TIME magazine names Nintendo Switch 'Best Gadget of 2017'

>TIME magazine names Nintendo Switch 'Best Gadget of 2017'



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Switch is a weird system. The dock barely does anything. You're essentially sitting a handheld device into a plastic container. When it's out of the container, the device underclocks itself.


dead thread

We did it!

>all fanart is focused on her tits
>not her thighs, core, and hips which are her best features

you are now aware of her gimp arm

That's the difference between a switch and a playstation, or a switch and a pc, or even a switch and an xbox-- the switch is not an equal. It is not a threat, it is not in the running against anyone else. Talking about the switch like it's actually impressive next to other actual gaming machines is like comparing king retard at the special olympics to usain bolt. The switch is a 'gadget', not a gaming system. And a 'gadget' is all nintendo knows.

>those mental gymnastics

how mad are you

PLEASE stop posting these for my sake

Just post your cock already

What was it competing against, what other consoles or "gadgets" worth noting have come out this year? Isn't this just another "lul the switch is revolutionizing gaming" meme?

That would make sense if TIME had a section for best gaming system. But it's included in gadget.

It is though. Even the fat guy sterling agrees after shitting on Zelda.


Switch revolutionised shitposting.

Rethink shilling on chinese image boards: Nintendo Switch.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>nintendo makes a console that just barely tries
>launches a few games that are high-concept but relatively simple in execution
>Nintendo fanboys and normies are so used to eating shit that they hail this as the Holy Grail of vidya

It'd really be something if Nintendo produced a serious console for the first time in over 2 decades, can you imagine the shitstorm?

>a serious console

You mean another watered down PC that makes a ton of noise to play multiplats in low settings?

The underclock is to preserve battery life.

As opposed to 3 gamecubes stapled together that doesn't even have the storage space to play last-gen titles and is built around kid-friendly marketing gimmicks?

Friendly reminder that at the height of their dominance of the industry Nintendo was known as the company that just flat skipped a 32bit console to push the most muscle car'd 64-bit number crunching machine they could. They only fell off when those "underpowered PC" consoles rose up and streamlined the development cycle of games.

>What was it competing against
Xbox One X in particular.

IPhone X.


I have never played a Xenoblade game, but I am gonna buy this one for three reasons:
1. Hardly anything else besides Mario and Zelda
2. Tits
3. Hips

EXCELLENT post my friend. Don't let the nintendofags get you down.

Sounds about right

>iPhone X is second
Yeah, really trustworthy opinions you've got there.


Thanks Pyra

>this is is the nintendo audience

Except the Xbone X is also on the "gadget" list. Just lower down. Absolute state of (You), lad.

I said 'xbox', not 'embarrassment'.

Know what's really embarrassing? Sony's attempt at squeezing out money from gullible tards buying a PS4 pro for 400 bucks.

It's almost like that's exactly what he wants you to think.


>Anyone that isn't a perfect 10/10 chad is a shitposting falseflagger

The dock is basically just a charger with air vents and routing the game signal into the HDMI

It's more expensive than it's parts but not by as much as most people think. Probably just a 30-20% mark up

Fuck no spoilers for the game are dropping. I don't want spoilerfag to ruin this thread too.

>everyone that enjoys things I like but I don't personally like is just a falseflagger

Except he's been doing it a lot lately so take that as you will.

didn't the wii u win one of these too

>we went from making fun of his appearence to defend him for the sake of shitposting

Purely in terms of hardware, the switch is definitely not a "cool gadget."
You could've made an argument for the Vita back in 2012, and obviously the Wii, but c'mon son.
And for the record, I own a switch.

I really should thank them for streamlined process. The industry is in a much better state for it

>Time lists Nintendo brand PSP best gadget
Slow year it seems.

No that was just a random guy.

I don't know who's falseflagging who

This. Keep telling it how it is, animefriend.

#4theplayerz #ps4

based nintenbro

>normalfags like the normalfag machine

Have fun with your microtransactions user! Man do I love buying games for 60 bucks and then paying thousands more just to get the full game-cause you sure as hell don't get that on Nintendo consoles!

I agree. I've bought like 2 3DS's in the past 3 years due to them breaking more or less on their own. Meanwhile, my PSP Fat still works fine after nearly a decade. All the needless stuff Nintendo likes to add to their consoles just makes them more easy to break and/or malfunction.

I'm just tired of Nintendo's shit at this point honestly and I'm glad Monster Hunter is starting to move away from Nintendo consoles.

You're a rare case since Nintendo platforms are usually the ones that break the less.