at least it was pretty common from 2007 to 2012 or somewhere around there. Maybe it's changed.
>press R3 to bring aim sights up
>press A to jump
You just awoke some very frustrating memories user
>x to sprint
>c to crouch
>shift while crouching to crouch lower
>L for flashlight
>[ for bandage
It worked for Halo.
>screenshots folder filled with images of you staring at a wall with the flashlight on.
you don't hold it dummy, just press it once then push it forward. no applied pressure is needed once it's been pushed forward.
>Press L3 to jump
Borderlands right?
>move the middle stick to avoid getting shot
>rapidly click L3 to sprint
>tap [blank] to spring
Spring? Bing bing wahoo?
>press F to pay respects
>press [unbound] and [unbound] to not die
>never even fucked with the controls settings, they were just not bound by default
>game doesn't save your keybindings after quitting
someone needs to edit some hellfire into this picture
make it look like he's sacrificing his waifu to appease the gods
>infinite directional movement at many dynamic speeds
You can't name a single game that actually does this. Analog sticks do massively underutilized in pretty much every game due to the way game engines work.
At most you get 16-direction with a few speed variances. Its even worse on controllers like the DS4 that have HUGE deadzones in the analog sticks for most games.
I'm not a big PEECEE MASTER RACE fag or anything but acting like analog control is inherently better than kb+m by design is moronic.
meant to say sprint
fuck this shit
>Shake the controller to roll
Fuck you Donkey Kong
>only have to click once to sprint
>but attacking or doing fancy jumps cancels the sprint
>all there is to the game is attacking & fancy jumps
Thanks Warframe
Because Halo mainly used crosshairs
Imagine having to do that in CoD or BF
>Press Triangle to jump
>press "doug" to doug
>Press O to accept
Fucking kek
>Type YES in all caps to confirm
>have to follow NPC
>walking speed is slower than NPC speed
>running speed is faster than NPC speed
>mash A to sprint
>must click it at least 20 times per second
>press Netflix button to start game
Wtf Nintendo?
>J to jump
I wanted to fucking murder that fighter's guild guy in oblivion who you have to follow around
>FoV expands
Flashbacks to that one Minecraft patch where Notch stuck FoV shifts on everything for some reason. That's one of the few things that nauseates/disorients me in games, thank fuck so few of them ever shift FoV that much.
>press e for grenade
>press r to talk to NPC
>go to accept quest
>blow everyone up
>Press F1 to quickload
>Press F2 to quicksave
Also somewhat related, but my old keyboard had a sleep button RIGHT FUCKING BESIDE Escape that I'd always end up hitting in the middle of a game, shit was so goddamn annoying.
>F12 is flashlight
>Semicolon is reload
>Tab to throw away the item you're currently holding
Still the best game ever
That made me drop the new Tomb Raider game so fast. It was good until that point.
>try to run during boss fight
>jump around like a potato instead
Playing nuTR on console
>x to jump
Why does GTA still do this?
>magical light constantly shows you where objective is so you never get lost or have to check map.
>press F12 to jump
>RMB to quit game
>Mousewheel to move
>button is used to bring up a tactical menu
>tactical menu stops you and opens dialogue
>tactical menu is never useful outside of combat
>and is right next to the actual menu button
Fuck you Rise, I don't need to talk to my fucking allies, you slanty-eyed harlot.
>O is grenade
>L2 is crouch
>R2 is weapon wheel
wtf Resistance
>Open controls menu to rebind
>Get spoiled on what powers you get
>Aim through a scope
>Everything outside the scope is zoomed in too.
>Game differentiates between upper case and lowercase letters
>Aim through scope
>"Scope" is just an overlay on your screen
>Can still see part of the weapon model at the edge of view
>Playing an old game
>Scope is just a low res 2D texture
>Move analog stick
>Doomguy moves fast as fuck by default
Best FPS of the century.
>Run speed depends on angle of stick tilt
There is no excuse for consoles to have a sprint problem
PS4 atleast can rebind on console level
>spam x to run