So what’s next for Sonic after Mania?

So what’s next for Sonic after Mania?

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After Forces? Retirement.

Hopefully another good game that builds on Mania even more.

Forces? After that probably Olympics shit again lmao

Are fully animated HD sonic sprites too much to ask?

Yes, sprites are easier and look better

Hopefully dump the next 3D sonic project to their fans.
Or better yet, fire people responsible for the shit level design in the last few games, replacing them with new people who have made good 3d fan games/mods, while at the same time keeping the people who have made good level designs. And keep it about Sonic (and/or Shadow), none of that OC bullshit (or at the very least not make it painful to play as one).
Also if you're gonna bring back Classic Sonic (plz no) have him set on different physics than modern, like I don't know how game development works, Mania and Forces are obviously made differently, but bring someone from the Mania team in if that helps. Better yet, don't bring back Classic, just make more Mania style games.

I would argue that Sonic's design and the overall art style is simple enough to manage. And would look overall better as well. As Sonic's sprite is not too far off from his actual design. Dimensionally, it would be 1:1. It would just look a whole lot better.

Nothing good thanks to Forces.

Clearly not if fans are doing it:

Wow, Sonic Ages looks really good. Not exactly what I had in mind, but impressive nonetheless. How did they do the physics? Is it just a modded Sonic Mania engine or something?

Sonic 2 HD is also pretty good. But it sticks too close to the original graphics for my tastes. It mires in the nostalgia, perpetuating the issues that the original sprite work had. Instead of fixing the issue, and making it a truly great 2D animated game.

Sonic Ages look more promising to me.

I like the 32 bit look

more remixed stages, but this time; YOU GO RIGHT TO LEFT!

More of the same, just with new (new) levels.

>How did they do the physics? Is it just a modded Sonic Mania engine or something?
It's own engine made in Unity.

The engine is looking good so far. It's got the Sonic feel.

Hopefully the classic/modern split is solidified so that we can have a Whitehead game to cusion the blow of sonic team's next abomination.

it's a shame hd's second act songs are such shit

I don't know, it's hard to see that pure nostalgia can develop into a long-time series, also it won't be able to actually gain 3A status. Mania is fine, but it's not gonna last that long.

Those remixes aren't by Tee Lopes for the record.

after forces? the fucking garbage can.
i'd be surprised if they ever did anything with sonic ever again after a bunch of baka gaijins embarrassed the shit out of them.

Death, thanks to forces and sonic team's ongoing unwillingness to innovate with the adventure formula.

Forces killed the hype retard. Sega are run by retards.

That's why Mania 2 has to have all new zones throughout.

>b-but sanic cant suvive on 2d onry
Tell that to Kirby.

An HD 2D game would also include enemies, backgrounds, and bosses though. Some things that work as sprites (bosses with 1 frame of animation that just move around, 3D shaded orbs) just wouldn't fly in HD

All the 3D Sonic games have proven is that Sonic can ONLY survive in 2D.

Stop with this HD shit you fucking fags.

A new Tails game.

It's about time I think.

forces didn't happen shut the fuck up

Mania is released
Sonic 1/2/CD Whitehead collection is released on PC and Consoles
Sonic 3&K remake with original songs by Tee Lopes to replace the songs wrapped up in legal issues
Mania 2 announced
Mania 2 released

That's my ideal schedule, with time given for development and a buffer with the 1/2/CD collection.

>Sonic Mania and Freedom Planet, two fangames are better than any sonic game made in the last 20 years.

It's not as hard is it sounds. 1 artist did the graphics for Hollow Knight in a little over 3 years. If they got a small team of artists, they could easily draw a full Sonic game in a year.

Again, the artstyle is very simplified. It's not like trying to draw say, Castlevania in HD. That would take a lot of effort. So many detailed characters and creatures. But Sonic is very simple. And sure, they can still use some of those old 2D tricks to save some time. There' nothing preventing them from doing so.

>an updated FP2 demo is coming out before the end of this year

No, silly. All the 3D Sonic games has proven, is that Sonic Team is mismanaged.

FP2 demo was fucking good
the auto zoom camera keeps the platformer babbies at bay too

What if Sega put sonic team to do something not sonic related so they could get internal piece.

