Its a fucking masterpiece

Its a fucking masterpiece

too linear
needs more crafting and collectibles and factions


>TLoU shitposting was relevant 4 years ago
Damn, time flies.

This but unironically.
It's one of the best games ever made.

>3rd person shooter with a bland, generic zombie story
This is why nobody will ever take video games seriously as a creative outlet.

I tend to agree.

It's not perfect, but will undoubtedly be remembered as an accomplishment.

It's a decent title with way too much handholding.

Best thing ND has done since U2 and the multiplayer is an underrated gem. Really disappointed about the lack of clickers in the TLoU 2 trailer they were great designs for enemies.

I'd kill for a more open ended version of the game with less of the cinematic experience. Evil Within 2 sort of got close but that game is a janky fucking mess which seems soulless in comparison and I can't imagine ND/Sony straying away from their cinematic formula.

>but will undoubtedly be remembered as an accomplishment
An accomplishment in fucking what? Wasn't gameplay, since it was just a bog standard third person shooter with crafting elements and dreadful AI. Wasn't graphics, since it not only wasn't the best looking that generation, it arguably wasn't the best looking game on the PS3. Wasn't narrative, since it's just a fucking zombie story, with all the usual tropes and cliches that zombie stories are required to have seemingly by law.

if you are implying that film,television, and literature hasn't been occasionally host to far worse examples of the zombies genre that have been considered masterpieces then you lack perspective.

Yeah, I agree. I don't even like other ND games, but thought tlou was pretty stellar. What other games have the whole male figure trying to protect wife/kids in a brutal world? I like the theme.

I fucking loved tlou I shit you not

hey do you like crawling along at a snail's pace for half the game
i know i do
thanks clickers

I'm not implying that, I'm outright stating it. The closest we've gotten are two of George Romero's films, Dawn of the Dead, which is mostly remembered as having been remade by Zak Snyder, and his directorial trademark of completely missing the fucking point; and Dawn of the Dead, whose lasting legacy isn't even about its content, but as a cautionary tale about the importance of copyright.

I guess it was more than the sum of its parts, because it is definitely one of the more memorable games I've played.

people who consider this, The Witcher 3, Nier: Automata, and Bioshock: Infinite to be masterpieces honestly make lose faith that this medium will over move forward when the majority of its fans have such plebeian taste.

>and Night of the Living Dead*

>the same enemies for 15 hours
>no bosses
>no incentive to explore, just loot random drops and focus on a single weapon
>shit puzzles
>again, lasts for 15 hours when it could have been 6-7

>t. namefag

Add BotW to that list and I'd agree with you.

How is a hollywood blockbuster plot with dumbed down survival gameplay with a shitty soundtrack a "masterpiece"

why? how is tlou different from an interactive movie. no gameplay depth whatsoever, just a sentimental story. the people that consider tlou and witcher senses 3 and the likes (naughty dog in general) masterpieces are really shortsighted. Games are not movies. Gameplay can be a powerful way to convey meaning and emotion. It just gets ignored because cutscenes are way easier.

It is indeed a masterpiece.... of interactive cinema.
>I personally like interactive cinema
>if anyone doesn't they can fuck off

You should unironically go back to plebbit

meh I would fuck Ellie

Fuck no it isn't. The story is generic. It literally the same as Logan, The Walking Dead, and most other post apocalyptic stories.

Game kept glitching out on me causing npcs to forget their scripts which is important when trying to stealth past people on harder difficulties or else they'll just stand in the goddamn way.

The shooting is bland and boring. And the puzzles are so easy it's kindergarten level.

Its a fucking sonygro

>I don't even like other ND games
Same here. It's weird that TLoU is the only thing they've developed that's ever caught my eye. I can't even stand Uncharted but I adore TLoU.

>which is mostly remembered as having been remade by Zak Snyder

Says you retard


Hello fellow 4channers. I too like talking about cinematic experiences in my video games. Telltale games are just the greatest.


