>US state senator on the news saying star wars promote gambling to children 3 weeks before Disney's next star wars movie hits - ALL EA's fault
>Belgium and the rest of EU will BAN all loot boxes, again because of EA

Is it fair to say that the absolute state of EA is literally guaranteed bankruptcy within 12 months?

>yfw Nintendo made zelda and mario SO GOOD, it elevated the entire community of gamers to unite against bullshit like lootboxes.

Other urls found in this thread:

But zelda and mario are shit

>Is it fair to say that the absolute state of EA is literally guaranteed bankruptcy within 12 months?

Aren't you a delusional fucking idiot

I can't imagine anything as big as EA going completely belly up would ever happen in the video game industry but that would make it even sweeter if it did actually happen. I'm still not expecting it though.

THQ going under is probably the closest to something like that I've seen anytime recently.

>Is it fair to say that the absolute state of EA is literally guaranteed bankruptcy within 12 months?

how the fuck are Mario and Zelda even remotely related to this drama? I swear to god I will fucking hang you

>Is it fair to say that the absolute state of EA is literally guaranteed bankruptcy within 12 months?
One can only hope, but not likely.

too big to fail
at best a few heads will roll, nothing more than that

Still pretty stupid of EA trying to out jew Disney. You don't fuck with Disney's IPs.

The whole thing is bullshit desu
>20 years of trading cards
>ingame rng rewards

people should feel free to boycott but instead we get more babysitting

Waan't THQ pretty small?

EA won't be kill in a year, FIFA and Madden will keep them going for years.
Disney revoking thier Star Wars license will royally fuck them over as they could be forced to cancel thier current SW projects and lose many millions of dollars.



>them losing the star wars licence

entirely possible

>people think BELGIUM has the pull to get the EU to ban loot boxes when nothing goes without the say of France and Germany
>people think a senator in Hawaii, a small blue state in a country that's largely a one party country now
>not even one of the rich blue states with strong pull like California

EA came EXTREMELY close in 2008 and 2012 to going completely belly up.

But they've done EXTREMELY well for themselves since.

people on the top don't get fired or anything, at worst, he relocates

It's funny seeing posts like OPs and being able to know with absolute certainty they were not here for the golden poo awards.

This whole EA controversy has done an excellent job highlighting who among us hasn't been here long enough to be posting.

>entirely possible

they're under contract and I would expect it would be expensive for Disney to pull out. It's very unlikely

They were the kings of shovel ware during the PS2 days. They did put out some neat AA tier games though.

EA is in trouble of souring their Disney ties mostly. They wont croak over this.

They'll probably cave and replace the box system somehow in Battlefront 2 and then lie low as fuck about the issue. Radio silence.

What they'll do is try to starve the news of responses to inquiry until people get bored and lapse in talking about the problem. Then they go back to it.

We'll know if they're ACTUALLY in trouble if their next bunches of games that try this get dragged into this controversy too.

EA is gonna bank on people only being mad about this game. They'll hope people will continue to be ignorant on other shit, which means they're safe.

You can play trading card games with homemade replicas. Can't mod AAA games nowadays.

I love this gotcha meme

Trading cards have been banned from ultra conservative countries before for enabling gambling
Trading cards have been banned from numerous schools for this same reason
Talks of regulating them have happened before

They are similar and indeed have had similar issues in the past. The idea TCG's never got hit with the gambling stick is false. You were likely just not born when it started.

congressmen all around the world have literally zero idea on how the world works, all they understand is bribing, lobbying (ie legal bribing) and demagogy
banning lootboxes when trading cards exist only makes sense to a politician

you don't understand how the EU works

Frank Sinatra runs Disney?

>Nintendo had something to do with EA being fucking retards
You don't have to defend a multi-million dollar company that gives you nostalgia, they don't care

What happened to them around that time?

So in 6 months when Belgium has failed to get every member of the EU to agree to ban lootboxes will you change your reply?

Lol if you actually think Zelda/Mario franchises are ‘shit’ then you have awful taste and I don’t even know what you’re doing playing video games.

You guys are naive as fuck if you think Disney wasn't down with the idea. They probably had a meeting about the monetization of bfront 2 and their eyes turned into dollar signs once EA showed them how much more money they would make with loot boxes.

EA will still be alive but knowing Disney they will probably halt business dealings with them and let someone like Activision or Ubisoft working on Star Wars instead.

Disney doesn't want to be distracted with domestic and foreign governments when they're busy trying to buy 20th century Fox.

At the very least EA will lose the right to develop for such an IP

Yeah short term planning and selling off other companies to make your revenue seem higher than it is will jump your stock up

If things are sufficiently sour Disney could play the long game instead of pulling out of the contract and simply refuse to let EA make more games by shooting down every pitch out of spite. Disney has experience with dirty business tactics and EA still needs Disney greenlights to get a game going.