And have sonic mania 2 being the next big sonic game?

I hope Sonic Team just kind of disbands.
SEGA can look at these reviews and sales side-by-side and see what does and doesn't work. If they still don't understand how to make the most of their icon then they really don't deserve any success at all.

Nice romhack thread, Sonicbabs
>So what’s next for Sonic after Mania?
Mario takes over platforming once and for all

I've been saying this for a while
sonic team needs to take a break from sonic and reboot one of sega's many dormant properties, whether that is shining, burning rangers, virtual on whatever just let the fans handle sonic instead.

why is cd sonic so asthetic


You forgot about Spark the Electric Jester.

Sonic Before the Sequel and Sonic After the Sequel are also fantastic fangames. Maybe not Mania-tier, but they are clearly above Sonic 1, 4, every Advance and many others, and are 100% original, including story and music.


>fantastic fangames
ehhhhhh, no.

>Maybe not Mania-tier
What the fuck do you mean "maybe"? It DEFINITELY doesn't reach Mania's quality, you kidding me?

The FP2 thread on Retro.


Oh sweet, can't wait for it

Because I hate rehashes and Mania is 3/4 rehash. Even if it has a glorious gameplay, I still don't feel excited for discovering something new. It makes it unable to reach 7/10 for me.
Maybe that's because I play too many ROM hacks and I replay all Sonic games every half year so I don't feel any nostalgia anymore, I don't know.

And yes, they are fantastic and I will not back my words. I would pay 15$ for BTS and 20$ for ATS.

I would like a game adaptation of Mega drive with animated cutscenes by Hesse

>sonic team can't get 2D physics to work when a literal rag tag group of indies did

>3D is confined to boostshit
Please trash it

>I would pay 15$ for BTS and 20$ for ATS.
Hey, you do you but I or anyone else who's sane would pass on that, since the best part of those two games are their OSTs and not the general gameplay or level design, which are way more important for a platfomer.

That's pretty depressing, only having rereleases for the next 2 years.

I’d be fine with it. Especially if Sonic Mania was thrown in on a physical bundle with either the 1/2/CD remaster or the 3&K remaster

It goes back into the hands of Sega executives that don't know why people like Sonic.

>What’s next for Sonic?

It would be better than Mania.
> Unique bosses
> Playable Amy
> Unique, yet slightly familiar areas
> 2 types of collectables for multiple endings
> Character interactions

Not before we get our Infinite game which will be very similar to Bloodborne and it will show uncovered mysteries of the Jackal Squad's origins

where can i find the comic?


I imagine after Forces, Sonic Team is either:
>Confused: "B-but we gave them boost! But we gave them classic! How could they possibly not like it?"
>Indifferent: "They didn't like it? Oh well, they just don't understand, we will try again until they do."

The last one is how I see Nakamura writing Forces. The guy's only Sonic story was 06, and 11 years later he comes back and writes something just as retarded, as if to say "Those fans don't know what they want, I will show them my TRUE vision for Sonic"

Buy it? It's worth the money

Eggman RTS, like Dungeon Keeper except you're roboticizing the planet and have to defend against freedom fighters invading your Eggman Empire.



Mania is not 3/4 rehash. All the bosses are new (except for the Death Egg robot, but the fight itself is completely different), most second acts are new, both CD stages are completely redone. Counting Lava Reef as a full rehash since both acts aren't very different from the original there are only 7 re-used acts out of 24.


It's so weird that Sonic keeps getting pushed with these ultra generic and dull MENACING EVIL MENACING MAN villains from 06 and Forces and most of Lost World and so on but all most fans want is Eggman to show up in a new set of boss fights that aren't weirdly anachronistic(what the fuck was Forces' last boss?) or regurgitated not so greatest hits. If I see that Death Egg Robot or Egg Dragoon one more fucking time... and add the Nega Wisp to that list which is tragic because it was perfect in Colors. At least Mania did it early and made it good and it's entire shtick is Sonic homages.

Forces is ultra disappointing for being a prime opportunity for Eggman to be on point as a threat and actually being virtually unchanged in presentation and attitude. I mean god forbid Sega approach the can of worms that is the extended comics cast but it wouldn't hurt to pull a few "Eggman is legitimately terrifying" moments the one time he wins.

