
What is the veracity of these claims my brethren?

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Why do you people fucking do this to yourselves?

You're as bad about it as megaman fans at this point.

i'm motivated.

pretty hyped, wonder how Itsuno will top 4SE

>how will he top the lowest point in the series after 2


>what is DmC
>what is DMC1
wew lad, how do you breathe through your shit taste

>another year
>another claim that dmc5 is happening
just let it go user...

>not liking 4
What a fag.

>what is DmC

A game i didn't count because it's not part of the series

>what is DMC1

The highest point in the series, underage


Are DMCfags the most pathetic fanbase at this point?

you do this to yourselves five times a year

>the roughest title in the entire genre

top kek, almost got me

We'll get an announcement this time, right?

This time we'll get something for sure.

I liked it so much i played through it twice in one sitting :^)

Nah, no DMC 5
Its gonna be DMC 2/Bayo 3 since Kamiya probably doesn't care about the games that aren't his

>people still believe that Kappa link

It's totally realistic that someone knows things from four different game companies.

Wouldn't surprise me. Even if it isn't at PSX I'm near certain it'll be announced by the end of the year seeing as it's the only realistic choice for Itsuno's new game. I hope it's DD or RS instead, though.

>Metroid got a proper sequel before DMC did
Weird desu

We won't get while RS while Capcom is pushing SFV

"Hello? You found some humans that aren't motivated enough? Let me go and pay them a visit then."

>topkek, am i right my toddler bros?

if i roll 1~9 we wont shit

Are there even any other conventions where a game would be announced before the end of the year besides psx?

>no arguments
DMC1fags are the saddest people, clinging to a cobbled together re4 experiment

sauce my man


VGA could happen

>le motivation XD

Have fun with your crushing disappointment when yet again DMC5 isn't announced.

I know, but a man can dream. Itsuno said he wants to do a new RS last year and Tiffany and Hinata are in SFV so that at least gives me some hope that they'll make a new one eventually, though I don't expect it anytime soon. They put RS costumes in DDO recently as well, though I doubt that means much seeing as Capcom have costumes like that all the time from a bunch of dead series.

The TGAs, I guess.

>The highest point in the series, underage
Ah it's another episode of "This game is significant to the medium, that means it's infallible and reached a lofty height that no other video game can touch" retardation. My favorite.

t. unmotivated plebian

They were already confirmed fake you retards.


Its time for the suffering to end and hope to return.

>you can see where the cutoff line on her neck
IS THIS A...!?!?!?

Pretty good, I'd say >50%

Here are the fact:
- Itsuno has been making something since January 2016
- He still works at Capcom
- He has apologized twice, at E3 and TGS for not announcing his game
- More than 50% chance that Itsuno's game will be DMC5.

The actual source of the leak is

The leaker seem to have decent credibility:
- He leaked the TMNT DLC for Injustice
- Sakura, Sagat, and Sodom were pretty much as close as being confirmed for SFV. See the not so subtle hint during the last Redbull FGC event for Sakura reveal. This means that the leaker's capcom source is pretty decent.
-Capcom leaks have close to 100% track record, from S2 characters Zeku, Abigail, Menat, etc, to announcement of MvCI.

However, there were some red herrings as well
- Reuben & JYB's mocap photo were about DMC4 Pachinko, not DMC5

Be cautiously optimistic. If it is not announced in PSX again, that's one part of the jigsaw puzzle in the throve of leaks. Doesn't mean DMCV not happening or the content of the leaks were not true. Maybe they decided to back off from announcement due to loaded PSX events, or the game being not ready etc.

As long as Itsuno still works with Capcom, and his new game is not cancelled, I'd say DMC5 announcement is >50% regardless of the specifics, whether it'd be at PSX or not

Ah it's another strawman post on Sup Forums, your favorite.

That's it. I want worthless naysayers to GET THE FUCK OFF MY THREAD RIGHT NOW.

The leaker stole all his SFV info from someone else. All he did was have an NRS employee tell him Ninja Turtles we’re going to be in it.

The rest of the leak is bogus.

>he doesn't know about the new mega man game announcement coming at PSX

I'm motivated.

well, if you say it'll be announced at X conference every time a conference comes around, it's bound to be true... eventually

Case in point.

Tell that to HL3 fans

why is a multiplat being announced at a conference which should be for exclusive playstation content?

As always I will lurk in the topic for the announcements, and laugh at you fucking sorry cucks every time the game isn't announced.

