Who is the most iconic robot in videogames and why is it Monarch?
She's everything a robot could be.
Who is the most iconic robot in videogames and why is it Monarch?
Out of my way
Not so fucking fast, son.
those chicken ass looking legs on mechs are some proper cancer
Maybe in the '90s, bub.
ok but gundam
that's not timber wolf
Objectively correct answer
Unironically, this.
Funny way to say Northstar OP
Now we're talkin'.
>not BT
for shame op
factual statement: I am the best Robot ITT
Is this entire thread being ironic or...?
*Phase Dashes behind you*
*unzips Sword Core*
Nothing personnel, kid.
It's actually Blitzcrank from League of Legends.
Not because he's good or his game is good but because it's not some obscure hipster shit.
He was okay in 1 and pre-sequel dlc
Metal Gear Rex, and you know it.
Move along, nothing more to argue.
I love Monarch
She's tricky though but her survivability is really neat.
>kill you mechs
>inb4 stepped on
In a C-Bill equivalent battle between mechs and tanks, tanks have superior firepower compared to the mechs.
Titanfall 2 is superior to TF1
That being said, PAPA SCORCH
>When you're a console scrub and no one can handle being GOLD MUSHROOM'D.
>tanks running around in the open and missing every shots on fuck huge targets
Nah indeed