So who's next?

So who's next?

Sonic Mania is proof that he was always good.
I hope /vr/ stays buttmad until the end of time.

here's your reply.


Ghouls n ghosts is wet af

I'm gonna say COD with the way activision is going now, and unirionically Half-Life/Portal

the truth hurts

You made me legitimately angry, congratulations.

those shitty army men games

you can take that opinion and shove it right up your ass, buddy.


I have friends who are nostalgic for it already.

I don´t think TES belongs on that list. A lot of people only played skyrim and can´t morrowind graphics.

>jet set radio
How does it feel to be right ?

>jet set radio

>Ghosts n' Goblins
Shitter who can't git gud detected.

Missing Zelda, Mario and Half-Life.

Sonic 1-3&K and Mania are good.
Crash 1-3, CTR, maybe Bash, and Twinsanity are good.
Never played Ghouls 'n Ghosts, sadly.
Spyro 1-2 are good.
JSR is ok.
I don't care for TES.

Man some garbage shitpost shouldn't upset you and I like 5/6 of those series in the OP image

You forgot Shenmue

God fuck that game is absolute trash.

I replayed both games a couple years ago, and was easily the lamest gaming experience in a long fuckin while

I mean this whole thread could be dedicated to Dreamcast titles.

Yeah, fuck you, the first few spyro games were great.

Came here to say this. Spyro was great fuck you OP.

>zelda and mario

I don't give a fuck who you are our where you live, you can count on me to be there to bring your life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much fucking pain It'll make Jesus being nailed to the cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don't give a fuck how tough you are, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I'll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn the gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're going to start stressing the fuck out. Your blood pressure will triple and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for a heart operation and the last thing you'll see when they're putting you under in the operating room is me hovering over you dressed as Dr. Mario. When you wake up after the operation you'll be scared for your fucking life wondering what I did to you while you where being operated on and wondering if there is a ticking time bomb in you chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery and when you walk out of the front door of the hospital to go home I'll run you over with my fucking car out of nowhere and kill you. I just wanted you to know how easily I could have destroyed your pathetic fucking excuse for a life, but how I would rather go to great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living breathing fucking hell. It's too fucking late to save yourself, but don't bother committing suicide either. I'll fucking resuscitate you and kill you you again my fucking self.

Do NOT fuck with me.

I never played the Ghosts n' Goblins series until four years ago, and cleared them all on my PSP without save states. That shit has aged well, minus the terrible slowdown on that SNES release.

If you describe trying to keep a metal ball balanced on an oily piece of plastic to be "fun", then sure.

Take off the nostalgia goggles faggot, and you'll realise that all the franchises in OPs picture have objectively been demolished by the passage of time.

Not an argument

The game is almost twenty years old dude. Try to think what you were playing on consolle at the time. Done? Now you understand why everyone was amazed by the game. And yes the camera controls is shit

Sonic Generations,Sonic 3 and Sonic Colors are good
The rest of these series I agree, it's garbage. Crash and Elders Scrolls are on par with nep nep games

I don't arrgue with retarded people, it's not nice

>Greatest videogame soundtrack of all time
>never good

>jet set radio

How can this place manages to get worse every day its beyond me

GTA, zelda, mario, resident evil, pokemon, smash bros, harvest moon, final fantasy and burnout

Nigga I will fight you
at least 1-3 were excellent

Are we still really doing the "Sonic was never good" meme, even after Sonic Mania proved that to be completely false?

Get em boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

the list reeks of "ps2 was my first console"

every game

i know its bait but fuck whoever made that image

>mario and ZELDA

please fucking kill yourself and do your parents and the rest of the world a favor, kthxbai

Sonic Mania was shit, too. Don't delude yourself~

Ghosts 'n Goblins is the only one you got right since it's a legitimate example of bullshit difficultly for all the wrong reasons. Every other series there, even Sonic despite how much people want to deny it, have had at least two or three genuinely good games. Here's a more accurate example:

Series that have never have a genuinely good game that doesn't involve playing the nostalgia card. Not one.

Nigga Spyro was lit. I can still hear that turbin wearing egg theif.

Now this is more like it. Though I think Final Fight 3 was actually pretty decent

If we woke up tomorrow and Reddit was saying that scat is a terrible fetish, Sup Forums would be full of anons unironically defending scat as a patrician's fetish and good taste for the simple fact that Reddit hates it. The same principle applies to any game that is loved outside of Sup Forums and vice versa. Why do you think the "Never listen to Sup Forums" meme gets thrown up every now and then?