They could also cuck the shit out of EA by publicly promising to start up a contract with a different publisher after the current one expires, resulting in the news all simultaneously hollering about how sick that fucking burn is.

fuck disney most of their shit should be public domain

>Is it fair to say that the absolute state of EA is literally guaranteed bankruptcy within 12 months?

It's fair to say that you're 14 years old

>Closed visceral games due to the Star Wars project supposedly having issues.
>Buy Respawn Entertainment after fucking up the Titanfall 2 launch due to the Star Wars game they are working on.
>Completely fuck up the launch of Battlefront 2 so hard that it possibly cause legislation on loot boxes in multiple countries and gives bad press to the SW name in general, pretty much becoming the poster boy of the issue.

I imagine that shit at EA is tense as fuck at the moment, and I get the feeling Disney is probably looking for a loophole to get out of the contract with EA. They already have shown they are leery about game development, and this was a massive fuck up on every level.

the belgium shit was a bad translation and is fake news

Who cares about what was? What matters is now. Where is the logic in banning RNG rewards in computer games when you keep it legal for everything else? Strictly speaking they shouldn't even be able to sell suprise eggs in EU if they want to ban all gambling for kids.

>disney not having some clause to fuck ea in the ass

you better believe that the house of the mouse lawyered up that contract in their favor.

2008 was the economic crysis 2013 was disney partnership
If Disney pulls the plug it could be a gigantic impact on EA.

>yfw Nintendo made zelda and mario SO GOOD, it elevated the entire community of gamers to unite against bullshit like lootboxes.
(You) are right, lootboxes are cancer they should lock the content behind consumer friendly toys instead just like Nintendo.

>dont like it dont buy it :^)

>shitendo out of nowhere

I feel he has a controlled anger.

He is frustrated because EA made a bad call, but he is relieved because if it was a good call then EA would either need to be bought by Disney or eventually become a competitor.

There certainly won't be any EA Star Wars games after this that's for sure.

>posts amiibo that doesn't lock any content

Nintedrones aren't called drones for nothing.

But Nintendo is the Japanese EA.

Unrelated to this conversation but I bought the Inkling Amiibos and I don't even own a Nintendo console. Some Amiibos are neat knick knacks.

You never come out winning when you work for Disney. They make sure any contract is in their favour

if anything it's just free publicity at this point, so no they will NEVER go bankrupt

They are lucky that their sports games have all gotten out already, they'll get enough time to cool off if they play it safe. If this ever ends up dragging down FIFA they are completely fucked.

>who cares about what was
When you're arguing there's some inconsistency when TCG's went through the same thing, then people care. Because you're being disingenuous to protect your loot boxes.

They did. Next question. There's a reason Magic had to get rid of the ante rules, for instance.

It doesn't have anything to do with Nintendo. It has everything to do with Disney and their desire to keep a kid friendly image. EA also stepped so far over the line to piss off enough people who wanted to play the game that news outlets and government officials decided to get in on it finally.

The thing is I doubt anything will change much. Other than EA either losing the Star Wars license (which it shouldn't be tied to any one company anyway) or them only removing them from Battlefront because Disney doesn't want the bad press. Will other titles that don't have a far more powerful company behind them be different? It's possible a notice, or some kind of rating system, or who knows what could be set in place. For instance if the only thing required is that an adult has to buy the lootboxes now, lil Timmy will just get his mommy or daddys credit card which is more or less what happens now.

>There's a reason Magic had to get rid of the ante rules, for instance.
ante was also just fucking stupid

2012, Star Wars: The Old Republic flopped fucking hard.

2008, investors lost all faith in the company, stock was at a 7 year low then an extremely weak Christmas period cemented was the last straw and investors pulled out in a BIG way.

How is banning "gambling" in video games in a moral panic different from banning violent video games, something which every gamer was opposed to for years.

Why do we need politicians to nanny us instead of actually voting with our wallets and not supporting these games? This isn't bait, I genuinely don't see why people are for this.

Disney have literally rewrote the law in their favor countless times.

Does the purchase of Amiibos count as gambling?

>who care's about what was
The people fucking mention TCG shit? you dense fuck

Gambling is regulated for a reason. EA and other companies shouldn't get away with it just because it's a videogame.

Are you retarded?

Ah yes, also Sonyjjers and Xbauts

I'm going to ignore that last part, for your sake and for this thread's safety

>How is banning "gambling" in video games in a moral panic different from banning violent video games
because lootboxes are essentially real gambling while violence is virtual violence
nobody cares about virtual gambling, like diablo games

US housing market bubble burst. Literally every large company's stock has a bad drop like that around 2008. I work for a large corporation and ours looks just like that graph for EA.

i hope videogames will be better again from now

greedy sows

People are too dumb to control themselves. It doesn't matter how many times you or anybody else keeps spouting, "VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET GUYS". There's always going to be more people dumping money on this stupid kind of bullshit and companies will keep this stupid kind of bullshit up for as long as they can keep milking people dry.

