>gaming used to be very niche pre 360 era
is there a bigger lie that is told on Sup Forums ?
Gaming used to be very niche pre 360 era
That statement alone is sheer proof of the amount of underage kids who post here.
Do people actually say that?
I've never heard anybody say that on Sup Forums, good thread nigga
Literally everyone I knew played video games since I was like 4 years old, which when n64 came out
>gaming used to be very niche pre 360 era
what did he mean by this?
super oldfag here
no joke, everything skyrocketed after the crash in '83 with the release of the NES, in the mid to late 80's home PC's started becoming more and more common and the PC market picked up pace
granted it WAS a niche up until the mid 90's, by that point everyone I knew had at lest 1 console or a PC they were playing on
will comfy jorts ever be okay to wear in public again
If anything, it's the opposite.
Remember when we were kids? EVERY kid had a gameboy color and pokemon.
Look at the kids now, how many of them have 3DSs?
Gaming now is a thing for the current 25-35 year olds who stayed manchildren, they're the ones buying the Switch and Bing Bing Wahoo and Vroom Vroom Wahoo. I'm one of them.
Nobody should play video games past 25. You need a real hobby at that stage of your life
>having only 1 hobby
True brainlet.
I don't even play video games. I just come here for the banter. I have zero hobbies. I just work and come here.
That's fucking pathetic m8
I come here to see sad fucks like you so I can know I will never be that bad.
>posters on the ceiling
At least you guys don't do that, right?
Are you content with your life? What about the adults that made video games back in the 80s,90s because they loved playing(eg carmack, romero, hell gabe newell loved games and he was 36 when he created valve)
Yeah I suppose your right but there's not much I can do about it now. I'm too old to make friends and get hobbies.
Nope I'm not content with my life.
Well it might not get better and you may die a bitter death but at least theres a chance things might turn out happy.
Not true at all. Start exercising or learn a new language or instrument, or even start writing a book.
I actually wanted to learn to play Piano but I have zero musical experience and I'm afraid I'm too old to get good at it because I read it takes years to learn how to play.
Probably will die a bitter death your right.
it was way more niche than it was now
t. 90's kid
Gaming is too mainstream now. I liked it before all the normies took it over.
everyone had either a NES/Genesis in their household
only thing that was niche were JRPGs because reasons
I do the same thing for Sup Forums so I get that feeling.