>I hope /vr/ stays buttmad until the end of time

Of course they will be; look how badly they sperg out when you tell them that a game has aged poorly.

Everything about your post screams "Your opinion is shit, my opinion is objectively correct."

Mario, Banjo, Zelda, Pokemon, Metroid, Smash Bros

Holy fuck your retarded, the only two bad series in this are Splinter Cell and Fallout

spot on

Can we clarify Sonic the Hedgehog to just being the Adventure games?

NOW THIS i can get into

Sonic, Crash and Spyro were all fantastic during their time. You're a moron OP.

>Ghouls and Ghosts

Casual detected

>this is what $hillary voters actually believe

fuck off back to tumblr, on here we tell faggots to fuck off

>this is what $hillary voters actually believe
Why are you inserting politics where there are none

>liking final fight 3 over 1

1cc FF1 and then still tell me FF3 is better

how is banjo not there?


You forgot to ass mario.

sorry that there's actually SOME people who don't want to see their wives get FUCKED by a BLACK DICK?

>I have absolutely no taste at all and feel superior for it the post
What a sad individual.

Didn't play the rest

>used to like TES
>Skyrim comes around
>see mouth breathing retards like Harry Partridge shilling it
>furries and horrid people start to get into the fandom
>Skooma Wars : Online XDDD

Thus TES died.

Played the Classic Sonic games for the first time this year. They weren’t perfect gifts from god, but they were still pretty good.


That sounds unnecessary. You stopped liking something, because people you didn't feel positively about, started liking it?

Came here to see how many people took the spyro bait

Spyro 1-3 are the best platformer games, period

sure they werent good
but they were fun

you choose to opt out of having fun, because other people, who you have been told, you shouldnt associate with are having fun. when in fact, you could have fun alongside them and never cross paths.

Sonic Mania was proof that Sonic can be good, not that he was always good. Fans who love old Sonic and make a game are only going to put in the parts they enjoyed.

Try all you want, you're not helping Horizon win game of the year.

Star Fox

I played through the Spyro games for the first time last year and it still holds up really well.

There's just something about these old 3D platformers that is timeless.


they are talking about Spyro, not Mario 64, dumb ass

Mario and Zelda havent been good since the SNES

>unnessecary politics

>Jet Set Radio

Nigger I will fucking cut you I swear to Christ

So you're 12 right?

It still has incredible atmosphere and charm going on for it. Even at the time I remember that it was very divisive with people who criticized it for being boring and having terrible controls and others who managed to get past that and immersed themselves in the world.

Here's some you can add to the list

>Medal of Honor
>Call of Duty
>Banjo Kazooie
>Donkey Kong
>Star Fox
>Fire Emblem

Am I missing anything or is that too much bait for you OP?

>Top Tier
Crash Bandicoot
Cortex Strikes Back
Crash Team Racing

>Good Tier
Crash Nitro Kart
Huge Adventure (GBA)|
N-Tranced (GBA)

>Ok Tier

>Bad Tier
Wrath of Cortex
Purple: Rip[to's Rampage

>Trash Tier
Crash of the Titans
Mind over Mutant

>Ghouls n ghosts

I'm sorry that you're not good at video games

It's okay user, there are many games that don't require skill, you don't have to pretend an entire series is bad because of it

here's my take, probably incomplete but i gotta go rn

>uses shitty Spyro design for reaction face

you are a fake fan

Crash Bandicoot is bloody ass cancer

Literally every game ever. There is no such thing as a good video game. You just have to find the ones that suck the least.

wtf is wrong with you

All those faggots saying that fallout isnt good need to play 1 , 2 and new vegas

I only played the original trilogy less than 2 years ago so it's not nostalgia when I say I had a blast & wish there was another like it in that series. SThe same goes to Crash 2+3 (not 1) but to a lesser extent to me.

Haha, yeah they were always ba--
>Jet Set Radio

Fuck off OP. Get some taste

You should find better friends, then.

>jet set radio
>do you not understand?
>t h e c o n c e p t o f l o v e ?


both of those games are plagued by its shitty floaty controls

Finally people on this board who have good taste

mario's a nigger?

>Crash Bandicoot

i'm gonna go out on a limb and say the vast majority of people who like FROM now don't like them because they played king's field or armored core 1 or some shit as a child