I have no hope for this shit

>man guys stop having faith in new games even though they clearly said there will be a new game

He also has MVCI DLC roster leaks, who are pretty believable (Star Lord, Ms Marvel, Lady). You're right that he might've sprinkled some of his personal wish fulfillment to get more attention though.

Again I'd say 50-60%ish and cautiously optimistic. There's no reason to be a hype train bandwagoner.

Today I will remind the nonbelievers


Go to 17:30

>Having faith in unreleased games
Full fucking retard.
Games are shit until released and proven otherwise.

Id rather have Dragons Dogma 2

How do we know Itsuno is really still working for Capcom and they're not just puppeteering his twitter account to avoid backlash?

Source: My Juicy Ass

He's enough of a pussy for that to be believable

Retard in point.

There either is a DMC 5 on the way or the actors themselves enjoy fucking with us.

You mean nothing to him. It's the latter.

Do you have a Katsuragi image in that style?

Because exclusivity has never been a necessity to PSX. However it may actually being end up being an exclusive. Just imagining the meltdown on Sup Forums makes me salivate.

Maybe it's because I'm an idort but I never understood why so many anons get butt blasted over exclusives

>Tongue in cheek

Literally confirmed.

You guys never learn. Every year, you faggots disappoint yourselves.

I would personally have a shit-fit it was announced exclusively for a console I don't own. Like the Xbone for instance. That's one advantage to being a PS4 owner I guess. If there's ever going to be a DMC5 then it's guaranteed to be on it.

That would never happen I think, no one buys that console in Japan and DMC has a strong following there, it would be the most stupid decision Capcom could make.

DMC3 is my favorite!

Explain MH:World then

Daisy is the worst

PS4 is PS2 2.0

Those who believed in greatness will recieve as such, there is a 100% chance of both of those titles being revealed for PSX

Multi-plat, DMC was multi-plat

>Itsuno working on a new game
>I'm satisfied
>Dragons Dogma 2
>I'm satisfied

Speak for yourself faggot

MH: World is not an exclusive. Capcom is still releasing it on other platforms that have plenty of users in Japan so they don't lose anything by doing an xbox port.

t. shill

t. retard who stands against the best console in well over a decade

>he thinks having faith a game is in development is the same as thinking it will be good

>Those who believed in greatness will recieve as such
only shills speak like this, now begone.


MP3 daisy is best, just like DMC3 being best

Moron, If a Megaman game were to come out It would be on fucking Nintendo, I know that, you know that, every fucking body knows that.

Lets not kid ourselves though, Capcom are backing Sony completely, the probability of a new Devil May Cry is very strong.

Capcom has been buddy buddy with sony nowadays

Yeah... sure sure...

If it's true then it's not made by Kamiya which means it's not worth my time

stop doing this to me man, c'mon. everytime, it's everytime.

i get motivated every fucking time

You know if its true Sony wins right?

>DMC3 is not worth my time
Sure thing contrarian

>DMC5 featuring Demifiend from the SMT series
How do you react?

if it's true humanity wins you faggot, stop sucking corporate dick.

Im just saying man. It got announced at PSX, and nowhere else. So there you go.

Capcom are moving towards being a Sony second party, I'd expect Megaman to pop up on a Sony platform much more than a Nintendo platform. I'd be surprised if Capcom put any new titles on any Nintendo hardware going forwards, ports at most.

>ace attorney

port of the IOS/Android version.

Come on now, street fighter v partnership, deep down exclusive, marvel v capcom partnership, resident evil 7 PSVR, monster hunter worlds partnership and exclusive content

Don't fight it... just let it happen...

>deep down

Undoubtedly. If DMC5 gets announced then Sony wins by default. It's the holy grail of vidya after all.

so what? embrace games faggot. besides, 90% on the goddamn ps4 is either *timed exclusive or *also available on pc anyway it's kind of a moot point

DMCfags i need your help.

I was taking a shit in the bathroom when the door just opened on it's own. Now i can't remember if i actually saw the nob turn on it's own or if those are only false memories, but what else would call my attention to it in the first place?

It's 3am and I'm freaking out over here.

Just close the door you idiot

Hmmm..... I almost forgot about that. Guess its development ran into some hurdles. Now what if there was a popular action game series that could be made as a replacement to fulfill the exclusivity contract. Really gets the noggin joggin.

Ace Combat says hi

You forget the multiple times where JYB has spilled his spaghetti about the new game and how pissed Reuben got when he did