EA dying is unlikely.
That said, what are the chances Disney buys them out of the contract and does a new contract with Bethesda or Activision?
Neither are my first choices obviously, but I can't think of many other big publishers they would choose.

>buy plastic figure because you like the character and it doesn't look like initial release Marth
>get exactly what you pay for
I don't see how you could think it was in any imaginable way. Even if they were in a box and you didn't know which it was, you are still buying a physical product. You also have the option to go online and buy an already opened one, albeit at a marked up price.

>user thinks that EA won't find a workaround lootboxes
>user thinks dudebros and others won't buy into it
>user thinks he outsmarted and BTFO'd a billion dollar company.
They'll just lay it out for a few weeks/games then come back at full force.
I'd like for them to sink though.

Yeah. We're thinking on roughly the same terms.

The big factor here is whether or not they just fucked up with StarWars, it's whether or not this fuck up has people - the press included - mad enough to realize what they are doing elsewhere.

just get an amiibo spoofer like pic related

how the fuck is ante gambling but buying booster packs isn't?

what the fuck happened to lucasarts. they were actually good at making games

Funny how one is a physical thing you actually own and the other isn't. Really makes you think doesn't it?

Both forgetting a somewhat important part of this argument too. Trading cards can be traded. MTG comes from another genre of card collecting. What it did was make an additional competitive element popular.

Trading card games and loot boxes in their current state are too far removed from the original intent for random cards to be circulated among consumers. There needs to be a revision somewhere. Whether that be law regulating them as it has evolved to be more akin to gambling or what ever.

Another thing to note is investment encouraging behaviors. Playing a game dramatically increases the drive toward purchasing more things for it vs the base proposal of "buy lots of things."

Disney is insanely protective of their IPs. You do it their way or you can go fuck yourself. No way they let their marquee franchise that they spent such a shit ton of money aquiring get shit on by EA.

>comparing apples with pears

>EA makes 800 million annually on just FIFA's pay-to-win lootboxes that no one complains about

You're right, how will they survive after losing one solid IP?

why do you even care about the banning off lootboxes? are you EA?

>Is it fair to say that the absolute state of EA is literally guaranteed bankruptcy within 12 months?
Only if you believe in miracles. No.

You need to get out of your basement or go back to school.

Mario was decent, BOTW is the worst Zelda I've ever played but still better than most games that have released recently.

Why are FIFA fags so retarded?

Tell me, what is wrong with Overwatch style lootboxes where it's 100% cosmetic and has zero effect on the game?
Hell, what is the matter with even Halo 5 style lootboxes where the main mode of gameplay is only cosmetic changes, while the 'power' stuff is only for a casual side arcade mode that is completely unranked and non competitive?

These types of lootboxes encourage whaling and such as well, but people don't buy into them thinking it will make them better at the game, they do it so they can look unique. In the process it means that the company doesn't have to charge for things like maps or characters, and then the community never gets divided.

Battlefront 2 (and I would argue Call of Duty since Advanced Warfare) does it wrong because it offers an rng chance at something that actually is a straight upgrade and will help you win in competitive modes, but if it's just aesthetics, and you can earn them f2p, then I see zero problems with them.

Surprice eggs are not competitive, so its not gambling.

Well, it's Disney's fucking fault for giving vidya license to EA in the first place.

Then why did they close their gayming division and licensed their precious IPs to turd parties?

You realise that ban covers skin lootboxes? Competitive matters fuck all to them. If you buy a box with a random reward = gambling.

Football gambling is so common, even among minors, that it's easy to see how they would spend ridicolous amounts of money on that shitty game.

>but if it's just aesthetics, and you can earn them f2p, then I see zero problems with them.

That's because you're a faggot.

>In a twist, Disney signs on with FromSoft to make a Star Wars game

there is only 1 way to kill ea.
Get the fifa license in someother publishers hand.

Yet all of their content are included in game without additional fees.

Thing is you would expect after having games with gambling for so long they would use the established rules instead of repeat the whole ordeal again.

It's the same insanity as with radio is evil, tv is evil, internet ist evil,...

>vote with your wallet
>he doesn't know what whales are
This image is from today, the NA release of Scathach in FGO.
Each SQ/Quartz is worth about a dollar.

>He actually believes that

Tell me one problem with lootboxes that you can earn via playing which ONLY award cosmetic features.
Keep in mind that without lootboxes said skins and cosmetics would be paid dlc only, and without said cosmetic lootboxes any future maps / characters would also be paid dlc that splits the userbase up.