>First Bloater is not a boss
>Sniper not a boss
>David who kills you in one hit and you have to hit 3 times not a fucking boss

Wow hot opinion coming though

wow, thats 2 and a half bosses, amazing!

in a fucking 15 hour game.

>talks about gameplay
> sotc


This game was boring as fuck compared to any of the Uncharteds

>he considers those to be bosses
Wow, I sure do love sneaking up and performing the same death animation three times in a row, which is totally unlike those other sneak kill animations I performed outside to a dozen other npcs.

>no gameplay depth

Say you have 3 enemies that you can sneak up on. You can
>lure them with a bottle and stealth kill each one
>Lure them around a corner with a nail bomb
>go in guns blazing
>take one hostage and take the other 2 out with quick headshots
>get them to group together and use a molotov
And a bunch of other ways to murder. Its not a walking simulator theres a lot of game here

Will it be ok to appreciate TLoU after it gets a Switch release?
Like how L.A. Noire did?

It'd be cool if my Sup Forums masters would allow me to appreciate it.
I bought a Switch so I'm allowed to post here.

>batman-esque sense to detect enemies with no explaniation in the story
>bad enemy AI
>false sense of liberty to explore wich punish the player for trying to explore
>generic Zombie story that is basically I am Legend w/o Will Smith and a Dog
>Collectibles who are just to appease content fags
>a story whose message about protect Ellie is not transmited in the gameplay, making her invisible to the enemies except in moments where the story conveniently need that Ellie is in danger, Resident Evil 4 did it and that game has a cheesy story and Ashley is anoying, but the impact RE4 did to the industry is bigger to than the one of TLoU.

go away Sonybro.

>Thinking that TloU will ever get a Switch release

Id argue the entire ellie section during the winter counts as a boss. Youre weaker, less guns, cant stealth kill, and theres even less ammo than every other part of the game

Sure, those are all very good options... if you're a fucking moron. One thing I learned when playing on grounded difficulty is that the only valid play style is stealthfully strangling everyone I can, which is like pulling teeth when you get to an arena section. And fuck me is the ammunition drop system so fucking retarded. Ammo only drops plentifully if you get into a shoot out, but the amount of ammo you expend in a fire fight is usually more than what you get back anyway, so again, sneaking is pretty much the only good way to play the game and I am so fucking sick of seeing that choking animation.

nice movie.

I'm surprised more people didn't lose their shit at "old man + young girl = game for pedos"

If you think that's silly consider the warning about not letting young girls hug older male relatives this thanksgiving because rape or some nonsense

oscar bait, if it was a movie itd be panned. good voice acting and sound direction.

10/10 multiplayer

You're not very smart, are you?

It's a good movie


I feel like part of the reason why games are getting so expensive to make is because they focus too much on making cinema and putting cutscenes in their game with mocap and famous actors when they really ought to just focus on gameplay.

It's not. If it was a movie, it'd be released mid-February.

Like the finest milk.

Well, we are still autistically talking about it to this day so it did something right.

Also fuck the faggot talking shit about the soundtrack.

i need to play this game i got stuck in it so i put it down.

i need to play some video games...

>I am so fucking sick of seeing that choking animation.

Doesnt stop you from jerking off 3 times a day ya virg

Bad zombie movie

Why does this post unnerve me a bit?

>Shitty soundtrack

So this... Is the power... Of shit posting...

fucking lmao why is it that everyone thinks every single fucking videogame soundtrack is good

no you fucking idiots just because you like the game doesn't make the soundtrack good.

>Oh wow its a an acoustic guitar slowly being strummed with some echo wow im crying

Is the game worth 20 bucks on the PS4? I heard good things but looks like a shitty movie.

I can just wait for the inevitable bundle once the sequel comes out in a few months


>we are still autistically talking about it to this day so it did something right.
We've been talking about Loss for a lot longer. Doesn't prove shit.

TLoU OST is objectively great you fucking contrarian plebs

Literally the most boring game I've ever played.

Not him, but I agree that it's shit. There's no good music in the entire game.

At being bland and overrated af? Then yes.

>generic orchestral music
Soyniggers have the worst taste.