Go play Banjo-Kazooie

Go play Banjo-Kazooie

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fuck off you racist nigger


>Go hang up "It's okay to be white" signs
Jesus, Jon. You've gone too far this time!

Hey, it's that fat guy from Yooku Leelee

Something strikes me as contradictory about this post...

The fuck are you talking about, niggers?

>racist nigger
really rattles the ol' noggin

niggers can be racist you know.
In fact, most of them are.

>Go collect these shekels, now get your batnigger pet-slave out of my face!
I think he went a bit too far in Yooka-Laylee.

You can't just say niggers are racist, that's racist!

nigger faggot lol


NeoGAF and ResetEra are both up, you dumb fucks


So... what were Jon's infamous Nazi and Racist comments? I missed it.

>The NPC voiced by Jon in A Hat in Time just fucking straight up kills your character in one hit as soon as you enter the level if you are wearing one of the palette swaps with tanned/dark skin

JonTron's taste in games is absolute shit and I feel sad for being born in the same year as him.

that's a bad videogame

>not liking Lucasarts games
>not liking pre-Microsoft Rare games
>not liking 90s gaming in general
What games do you like user?

He just gave a few stadistics about black people being the majority of criminals in USA or something.
The internet went crazy because omg he's so racist for stating facts, how dare he.

Actually good games like Nier: Automata, Neptunia and Dark Souls.

Anyway, if you're not baiting, poor you, only playing modern trash.
>le dark suls is so hard! xD
Fucking gen Z.

I don't think you're in a position to judge anyone's taste, dude.

You should try Banjo-Kazooie.
It's the Dark Souls of 3D platformers.

Pre-Microsoft Rare games are overrated as fuck, and "le 90's gaming" is a dumb meme pushed by nostalgiafags like JonTron. The reality is that the 90's had plenty of absolutely shitty games just like every other decade.

he was legitimately afraid of white people not being a large majority in the us anymore
absolute cuck

The only good Banjo-Kazooie was the first one, and even that was just a poor man's Mario.

But he isn't white.

>Sup Forums hates screeching autists until they become racist screeching autists

Buzzword and code for "thing I don't like". Not discussion-viable.
You could be a nostalgiafag too. Dark Souls came out 7 years ago, if you were 12 back then, you'd be old enough to post on Sup Forums and have nostalgia for shitty 7th gen stuff.
>The reality is that the 90's had plenty of absolutely shitty games just like every other decade.
I never said otherwise. Reading comprehension, user.

Oh, my bad he agrees with your ideology so he's cool. Fucking SJWs right?


What did he say or do that was racist?

There's literally nothing wrong with ecelebs.

Oh, my bad he disagrees with your ideology so he isn't cool.
Fucking natzies right?

look up his debate with this friendly zerg man

he knows he isnt white but he wants to be a part of the demographic. what gives?

Apparently he commented on some statistics that show that most criminal acts in USA are by black people.
White guilt did the rest.

Statistics aren't racist though. That's like saying math is racist.

I've seen that debate, but where did he said he's afraid of anything?

That's the ironic part. Everyone of his talking points scream "I was redpilled by Sup Forums.

I probably agree with the fat retard, but I fucking can't stand when people push ecelebs on this board

Yeah I wasn't saying it made sense.
We're on a fucked up timeline anyway, enjoy the ride. Last stop is human extinction.

so why would it be a bad thing if whites became a minority in the US

In what part did he exactly said that it's a bad thing that whites become a minority?

while this post is ironic, i do want to make it clear that it is dumb propaganda

Jontron stated the he had a problem with non white people entering the US. Even when presented with the hypothetical scenario of those same people assimilating automatically to western culture, he started talking about how they would then intergrate in the gene pool.

shucks guess you won again

Where did he state that? It's not on the debate video. He talks about immigration issues (which are real, there's statistics), but he never said he has a personal problem with it.


His mom is Hungarian and as long as your half white, you're considered white in America.

This guy is another JewTuber and he's half Puerto Rican, yet he's still considered white.

>hypes himself up like a big B&Kfag
>finally plays it in a stream
>he plays it worse than I did when I was 7 years old

Why do e-celebs do that? How is it even possible to dedicate your work to the videogame medium and still suck at them?

liking a game =/= being good at the game