Every pubg thread is constant bashing

>Every pubg thread is constant bashing.
>Its an early access why is everyone shitting themselves.
>Fun even for early access
>Test server is way more updated and its great.

Try the test server ya fags.
Or stick to your gay ass MMORPG's

Shame that the game fucking sucks.

I would play the game if the fucking sound in it worked. You can't EVER tell where you're getting shot from ever because of how shitty the sound is.

Also, the first person mode should be the only mode, but it's just janky as fuck. They just staple the camera to the player models head and call it good.

Upgrade headphones maybe?
I have no problem at all making callouts when a shot is fired and can distinctly tell what direction said shot was from.

I have $250+ Audiophile music mix mother fucker holy shit god tier headphones and you can't fucking tell where you're being shot from. You can literally be running alongside your friends, one of them shoots and you think you're being shot at because you can't fucking tell. Maybe they fixed it on the test server??? but in the normal game, it's infuriating, especially because you can tell where you're getting shot from in Rust but not PUBG.

Are ya autistic?
That could be a forsure issue if so.

Maybe you're deaf? It isn't hard at all

I honestly feel like %95 of people hating the game just suck...
Its way more strategical than CS:GO and no one wants to accept it...

>early access

its the same shit in arma you knuckleheads. you don't listen to the supersonic snap, you listen for the muzzle report afterwards. if they're using a suppressor then your only option is watching for impacts. on top of that, you should always be watching the horizon for people silhouetting themselves, and should always have an idea of possible angles of fire on your location. move from cover to cover. staying low and slow is a good bet if you're unsure about enemy positions, tall grass is pretty damn effective, especially so in first person mode. if you find yourself sprinting through an open field towards the endgame then you might as well save the other guy the trouble and shoot yourself in the face.

jesus christ for a board about videogames you'd think people would be a little more competent.

This isn't a personal problem, I swear to god that it is always like this. You hear where the bullets land and the whizzing of the bullets WAY louder than the actual gunfire, so you can't fucking tell where the fuck you're being shot from.

In real life guns are like BANG BOOM HOLY SHIT BANG but in PUBG they're this gay little *pop pop pew pop* that you can barely fucking hear. It's impossible to tell where gunshots are.

I dreamt I played pubg tonight
then I dreamt I was being stalked by a pink apparition that looked like cosmo except blurred out and vibrating

Dude your so fucking retarded i swear lol

Exactly man. All these people suck overwatches cock and cant cope with a more realistic game or take into account common sense...

I primarily play fighting games you fucking retard. You're not a fucking "HARDCORE ELITE EPICCC GAMER" for playing the literal latest hit First Person Shooter(most popular game on steam btw) that literally EVERYONE ELSE FUCKING PLAYS

In a fighting game, you can hear and tell when you hit or when they block it. In this fucking game it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to tell something as basic as were you're being shot from. God fucking dammit. Kill yourself, retard.

Your autism is showing...


here we fucking go

>tall grass is effective
No it isn't you faggot. Everyone and their mother plays this game on the lowest possible settings and foilage at minumum so they can see you laying down at 100m+.

I use a shitty wireless "gaymer" headset and can tell just fine, I don't know what to tell you man, maybe stop trying to shit on everyone when the problem is clearly your setup or yourself, that's something you should know from your time playing fightan

I literally never did this. I said that the game is broken, then a bunch of faggots who can't even use the correct "your" and literally end their sentences with "lol" tried to shit talk me and call me deaf.

I agree the sound design is absolutely awful. Foot steps are literally delayed.

At least someone has sense.

>I said the game is broken
It's a bit more valid when you point out things that are actually broken, as opposed to things that work just fine, like being able to hear where shots are coming from, and naturally you were called deaf because that part of the game works fine. Getting upset about it won't help your case or convince anyone otherwise user, I'd try troubleshooting your audio in Windows and testing other games with positional audio to see if it's something to do with your setup

better than sprinting everywhere with a huge fucking "shoot me" sign

it's effective enough that i rarely make hard contact and can usually choose when i want to engage.

it was scary as fuck desu ne

Thank you for coming to Sup Forums to try and protect the precious video game that didn't do nothing.