ITT bad game design

ITT bad game design


ITT I try to maje you all mad.

Why do peope like the shitty N64 version over the superior DS remake?
Is it due to butthurt over lack of analog controls? Just play it on emulator or 3DS and you have your analog controls.

>not using power bombs in every room to find secrets

>emulating a d-pad will somehow make it an analog input
I don't have a wojak stupid enough looking for this.

>holding a button to run
>imprecise controls
>looks like dogshit
>fucked up physics and momentum

DS port is trash

It was 8-directional movement even on N64

Yes, that's how input in games always works. Its was analog for the N64 and digital on the DS.

The demo shows you can blow out the tube with a power bomb.
The actual mistery, at least for me, is why most players never maps the controls. Is a pain in the ass to actually play Super Metroid with the defaults.

>holding a button to run
Just like 99% of Mario games

>imprecise controls
Factually false

>looks like dogshit
Also false, it literally looks better since everything that was a low res sprite before is an actual model now and all old models got replaced by substantially better one

>fucked up physics and momentum
Oh you're a speedrunner autist, get cancer and die in this case.

>get cancer and die
You really want to try that after the TB incident?

There is no demo that shows that. I know, I thought there was too. I went so far as to get to that part specifically in terms of game progression and letting the attract mode run for an hour and it ever happened. It wasn't in any commercial I could find either, which was my second thought. Mandela effect I guess.

>believing in memes

So why was there a metal cap there?

I love SM64, and i still consider it one of the best mario games, but he's right...that metal cap block has no reason to be there, no purpose or use in the whole level, it's just...there.

>anolog means 360 movement
>digital means 8-directional movement
you're retarded
analog directions means that, but analog on its own means it's not a 0 or 1 kind of input(which is digital), so mario's speed and direction depends on the inclination of the stck, not on if you pressed or not a direction, like in the DS version.
Also, no, SM64 wasn't 8-directional movement.
The controller had a octagonal shaped housing for the stick, but you didn't have to necessarily move it by 45° steps to make mario change direction, small adjustments could be made by moving the stick just a bit, and that's NOT 8-directional movement.
The DS on the other hand is exactly like that.

>Just like 99% of Mario games
Except the one it is a remake of?
SM64 doesn't have a button you hold to run, and the running speed depended on the inclination of the stick.
>Factually false
Factually true, 360 analog controls of the N64 version are gone in the DS version, replaced by much less precise 8-directional input controls.
Just because it's still playable that way(due to the physics and momentum changes, which unlike you said, don't affect only speedruns) it doesn't mean it's not less precise.

but, it did have wario

Maybe. My point is, there are other bigger player issues with the game and no one points them out, maybe because is not as good bait material or something. Still, why casual players play Super Metroid with the defaults? All SNES platformers map B as the jump button and games like MMX or even Super Mario World map Y as the shoot button. The same applies to Contra 3, Sunset Riders, even more obscure shit like Earthworm Jim and Run Saber are mapped like that.

>i'm a huge underage faggot and i have never played the 64 version

eat shit and die

>slowest and worst jumper in the game

Not a valid reason to value a shitty version.

Not valid reasons to dismiss a character.

Why people never push their their opinion with proper and valid arguments?
Oh wait...right, im on Sup Forums.


Thank you, I'm saving this for the upcoming retards who post this meme again.

If you get squished by a thwomp in metal form you take no damage. My guess is the initial purpose was to get it, use it, and safely go up the stairs with thwomps crashing down on it. They could have thought to themselves "This can help some players out there with dealing with the thwomps. Otherwise I would have no idea.

I swear there's an idle demo in the game that shows you that you can break that tube, it's the same one that shows the Crystal Flash. I just don't know if that's only in certain versions of the game or it's triggered by something but I'm 100% sure that demo exist.

I think it has more to do with showing the player an unlockable box in the first few levels of the game, like in Mario World.

>character is objectively inferior at crucial game mechanics
>not a valid reason for dismissal
You're an idiot.