I mean fuck, if there has to be a REMEMBER THE GENESIS GAMES boss, do the big finale from Sonic and Knuckles.

Also Eggman works best as a comedic villain. Stop trying to make him serious.

No, stick to sprites. The last thing we need is this faggot appearing in every fucking thing related to Classic Sonic. He's already overused as is.

Mania 2 with all new levels and more 2D games until they get things situated with 3D Sonic.

Did you not like the Mean Bean Machine boss in Mania?

Mania is the only positive thing the Sonic franchise has going for it now.

I wonder how SEGA will manage to screw it up.

Mania 2 but it's developed by Sonic Team and is 100% rehashes because obviously that's why Mania was so successful.

Sonic Team should branch out and work on something other than Sonic. Get their creative juices flowing again. Make a new NIGHTS game, Revive Billy Hatcher.

>Revive Billy Hatcher

Nigga don't tease me like that

>Ruin Billy Hatcher

If Sonic Team ever tries to revisit their old non-Sonic properties, then Burning Rangers better fucking be on the list. It's criminal that this game hasn't gotten any love. No sequel, no remaster, not even a slapdash port to a modern console.

Burning Rangers.

Wouldn't that be something

great game.



Don't mind me, just posting a friendly reminder to the Maniafags who go on and on about their "glorious" classic era and how "Sonic hasn't been good in 20 years".

They did do NiGHTS and they ruined that.

>overloading it with all that dimps shite

>DIMPS shit
Man, you Sonicfags are starved for taste.

>Sonic Mania 2 and 3 (2019-2020)
>10+ new stages each
>complete trilogy has remixes all Genesis stages

>Sonic Mania Adventure (2022)
>remake of SA and SA2 in Genesis style
>reintroduces all post Genesis characters in classic style

>Sonic franchise builds off of Mania series as it's foundation
>new HD Sonic Platformers from here on out

>that fucking scream

It would take more money, and more animators, but it could happen. I'd expect something like that wouldn't be a "handheld" tier title, and I sincerely doubt Nipnog SEGA would allow Gaijins to make a AAA title.

See Sure, it'll take a little more money and talent. But it also carries the Sonic name. And updating the art would make a big impact. I imagine it would help sell the game even more. Plus, they can reuse the assets to make sequels.

Sonic Adventure Mania confirmed

"See" nothing. My main point was Sonic Team/SoJ letting an indie dev make an AAA tier game. It's not going to happen just because fans want it. If this any other company/if Taxman was Asian, then we'd be in business.

There's a reason Mania is a nearly nostalgia pandered game with reused Sonic game themes. Iizuka didn't trust them to go all out, and if they did, they'd just make a new game from the start. Maybe Mania "convinced" them but I'm dubious with how SoJ has been shitty with foreigners for decades when it comes to their IPs. Only until I see it will I expect it. But right now the best bet is "enhanced" sprites Mania pulled but maybe less "Saturn" era and more modernized for new sprite based games.

In the post I told you to see, I mentioned how an indie dev did a 2D HD game with a kickstarter budget, and ONE art guy. Cuphead did it with a kickstarter budget and two guys. We're not talking about a AAA budget. We're talking about a medium sized budget to pay for a small animation team.

And besides, I wasn't saying that Sonic *would* go HD. I was *asking* that they go HD. It's completely feasible. The only thing holding them back is lack of ambition. Typical Sega mismanaging Sonic, and the Mania team being massive nostalgia fags. No one wants to make it happen. But it SHOULD happen. It CAN happen.

Put kayona kim in a game.

Man, I haven't thought about Who Dares Wins in years.

So you're just going to pretend Sega didn't undo all the good will of Mania by half-assing Forces?

>go on steam
>sonic 1, CD and 3&K and gens are on sale.
>mania is still 19.99

this would be the perfect time to recommend it to friends, stop being salty sonic team and drop the price already for black friday!


Storytime, lads?


oh no


>Advance 2
>Advance 3
Every other modern title there is like a 7/10, compared to the 10/10 Genesis games and the 8/10 Sonic CD.